Saturday, September 11, 2010

BedVoyage Bamboo Blanket {Review}

Sleep is serious business around here.

When it's my mornings to sleep in while my husband gets up with the kids, he knows that it is of the utmost importance that they make it downstairs without waking Mommy up... because Mommy is not a fan of being woken up.

Considering the amount of hours of our life we spent sleeping (on average around 200,000!) doesn't it make sense to not just treat sleep as this thing that we do... but more as a blissful experience that we can have? That's definitely what BedVoyage believes and, having had the opportunity to snuggle and sleep with their Bamboo Blanket, I wholeheartedly agree.

With the utmost softness and comfort in mind, BedVoyage offers on the most luxurious sheets, duvet covers and blankets around. How? By using one of the most talked about, natural, sustainable, environmentally-friendly fibers on the planet: bamboo. Because they include 100% viscose from bamboo in the highest thread count possible (300), running your hand on BedVoyage products feels like 1,000 thread count cotton.

Yes, it really is that soft.

As I reached into the package to remove the BedVoyage Bamboo Blanket, I immediately could feel the difference in just how luxurious it felt. With just the right amount of silky smoothness, this blanket somehow manages to feel delicate yet durable at the same time.

Measuring 40" wide by 70" long, the size of this blanket was immediately calling out to be wrapped around my shoulders. Ahhhhhh. I had about three minutes to enjoy the lavish feel and marvel at how the thermal regulating aspect of bamboo can somehow keep you warm but not too hot before my daughters were clamoring to try it for themselves.

But taking turns wrapping up and giving each other hugs wasn't the only fun the BedVoyage Bamboo Blanket brought to Big Sister E and Little Sister B. As it is just the right size for a child's bed, the girls had to give this a a test run for when they both climb into Big Sister E's bed to snuggle and giggle together.

Needless to say, they love this blanket as much as I do. Granted, they don't care about the fact that the gorgeous bamboo is naturally anti-bacterial, hypo-allergenic, anti-mite, moisture wicking and odor resistant, they just know it feels really darn nice.

With the temperatures having dropped down to show fall truly is coming, this Bamboo Blanket has been the perfect thing to grab for a lightweight, comfortable bit of warmth. The soft sage green color and personal size makes this great for any room in our house and will be great for travel by car or plane - I'm heading on a flight next month and already have plans to bring this blanket along for comfortable in-flight snoozing.

Plus, as the 100% bamboo linen can easily be washed (just toss it in a lingerie bag on gentle and dry on low) and still come out looking beautiful, this blanket works for pretty much any age and would be a wonderful gift. For $39, this could be a wedding present that would actually get used, a better alternative than flowers for a good friend or a holiday gift for just about anyone.

And once you've fallen in love with the Bamboo Blanket, it's not hard to want to try out the rest of BedVoyage's great collection of luxurious linens. Their Sheets Sets and Duvet Covers can provide traditional elegance or, for something really innovative, the Unique Sheet Sets give new meaning to making the bed by attaching the top and fitted sheets together at the foot of the bed. For someone who does a poor job at regularly making the bed, I love that idea!

For now, however, I'm looking forward to having the BedVoyage Bamboo Blanket around as fall and winter descend on us once again. The only problem I can foresee with having it is finding some time to myself to stay wrapped up in it.

(Other than the Bamboo Blanket that I was provided by BedVoyage, I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product and its silky soft benefits and was made possible due to my membership at The Product Review Place.)


Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't know anything like this exisited! We love bamboo around this house and have been looking for a new bed blanket. Seriously, this looks luxurious!

VickieB said...

The blanket sounds great, but it'll be quite a while before I need another one of them.

Can't afford new sheets for a while, even though I could use them, I'd love to give bamboo sheets a try.

Our Funny Little Family said...

Those pictures are so cute! Newest Follower from the SSS blog hop! :) We'd love it if you'd follow us back!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

I've decided to follow your blog for 2 reasons. Those adorable faces...
You have a great blog. Found you on Fun Follow Friday

Robyn said...

Ooh, wish this was a giveaway! It looks so cozy, and you can never have too many soft blankies around!

Mandee said...

Oh this sounds great! :)

Mandee said...

Oh this sounds great! :)

Anonymous said...

This blanket looks amazing. My grandma actually has a sheet set that's together like that. It's a great idea, but a pain to fold! I've been looking into bamboo bedding for quite sometime now, and with the temps getting into the 40's at night now, I need something warm!

casey aubut said...

This blanket sounds amazing! I have never heard of this company- thanks so much for reviewing this! I am off to check it out!
(Super cute pics by the way! )

Emily @ Baby Dickey said...

Mmmm, perfect post for the Fall, I love getting all cozy in blankets! Thanks for the post, I had never heard of this company... will definitely check them out! Christmas presents?!

Pinching Abe said...

We fight over blankets... I want them all! Hubby gets too hot. This might be a good solution... he can have a light weight blanket and I'll steal the comforter! Seriously, this blanket looks really soft and cuddly and I find more and more that I'm looking for organic things made from nature without too many chemicals and such used to produce them.

EmmysBoosAndRawrs said...

I love bamboo clothing - I'm sure the blankets are amazing!!