Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One eskimO in Concert {Review}

Last week I mentioned that the increasingly-popular band, One eskimO, was going to be streaming live from their concert in Milwaukee, WI for fans around the world to get to experience just how entertaining and fun a performance of theirs really is.

If you missed it, well, I guess I can't help you with that. Except to tell you to keep an eye on their website and Facebook page so as to not let that happen again. Because this is a show that is not to be missed.

My husband and I showed up early to the Majestic Theater and had plenty of time to check out the opening act and stake out good seats up in the balcony while we waited for One eskimO to come on. And when they took the stage (Madison loves One eskimO - this was their third visit in nine months), it marked a milestone as the first time they were the headlining act.

Being seated up above, we had a direct view of the white screen hanging down above the band and at first, I wondered why no one had thought to retract it. Then One eskimO came on and their name appeared.

I was still thinking having a screen there was a little odd... until the animation began.

To go along with their self-titled debut album, One eskimO created an animated film, "The Adventures of One Eskimo," and having it play along with their music was a real treat. Not that just watching the band play wouldn't have been enough, but the mixture of the lightheartedness and the deep, mixed meanings behind the crisp, clean animation went beautifully with their warm, entertaining music and lyrics.

Check out this video for a shortened version of their animation set to their hit song, Kandi

Playing all of the tracks from their album, One eskimO came across as friendly, down-to-earth and all-around great guys. Fans were easily able to dance and sing along and I felt like the whole concert flew by from having been lost in the music and animation. I already liked their songs beforehand, but after having seen the concert, I'm an even bigger fan. How can I not start tapping my toes as soon as I hear the opening chords and lyrics to Kandi?

You have been my queen for longer than you know
My love for you has been
Every step I take, Every day I live, Everything I've seen

If One eskimO is touring near you, don't miss them! Their sound is wonderfully addictive and it's easy to see why they have so many devoted fans. Their concerts, as well as their album, are definite crowd-pleasers!

(Other than the One eskimO concert tickets I was provided by One2One Network, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion on this band, their music and the great experience their live shows provide.)


  1. yes I got to participate in yours as well thanks we shall see each other friday ;)

  2. Following from Welcome Wednesday
