Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mederma Advanced Scar Gel {Review & Giveaway - 5 winners!}

While every mother wants to look at her children and think that they are near-perfect, I find myself fretting over the knowledge that both of my girls have unnecessary flaws.

Unfortunately, Big Sister E had to have surgery at four months old to fix an issue that the doctors caught with her kidney (it all turned out great), resulting in a 2-inch scar on her lower back. As for Little Sister B, I love that she's a fearless daredevil, but not when it ends up with she and I at Urgent Care on a Saturday night because she split her chin on the bathroom sink. Her result? Also a scar, albeit much smaller, but in a more noticeable location.

I have no worries about either scar affecting my daughters' self-esteem or future endeavors, but, being their mom, of course I want to do all that I can to minimize the mark on each of them in an effort to erase it as much as possible.

Which is why I was more than interested to hear about the latest product from the #1 doctor- and pharmacist-recommended brand for scars, Mederma, and put their Mederma Advanced Scar Gel right to the test.

Mederma Advanced Scar Gel

There are multiple products on the market that claim to reduce the appearance of scars but most require multiple applications per day, making them difficult to remember or fit into your busy lifestyle. Instead, Mederma, the leader in scar management for more than a decade, recognized that scar therapy isn't always convenient – until now.

New Mederma Advanced Scar Gel is the first and only topical scar gel clinically shown to improve the appearance of scars with just one application daily. The innovative formula helps to improve the color and texture of old and new scars, while softening, smoothing and reducing their overall appearance.

Combining the fact that Mederma's products are known to work on a wide variety of scars (e.g. from cuts, surgery, acne or burns) with the idea that this Advanced Scar Gel can have results in just eight weeks with only one application daily led to us pulling out this small tube to get started immediately!

Mederma Advanced Scar Gel review

Taking a peek at the clear gel inside, I was happy to find that it had a very light, flowery scent and that it felt clean and non-sticky on my finger.

Mederma Scar Gel

But could it lessen the appearance of my girls' scars? We were ready to take the eight week challenge and see for ourselves.

So, day after day, we took a total of about one minute to rub a small application of Advanced Scar Gel on Little Sister B's chin and on Big Sister E's back, thoroughly coating each area and letting it dry. They were more than happy to help remind my husband and I in case we forgot and each of them seemed just as eager to see what two months would bring.

When it finally came time to compare the Before and After photos, we found that there was definitely a difference with Little Sister B and how much less noticeable the scar on her chin was:

Mederma Before photoMederma after photo

I'm absolutely thrilled seeing that her scar is much lighter and that although it hasn't been completely erased, it is much less prominent, defined and apparent. I'm extremely happy about the difference!

With Big Sister E, there wasn't as much of a huge change, which is what I had expected. After all, her scar is five years old and is from a complete cut into and through her skin. Mederma does recommend using their Advanced Scar Gel once daily for eight weeks for new scars and 3-6 months on existing scars, so hopefully after a longer period of time we will see more of an impact.

Mederma scar gel beforeMederma scar gel after

We are continuing to apply Mederma Advanced Scar Gel to both girls and look forward seeing even more results as time passes. Although I can't yet vouch for a major improvement on long-term scars, I wholeheartedly recommend this gel for new scars and will be sure to use it on any future marks that my family receives.

Mederma Advanced Scar Gel is available now in two sizes: a 0.7 oz tube which retails for around $20 and a 1.76 oz tube which sells for around $32. Look for them in the first aid aisle of drug stores and mass merchandisers nationwide, as well as online retailers like and Also be sure to print off a coupon from Mederma before you head to the store!

The perfect addition to this magical gel? Mederma's Advanced Confidence Survival Kit, which allows me to know that I'm prepared anywhere and everywhere to always be looking my best. With everything you need (e.g. safety pins, a sewing kit, a mirror and more) to solve beauty mishaps of all kinds, this is one kit to keep with you when you're out... not worrying about your scar, thanks to Mederma!

