Wednesday, December 21, 2016

See the World with edlee Bamboo and Wooden Polarized Sunglasses {Review}

edlee logo
When it comes to sunglasses, I always had two rules to live by.

One, unless I'm staring directly into the sun, I always remove my shades when I'm talking to someone and hope that everyone else does the same. I find it awkward and strange to be carrying on a conversation with a person and not be able to see their eyes. How do I know where to look?

Two, in the past I never found a pair that I really loved and, truthfully, was okay with that. Considering that it required me to put in my contact lenses in order to be able to use them (something that I was often lazy about), I wasn't going to spend any considerable amount of time or thought into finding a pair of sunglasses that I cared that much about.

But now things have changed.

I still abide by my first rule as much as possible, but as for the second? It's out the window. Due in part to first getting laser eye surgery and eagerly ditching my thick prescription as well as any and all eyeglasses and contacts. And second? I've been introduced to edlee.

edlee sunglasses

Created by an ex-mechanical engineer, the edlee brand represents far more than just another generic pair of sunglasses. Instead, their signature lightweight, stylish, and sustainable frames are constructed with the highest quality in mind and include features that easily take these shades to the next level.

As well as making their eyewear out of good-for-the-environment bamboo and wood, each of the 13 styles have flex hinges to ensure they fit any face shape and have polarized lenses to help reduce glare and lessen the harmful effects of UV light. The result is that these sunglasses slip on like a dream, provide wearers with a clear, crisp view, and manage to make you feel like you're relaxing on a sunny beach even when you're in fact just shading your eyes from the reflection off of the cold winter snow.

I have to admit that I was a bit hooked on edlee even before their sleek bamboo boxes arrived at my door!

edlee bamboo box

Although I was enamored with the look and convenience of the box itself, cracking it open and seeing edlee sunglasses waiting inside was just that much better.

First up, the Waves Series and their classic, simple design that appeals to just about anyone and everyone. Is there a way to go wrong with a pair that look this chic?

edlee waves

I have to admit that prior to edlee, I hadn't realized the difference that flexible hinges make on eyewear.

But these high quality hinges really do make it so that these easily adapt to your face — not to mention give the frames a feeling that they won't snap into pieces when you pull them open!

edlee flexible hinges

As much as I enjoyed wearing my Waves, Big Sister E was also quick to claim them for herself and wore them just about every moment that she wasn't in the water during our beach vacation!

edlee waves review

Fortunately, my eyes weren't left to fend for themselves, as the edlee 10Ks in an amazing shade of light grey have had them protected and happy right from the start.

edlee 10ks

With frames and temples made entirely of edlee's signature and sustainable bamboo, these sunglasses are the lightest that I have ever worn and I have loved being able to adorn them for long periods of time and barely remember that they are there (nor do they leave any sort of mark from weighing down on the bridge of my nose).

I also hadn't realized what a difference polarized lenses make in sunglasses, but edlee has changed that for me in these 10Ks. The view —of the ocean, of my children playing, while reading, and much more— is always free from glare and any sort of squint that I had been used to!

edlee 10k review

Added bonus? These frames are so light that if they fall into the water, they float! This unique quality was a main focus of the edlee brand when they first launched on Kickstarter and was a clear hit, as they raised $50,000 in a matter of five weeks and gained adoring fans by the thousands.

These days, edlee is back on Kickstarter to not only share their amazing eyewear with more of the world, but to promote their Shared Experiences campaign. This generous initiative allows backers to not only pick a pair of edlee sunglasses for themselves, but they are given the opportunity to send a pair to anyone they want, anywhere in the world at no added cost. The campaign launched November 10th, and they surpassed their funding goal within five hours!

edlee buy one share one

As much as I was excited to receive my own edlee sunglasses, having the chance to send a pair to a friend made them infinitely better! I loved knowing that the person I chose was going to be surprised to receive a bamboo box in the first place, but that she would then also get to share in the edlee experience with me! How very cool is that!

(Spoiler alert: she was thrilled and I felt even more awesome!)

As if edlee hadn't already included enough reasons for me to be completely impressed with their quality and the Buy One Share One campaign, they put things over the top by including their No Questions Asked and Lifetime Guarantee policies.

It's simple. Once you receive your edlees, simply register them online. If ever damaged, lost or stolen, they will send you a one-time-replacement pair of your exact sunglasses, no questions asked.

Now that is what I call flawless, unbeatable customer service. Who hasn't broken a pair of sunglasses in the bottom of their bag, left a pair behind when they were buried in the sand, or simply set them down to never see them again?

edlee review

If you're ready to see the world through a pair of edlee lenses with me, head over to their Buy One, Share One Kickstarter campaign to find out more and join in this special shared experiences initiative. It ends January 9th, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to not only treat yourself to an incredible pair of sunglasses (at a great discount), but a lucky person in your life as well!

You can also find out much more about edlee, their beach culture, and their full collection of high quality eyewear by visiting and connecting with them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Other than the sunglasses that I was provided by edlee in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion about these products and this company.


  1. These are really beautiful sunglasses and a nice pair to get for Spring and Summer! I will have to take a look at the site.

  2. I would like to try them out myself

  3. These are very nice sunglasses. I want a pair.

  4. Love your blog!!! Easy to follow & keeps you totally interested.

  5. I like that they're lightweight and made of bamboo.

    slehan at juno dot com

  6. Nice sunglasses. Just what I need. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I love these, I got my hubby a wood watch for Christmas. These would be perfect match.

  8. I really like the case they come in...I have a tendency to toss my sunglasses into my purse and they get crushed! I am definitely going to check these out! thanks for the in depth review!

  9. I love the idea of flexible hinges, especially on sunglasses which get a lot of use!

  10. Gorgeous shades. I've never seen these before and I'm really impressed. And your positive post makes me want to check further into this brand!

  11. I like the vivid review on a quality line of sunglasses that are made of natural materials.
