Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kiddie Academy Franchising: League City, Texas

After having been introduced to Kiddie Academy recently and learning about their educationally focused daycare and the work that they put in to providing only the highest quality care for the children that attend, I couldn't help but be impressed. Who doesn't want the very best care for their offspring?

At the same time, I found the franchising opportunities with Kiddie Academy intriguing. What a great concept for folks that not only want to know their son or daughter's childcare location and staff inside and out, but make it their business as well! After highlighting the successful franchise in Bradenton, Florida, I wanted to hear about more people that had turned Kiddie Academy into a part of their lives. They are...

Kiddie Academy franchising

Cory and Summer Bullock opened their Kiddie Academy franchise, located at 2010 East League City Parkway in League City, Texas, on August 18, 2008, at ages 27 and 24.

The Bullocks have achieved tremendous success, and as the youngest franchisees in the system, it proves that age is no barrier when owning a Kiddie Academy franchise. They have reaped the rewards of owning a business and watching children grow in front of them.

Background: With his commitment to the Navy coming to an end, Cory Bullock and his wife, Summer, began looking at opportunities to start their own business. During their search, they researched various franchise industries, including tanning and food, before settling on child care. After about six months of looking, they came across Kiddie Academy through an Internet search and inquired for more information.

Shortly after, they came to Kiddie Academy’s headquarters to meet with the corporate staff. Unlike other franchise companies who closed doors in their faces due to their young age, Kiddie Academy opened their doors to Cory and Summer with warm, welcoming attitudes. They knew then that they had made the right choice with a company that could bring their passion for children and dream of being business owners together.

Goals: The Bullock's main goal since day one has been to operate a successful, well-run business that provides parents and children with the best care possible. They aim to do so by upholding the Kiddie Academy brand image, as well as their personal image within the community. Looking down the road, Cory and Summer continue to work on expanding their current academy with the possibility of opening another location in the future.

Challenges: When opening their Kiddie Academy location, Cory and Summer were faced with the challenge of building brand awareness and establishing themselves in their local community. However, the Bullocks accepted the challenge head-on and relished the idea of starting a business that was new to the area. They were determined to set themselves apart from their competitors by promoting the fact that their location was not a typical "day care."

Results: Despite the fact that they were new to their community and surrounded by competitors, the Bullocks have achieved monumental success - both from a business and personal standpoint. They have consistently maintained high enrollment numbers, created a well recognized and respected brand presence in their community and formed many solid relationships with the families they serve.

Cory and Summer have had the pleasure of seeing the results of their hard work in the many children they serve. They have seen the quality of the product first-hand with the children's advancements and accomplishments.

Stay tuned for future posts on more franchisees to see how Kiddie Academy has changes their lives as well! To find out more and see if this opportunity might be right for you, visit the Kiddie Academy Franchise website.

I am partnering with Kiddie Academy Franchising to write a series of posts, however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are honest and my own.


  1. I found this to be an interesting post. If I were looking to start my own business, I think I would check into this.

  2. this sounds like great business to start . everyone needs this. If i had the money i would look into this seriously.
