Monday, April 4, 2011

Celebrating Mom {Mother's Day Gift Guide 2011}

There are a lot of great holidays throughout the year, aren't there? Valentine's Day is great for showing your love, kids enjoy the fun and excitement of Halloween, and the holiday season is just an overall end-of-the-year blast for everyone.

But one holiday that is very, very important? The one that celebrates the most important woman in all of our lives: Mom.

Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday in May, meaning this May 8th Moms should be treated a little more special than the other 364 days in 2011 (although really, it's in my opinion that moms should be on a pedestal every single day... but I guess I might be just slightly biased).

So, as well as treating Mom with a little extra kindness, love and respect, what is the most common way to show her that you care? With a great gift, of course!

And this year things you won't have to look any further than right here to find out exactly what that is.

After having teamed up with Jenna at A Mom's Balancing Act to put together our large and extremely successful Holiday Gift Guide last year, I couldn't have been happier that she wanted to work together again to throw a bash in honor of moms everywhere.

After all, as well as being one of my most favorite bloggers, there is no way to visit Jenna's blog and not see just what a dedicated and amazing mother she is to her two adorable children. That combination alone makes her the perfect person to co-host an event titled Celebrating Mom!

So, starting April 11th, you're going to want to make sure to return here and to A Mom's Balancing Act for a few weeks of reviews and giveaways of everything that Mom could want to make her life easier, relaxing, efficient, beautiful and more. There's something for everyone and you're not going to want to miss it!

We're excited about the great items and wonderful companies that we have lined up to show you and have no doubt that you will be, too. Are you ready to start celebrating with us? Grab that cute button from up above and then sit back and wait for the fun to begin. We're Celebrating Mom and we want you to join us!


  1. This is wonderful! I need to go check it out! New follower from the hop! It would make my day if you would come and say hello sometime. :)

  2. I added the button.
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  3. I've got the button! Can't wait!

  4. grabbed button
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  5. Now that I have a child I realize how important it is to show my mom I care on Mother's Day. I so look forward to this guide! You and Jenna never disappoint with the coolest stuff. :)
