Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The sound of the waves is all I want to hear.

For a good portion of the year, I'm not a huge fan of my husband's job. He works too hard for too many hours and often has to travel, even if just for a few days at a time.

After grumbling about it (both to him and in my head), there's not much more that I can do except move on... and focus on the positives.

The main one? A little something known as an awesome sabbatical program that they run in which they send their hard-working employees (and their families) on a vacation every now and again. What better way to reward than by sending someone off for some R & R, right?

We've been to the Cayman Islands and Aruba and last year we had a wonderful time in the Bahamas and at Disney World. Although we had originally been focusing on Costa Rica for this trip, we ended up deciding to save that for the future. With all of the adventures and things to do there, we're going to hold off until the girls are a little older and can partake in more of the fun.


We're taking the all-inclusive route this trip and heading back down the Caribbean for the sand and sun that just can't be beat. This time there will be more than enough for the kids to do, as the cast of one of their favorite shows will be there to provide a great deal of entertainment:

As for me? I have plans.

Big plans.

They involve spending a great deal of time somewhere like this:

The breeze in the trees, the sun shining down, my toes in the sand and the sound of waves in the background.

It's vacation time, so hold down the fort for me around here, okay? Be back later!


  1. Oh how I wish I was in your shoes right now! Have a wonderful time, my friend. And STAY AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER! :-D

  2. We are heading to Sarasota FL for Christmas and I hope to spend a lot of time on the beach myself.

  3. I'm so excited for you! Enjoy your vacation!

  4. What does your husband do for a job? That must be hard, but I am so excited for you to be able to go those lovely places! :)

  5. Have fun mama I'm jealous!

  6. Just saw this, so cool! We get a carnival every year from my husband's job - I think I'd take a vacation!