Advanced Confidence Survival Kit

If you or a member of your family has a scar and you'd like to reduce its appearance, Mederma Advanced Scar Gel is the product for you. Anyone can fit a single application into their busy schedule and the results speak for themselves and will have you feeling good in no time.

Thanks to the generosity of Mederma, five people will soon be on their way to seeing why doctors, pharmacists and I fully recommend this gel as well, because...

Five lucky people will win (1) tube of Mederma Advanced Scar Gel... and one lucky person will also receive an Advanced Confidence Survival Kit along with it!

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below - if you don't see the form, click here! If you have any problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Mederma for providing an Advanced Confidence Survival Kit and two tubes of Mederma Advanced Scar Gel for me to review as well as prizes for five lucky giveaway winners. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. My youngest daughter (20 months old) has had 7 surgeries, and while they're healing up nicely, I'd love to have some of this on hand for her!

  2. My mother recently had heart surgery.
    My father recently had skin cancer surgery on his head. I have a scar from having a precancerous lesion removed.My 10 month old niece has had 4 heart surgeries.

  3. I would love to have this for my c-section scar.

    coolwhip715 at hotmail dot com

  4. I have so many from growing up as a Tomboy with 2 older brothers and my daughter has one on her bottom from tripping in the bathroom and landing rear-first on the edge of the scale. It cut her right open!

  5. I have a TON of scars I could use this on. I got a leg infection after a hiking trip and it left a pretty nasty scar.

    jek9880 at gmail dot com

  6. I would love to have this to use for scars I have.
    amber04 at live dot com

  7. I do! I have a habit of burning myself on the oven and as such have horrendous scars on my hands.

  8. I have some ugly ones. :) One is in the exact same spot on the chin your younger daughter has. Mine is 28 years old though. :)
    Thank you for the giveaway.

  9. I could use it, I have some ugly chicken pock scars and I have scars from being a daredevil growing up

  10. I have had some surgeries and would use it for my scars.
    Jennifer( at)

  11. I can use it for my big old fashioned gall bladder scar
    amhengst at verizon dot net

  12. I really need this for myself. I am scarred literally head to toe from being almost murdered. I need something to remove the scars caused by the weapon and the surgeries. Nothing has worked. I would love to try this.

  13. I have little scars all over my arms, burns, scratches,etc

  14. Me! I have a fresh burn I worry will scar.

  15. I REALLY need Mederma Advanced Scar Gel because I had a knee replaced last year and I have a terrible scar and nothing so far has helped.

  16. Me! I scar ridiculously easy and have a variety of scars all over my body!

  17. This stuff is great. The cat got me once on the face from my nose to my lip. It was really a deep one. I was concerned it would never heal. It kind of looked like I had cleft palate surgery.

    Anyway, Mederma helped and you can't see it at all now.

    I would love to win this for anyone in our house to use.

  18. i think every one in my home could use this please enter me in thanks

  19. I have some surgery scars I'd like to get rid of!

  20. Between acne scars and scars from scratches from yard work- i could use it. I never did heal very well.

  21. I need it, as do several friends (one of whom has 2 broken wrists!)

  22. I actually need it. I have a scar on my chin and my hand.

  23. My 6 year old grandson has a couple of scars on his otherwise flawless face that I'd like to try Maderma on.

  24. I need it!
    rebatink at gmail dot com

  25. My 13 year old grand son cut his finger and needed stitches. There will be a scar but with this gel, hopefully it will decrease the size.

    clenna at aol dot com

  26. twitted this today, for myself

  27. My oldest daughter needs this scar gel.


  28. I burned my hand on some oil and it left a scar.

    I would love to try this product to see if it will make the scar fade.

    Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline

  29. Would be for myself. I have a little scar in my cheek

  30. I have a cut on my leg that I'd love to use this for. Thanks!

    romapup at gmail dot com

  31. Would use it for my son who has had multiple surgeries

  32. I would use this on my daughter who has an older scar on her forhead and on myself who just has several for different reasons --have used the regular formula in the past with good results so would be nice with the advanced to only have to use once daily

  33. ME! I've had a few surgeries and tend to scar pretty hardcore! So I'm always on the lookout for products like this!

  34. I would love to try this on a scar I have on my arm!
    Thanks so much,
    lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

  35. I have some scars that I hate so I'd love a tube of this!

  36. No one in my household needs it, but I could use it on my c-section scar lol.

  37. I do! I have a 6 inch long scar on my right forearm after surgery about 10 years ago that I would love to have look better!

  38. Playing roller derby has resulted in a couple injuries and lead to scars that I would love to see go away!

  39. I have quite a bit of acne scarring and hyper pigmentation covering both of my cheeks.

  40. This 63-year-old body has its share of scars that I'd like to use this on.
    Thanks for the contest.

  41. I am getting ready to have surgery so I will need it!
    Thanks so much! Janna Johnson janna@feedyourpig on gfc

  42. I need it. For my c-section scar.

  43. I need it really bad. I had a Laboscropy to take my gallbladder out in September. I have three scars from that then last week I had appendix surgery and Ill have a big scar from that. I also have 3 scars on my arm from where I had spider bites cut open.

  44. I could use this for myself for a couple of scars that I have :)

    ktgonyea at

  45. i have one scar i could really use this for@

  46. I have scars on my hand from a dogbite - would love to try it myself
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  47. I would use it because I have quite a few scars.

  48. I had 2 major back surgeries and I have a huge zipper scar down my spine that I'd like to diminish. Thanks.

  49. My son for a scar on his forehead

  50. My daughter could use the Mederma Advanced Scar products, she plays hard:) Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. I could use it for myself, but my son could too!

  52. I scar easily and a lot - basically every scratch turns into a scar. I'd love to use this on a scar on my face and others on my hands and arms!

  53. I fell and broke my arm in two places this morning. I will be having surgery this week. I certainly will need it.

  54. Oh goodness, we ALL need it! I have the world's most accident prone family!

  55. I need this for myself as I've recently had surgery and currently have a large scar.

  56. I could use it on a scar on my is still red. and this coudl help.

  57. me! i have tons of scars. my husband could also use it. he had leg surgery, on three different places
    caseyeve_003 at yahoo dot com

  58. my son has alot of scars, this could help alot!

    christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

  59. I would love this for myself, thanks!

  60. I need it to hopefully help with a surgery scar!!!

  61. i will be honest i need it for my self when i was ten years old i was brutallay attacked by my aunts dog it ripped half my face off and left a pretty nast scare i have tried all diffrent kinds of creams ointments and gels to make it fade and nothing so far has worked

  62. My stepdad needs mederma.

    Dancehottie1621 at aol dot com

  63. I would use this for a couple of scars I have on my arms.

  64. i would love to try this with my daughter thanks crystal allen

  65. I need the Mederma Advanced Scar Gel! Thanks to an emergency surgery a few years ago I now have a very ugly and noticeable scar I would like to see shrink!

  66. The hubby and I both need it. I have a lot of stretch marks. Hubby has a burn scar that looks terrible.

  67. My mother and I from past surgeries

  68. I have 3 granddaughters that are as clumsy as I am. Poor girls. Teresa Thompson

  69. I could use it for myself for an appendectomy scar

  70. I could use for myself
    jlouisesmith at yahoo dot com

  71. My husband does a lot of rock climbing, so he can really use this.

  72. I have a scar on my nose from skin cancer surgery and I've thought about using Mederma on it, but it's kind of pricey so I'd love to win this for myself!

  73. My little girl has a scar on her cheek we would love to try this on.

  74. I do! I had my thyroid removed so I have a big scar on my neck.

  75. my daughter has a fairly bad scar on her ankle where a screen door gouged it & my son has scars all over his face from when he got a lot of bug bites when he was 2years old & would try to pick off the bites :(

  76. I need it. I was badly burnt on my feet and would love this

  77. I could use this on my scar that I got when my youngest baby at 2 weeks old kicked open my tubal incision.. it looks horrible

  78. Me! About 4.5 weeks before I gave birth (about 5 weeks ago), I was shirtless and removed a pan from the oven and burned my belly :o Yes, the burn is big. No, I don't like it.

