Saturday, March 19, 2011


If you didn't take advantage of the great magazine subscription deals from Tanga, there's still time! Disney Family Fun for only $2.99 and Family Circle or Elle for only $3.99... doesn't get much cheaper than that!

The lucky winner of a $100 Target gift card from Tanga is...

Congratulations, A.C. Cabrera!

The lucky winner of a $50 gift certificate to NOVICA is...

Congratulations, ruslady!

The lucky winner of a $25 gift certificate to The Popcorn Factory is...

Congratulations, debbie!

The lucky winner of a Turbie Twist super absorbent hair towel is...

Congratulations, Shawna!

The lucky winner of Timmy Time: Timmy Steals the Show on DVD is...

Congratulations, Jenette!

The lucky winner of their choice of Lilla Rose Flexi Clip is...

Congratulations, Elle!

The lucky winner of a $15 gift certificate to Blushing Dove Etsy shop is...

Congratulations, Miranda!

The lucky winner of their choice of innovative baby product from Snazzy Baby is...

Congratulations, monorox!

The lucky winner of a pair of Handmade Strawberry Slice Earrings from fair ivy is...

Congratulations, jayedee!

Thank you to everyone who entered these fun giveaways! Have a great weekend!


  1. Thank you, we will enjoy the popcorn. Congrats to the other winners,too.

  2. Congrats to all your winners! You always have awesome giveaways!

  3. Wow congrats to all the winners, here to return some of the love you gave me from the Monday blog hop.

    Lisa xx
