Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friendly Friday: March 11th

Welcome to Friendly Friday!

Remember, YOU can host the link list on your blog, too! Just get the InLinkz code and copy it directly into your post. The code is different every week, so be sure to get the new code when hosting Friendly Friday on your blog. Hosting the list is a great way to get even more traffic to your blog and make Friendly Friday more beneficial for everyone.

Thanks for joining the Friendly Friday celebration hosted by Xenia at Thanks, Mail Carrier, Christi at Frugal Novice and Charla at Healthy Home Blog! We invite you to join us every Friday to make more friends in blogville, get more blog followers and follow other great blogs out there.

To join in the Friendly Friday celebration, include your family-friendly link in our list, follow the hostesses in the first 3 spots and then start blog hopping! Visit other blogs on the list and comment to give them some blog love. Then take a minute to follow them through Google Friend Connect - this is a good way to keep up with other blogs, but also lets us show support to each other! Please DO NOT list your giveaways here, links must be to either your homepage or your Friday posting with your blog title. All others will be deleted.

When people comment on your blog and let you know they're a part of Friendly Friday, return the favor and follow them back. This way everyone gets traffic and followers out of participating, and it's a win-win situation. We would love for you to also grab our Friendly Friday button and post it on your blog and/or in a post - the more bloggers that find out about Friendly Friday and participate, the better!

Spotlight on Friendly Friday Followers!

We love your participation and want to show it! In addition to gaining followers, each week we'll select three blogs at random and will feature links and a write-up for those blogs in the content of next week's Friendly Friday post. There are so many seriously wonderful blogs out there, and this will be a great way to highlight some of those each week. Say hello to the lucky chosen 3 for this week (and feel free to stop by and give them a little extra love):

Something that every woman needs is a little inspiration - which is exactly what you'll find at Praises of a Wife and Mommy. A place to follow along with April's journeys as a Christian, wife, mother, volunteer, coupon-clipper, and deal finder, you'll find everything from reasons to be thankful to how to find a great bargain. Come say hello and don't forget to congratulate her on her upcoming baby boy!

Are you hungry? If not, you sure will be after you see what Denise at Creative Kitchen has cooking! With a passion for using wholesome, real foods while she cooks meals from scratch for her husband and 3 girls, you'll find a huge list of delicious recipes (including mouth-watering pictures) that you're going to want to run out and try. Hint: start with the flourless chocolate cake - YUM!

A 23-year-old college student mama, Shakeeta at Life with B & Baby M will make you smile with each of her posts, whether about her dream to be a doula or her steps in working towards greener living. Together with her husband, they have a gorgeous 1-year-old diva of a daughter that is the light of their lives. Now is a great time to stop by, as Shakeeta is finishing up a 30 Days of Me series where you can really get to know this fun mom!

Now that you know about these 3 wonderful blogs, it's time for you to join in! Add your family-friendly link below and we'll see you back here every Friday! And don't forget, you can get the InLinkz code to share the link list on your blog, too.

All three hostesses appreciate followers through Google Friend Connect AND Twitter and we'll follow you back - just leave a comment with your URL and/or Twitter username. Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Thank you for hosting! I am following you all. Have a great Weekend!

    Mary/Sweeping Me

  2. Thanks for hosting. I've added your blog hop button to my Blog Hop page!

    Would love it if you could stop by and say hello when you get the chance.

    Becca's Perspective

  3. Thanks for featuring Creative Kitchen on your hop this week!! It's so exciting!! I hope to get to know a lot more bloggers through the Friendly Friday Blog hop!

    I'd love a follow on Twitter

    Thanks SO much!!!

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  4. Thanks for hosting the party
    Hope you like to pay a visit to my new spring arrangement saved in a cloche

  5. Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend! :)

    Aloha: Weather

  6. Thanx for hosting the blog hop. I started one of my own... hopefully it gets a lot of love like yours is. I added your button to my blog hop tab and now am a new follower :)

  7. Thanks for the Friendly Friday. This is great. I am following you, won't you follow me back :) @

    Thanks again.

  8. Hi there,

    Came by to ask if you would be interested in guest hosting the I Love My Online Friends Monday Hop with me tomorrow? I see you link up every week, and I wanted to give my regular visitors a chance to guest host at some time.

    Please let me know as soon as you can if you are interested in guest hosting. Contact me at

    Tami Marie

  9. Blog hopping! I'm your new follower and would love a follow back! Thanks!
