Monday, June 27, 2016

Taking Charge of My Hunger with Meta Appetite Control {#MetaAppetiteControl}

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This post was sponsored by Meta Appetite Control as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

In a previous lifetime of mine (meaning before I had children), I most likely would have considered myself fairly healthy. I ate well, drank plenty of water, exercised a bit... life just seemed to provide much more time to take care of myself.

Fast-forward quite a few years and I often cringe knowing that I'm not always making the best choices for my health. Sure, I would love to eat only the most nutritious foods and proper portions and cut out snacking, but let's be honest. I spend my days packing bags, chauffeuring from lessons to camps to appointments, refereeing pointless sibling arguments, and more.

Is it any wonder that, combined with my lack of willpower, I often find myself stuffing food into my mouth simply based on what is convenient? I know that I shouldn't, but my hunger takes over, the kitchen cupboards call my name, and, more often than not, it isn't long before the guilt sets in. Gah!

Therefore, if I find a product that can help me ward off temptations, take control over my never-ending hunger, and provide a boost in my energy and self-confidence, there's no doubt that I want to give it a try. It's time for Meta Appetite Control to help me take back my life!

Meta appetite control

Clinically proven to help users feel less hungry between meals (reducing appetite for up to four hours), Meta Appetite Control is the #1 doctor recommended fiber brand that contains 100% natural psyllium fiber. How it works is that with every serving that psyllium fiber in the powder thickens to form a gel, which aids in the sensation of fullness. More full = less eating, right?

And the result? Less hunger between meals and the ability to make it through the day without feelings of starvation or being famished that lead me to reach for far too many extra calories. I find that once I start snacking it's difficult to stop, so Meta Appetite Control would be just what I needed!

I was ready to head to Walgreens to find this great new product and put it to work helping me make better decisions for my overall well-being.

Walgreens Meta Appetite Control

Although I spent a little time searching in the diet section at Walgreens, it was only a few minutes later that I made my way over to the digestive wellness aisle and discovered a great little display of Meta products for a healthy lifestyle (and more on the shelf only a few feet away). As an added plus to bringing home Meta Appetite Control, I also received 5,000 Bonus Balance Rewards just for buying it!

Once home, it was time to see just how well I would be able to incorporate this new product into my life.

Meta Appetite Control

Easy peasy!

Without having to count calories or struggle through a strenuous workout schedule, Meta Appetite Control has already been a simple, straightforward addition to my wellness plan.

All that is required is to place two rounded teaspoons into an empty glass and mix briskly with eight or more ounces of water (I have found that a little more water lessens the Orange Zest flavor, but I actually like it at full strength!), and drink with a meal. While new users are encouraged to begin with only one serving daily before slowly increasing their intake, Meta Appetite Control can be taken up to three times each day.

Meta Appetite Control review

So far, so good! I'm looking forward to having Meta Appetite Control add some extra fiber to my life while helping me feel full longer each day. It's the perfect kick-start to getting myself back on track with losing weight and getting healthy!

Want to give Meta Appetite Control a try with me? It is available now at your local Walgreens, where you can save $5 on it by filling out the form below. Even better, the first 100 people to receive their $5 digital coupon will also receive a Meta Appetite Control product sample FREE*!

fill out this online form!

(*Influence Central will select and handle all product and coupon fulfillment.)

Find out more about Meta Appetite Control (which is available in Sugar-Free Orange Zest, Sugar-Free Pink Lemonade Quench and Unflavored Smoothie Enhancer) and all of the other innovative Meta products by heading over to Be sure to also connect with all things Walgreens at as well as on Facebook and Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the product! We eat more during the summer, since we're home all the time, so we need to make sure we stay on track too.
