Friday, August 12, 2011

Back To School Blog Event {Starts Monday!}

This fall marks a major milestone in our house in that both Big Sister E and Little Sister B will be heading off to preschool. Big Sister E will begin the 4K program, which is every weekday morning, and Little Sister B will be attending with the other cute little 2-to-3-year-olds on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

The two of them are over-the-top excited for school to start and, even though there are a few more weeks left, I have already been fielding questions left and right about How many days are left? Huh? How many? and I can't wait until I see my classroom! Do you remember my classroom, Mommy? Do you? and much more.

So what better way to celebrate than with a week of Back To School reviews and giveaways right here?

This year I've teamed up with some amazing bloggers to put together a short and sweet blog event containing some of your favorite brands for adults and children of all ages!

Back to School EventRunning Monday, August 15th through Friday, August 19th, you'll find everything you need to know about companies, brands, and products for back to school and hopefully win a little something fun in the process.

The lovely ladies participating are...

mom bloggers...Cathi from Planes, Trains & Taxi Cabs, Debra from A Frugal Friend, Kailani from An Island Life, and me, of course!

Whether it is your child's first year of school, you have one headed off to college, or you just want to come participate for fun, you'll want to make sure to visit all four blogs next week so that you don't miss out. Besides, you'll get extra entries into the giveaways for visiting all of the blogs, so that's even more reason to make sure to stop by!

So that you can save yourself time next week when you're entering to win some great giveaways, now is a great time to connect with each of the blogs so that you're prepared:

Like A Frugal Friend on Facebook
Like An Island Life on Facebook
Like Planes, Trains & Taxi Cabs on Facebook
Like Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook (although I know that you already do, right?)

Follow A Frugal Friend on Twitter
Follow Kailani/An Island Life on Twitter
Follow Cathi/Planes, Trains & Taxi Cabs on Twitter
Follow Thanks, Mail Carrier on Twitter (although again, I'm sure that you already do!)

And what would an event be without a cute button? Put this fun one up and you just might find yourself with yet another extra entry...

So, stay tuned and we'll see you on Monday! You won’t want to miss it!


  1. I am ready. Following everyone that I wasn't already. Oh and can I have an extra entry? I shared about this on my blog. Can you say I am excited about it.

  2. Stopping in from "Friendly Friday" I'm your newest follower, come follow me back and have some fun!

  3. Exciting! I'm a GFC follower of yours...would love for you to follow back :)

  4. Hi new GFC follower. Found you through a blog hop, and I am so glad I did.

    This looks like a great giveaway!


  5. I'm ready! I'm following everyone and have the button on my blog. Can't wait!
