Monday, February 28, 2011

Nutrisystem {Week 9}

Nutrisystem It has already been nine weeks on Nutrisystem? Really?

As much as I have been enjoying the program for more than two months now, I haven't missed all of the talk in the media discussing the pros and cons of the program and its competitors. And it is a good question - with all of the various weight loss plans out there, how are you going to know which one is for you?

For me, I haven't personally tried many of the other big-name programs because I'm not into going to weekly meetings (when the heck would I do that?), counting calories or converting every morsel I eat into some point system, having to replace meals with shakes (okay, I have tried that. I was starving so I ended up eating while also drinking the shakes... which didn't help anything) or, most importantly, shelling out a small fortune to join.

Just take a look at the Nutrisystem vs Jenny Craig Cost Comparison, the difference is huge!
On top of the price, I know that my main weakness is my lack of will-power and that, when left to my own devices, I eat far-too-large portions of foods that might not be the most healthy choices. So by having a clear plan to follow and the food pretty much ready and waiting, it is no wonder that my Nutrisystem journey has been going as well as it has!

However, that doesn't mean that I'm not continually surprised (and pleased!) when I step on the scale. This morning was no exception when I saw...

Nutrisystem NationStarting weight: Too much
Week 1: -3.0 lbs
Week 2: -3.0 lbs
Week 3: -1.0 lbs
Week 4: -1.4 lbs
Week 5: -1.0 lbs
Week 6: -0.8 lbs
Week 7: -0.8 lbs
Week 8: -1.4 lbs
Week 9: -1.0 lbs

Total loss: 13.4 lbs

Of course I was a little bit spoiled last week having lost more than a pound, but I'll still take it! Particularly because my awesome friend who made far too many yummy foods for Valentine's Day had us over for dinner last night and made an extremely tasty dinner and dessert that I couldn't help but enjoy.

But another pound gone is another pound gone and when I think that it was only nine weeks ago that the 13.4 pounds were still on my body... well, how can I not be thrilled? Remember, if you would like to see how you can lose weight and get healthy with me, visit Nutrisystem today or call 888-853-4689!

Want to hear how other awesome bloggers are doing? Head over and visit with Heather at Living on Love and Cents, Sara at "Deal"icious Mom, Heather at Our Kids Mom, Melissa at Sippy Cup Mom, Brett at Mama Loves Her Bargains and Kari at Shining 2 Save and cheer them on as well!

As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me to review. However, all thoughts, opinions and results expressed are completely and honestly mine; your experience or feelings may differ.


  1. I had no idea Jenny Craig was priced so outlandishly!

    You just keep on losing, don't you? You rock!

  2. Woo you! Congratz Xenia. I know you are working hard and it is paying off!

  3. Wow Jenny Craig is crazy! Congrats on your weight loss, keep going girl!

  4. Hey! I am joining the NSNation this week! I am so excited! You have been doing so well- and I hope I can do as well as you! :)
    I would love to stay in contact and help each other out! :)
    Good luck to both of us!
    Cassandra @