  79. My husband and I both have a few scars that could use help. My son has 2 scars right on his chin
    Are there people out there with truly perfect unblemished bodies? Even the superstars look so great courtesy of airbrushing

  80. I need it the most. I've had 6 foot surgeries with 7 scares. Feet are ugly the way it it. lol

  81. Both my husband and I need it, he was burned pretty bad by grease and has scars all over his arms amoung scars from other accidents and I have had a knee surgry I have a very long scar down my knee.

  82. I need it for a scar on my leg from a bike accident and a scar on my back from a surgery...

  83. I need it for myself! I've got super bad scarring on my leg from a childhood burn

  84. I need this badly! I've used Mederma before and loved it. I have stretch marks from pregnancy, a nasty scar on my leg from a surgery and a ugly scar on my hand.b

  85. I have multiple facial scars due to skin cancer. I would love to try this.

  86. Sadly I really need this scar gel!
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  87. I could use this myself. WOuld love to see if it would clear up an older scar I have

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  88. my son could use it

  89. my daughter gets scars from soccer all the time.

  90. my grandson has large scar from a surgery when he was a tiny baby and my grandaughter has a scar on her head from a they could use it

  91. I need it!! I am a very accident prone person and have lots of scars!

    jessicaahays at hotmail dot com

  92. all the falls from my grandkids be nice to have it on hand
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  93. I would like to win this for my husband to use in his work with Royal Rangers. He teaches and reaches boys for Christ.
    jrs362 at hotmail dot com

  94. My friend needs Mederma Advanced Scar Gel.

  95. I have had several surgeries..This would be great for me to try..

    ltlbit1 at hotmail dot com

  96. I need it for several scars.


  97. I had a slight accident in the kitchen awhile back. I probly the one that needs it

  98. my daughter would use this she was bitten by a dog and now has scares on her hand:(

  99. i do have bad strech marks due to swelling from preeclampsia even my calves wound up with streach marks from the swelling

  100. My boyfriend - he recently had a total knee replacement and it left a wicked scar!

  101. I could definitely use it! I've got several small scars I would love to try this on. Thanks!
    pjgirl74 at aol dot com

  102. my 4 yr old split her forehead open and had 6 stitches so I am kind of thinking she needs some help with the scarring.

  103. me, I have plenty of scars to try it on

    alterna7 at hotmail dot com

  104. I need the Mederma for myself, my arms have surgery scares

  105. my husband and I need it for our major lifetime scars

  106. One of my sons needs Mederma Advanced Scar Gel.

  107. my sister just fell off her bike and got all scraped up... she could certainly use this.

  108. my daughter needs it after having stitches recently

    marygardner49 at aol dot com

  109. I could really use this for a scar above my lip!

  110. My teenage daughter has hit a growing spurt and has stretch marks she would love to hide.
    Sherri J

  111. I need Mederma Advanced Scar Gel because I had knee surgery last month.

  112. I scar easily and its embaressing so I could really use this.
    Melanie Montgomery

  113. Surgical scars are the worst!

  114. The hubby could certainly use this for his many injuries.

  115. I need it I have a ton of scars from the past! The scars are lowering my self esteem!

  116. One of my good friends who just had a baby could use this!

  117. I could use this I have a old burn scar on my arm

  118. I would give this to my sister.

  119. I need this the most, for ascar on my neck
    klconn7 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  120. My husband has a few scars on his hands.

    fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski

  121. I do. Seems I have surgery after surgery.
    heatherpooh [hotmail]

  122. I'd love to see if would work on my big nasty appendix scar I've had from a young age and also on the smaller scars from stupid things I did as a kid.

  123. My daugther needs this. she just had surgery on her face, so I think this would really help with the scar. It was just a small incicion, but we would like to minimize it as much as we can.

    cinderwhims at gmail dot com
