Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fuel Kids' Fun While Beating Boredom With Lunchables {Hasbro, Lunchables & $50 Fandango Gift Card Prize Pack Giveaway}

Lunchables logo
While summer is coming to an end, that doesn't mean that it will put a stop to all of the dreaded I'm booooorrred calls from children everywhere. Aside from having extra activities planned or events on the calendar, what's a mom to do?

Thanks to the Lunchables Lunch Combinations team, the answer is in the form of their Never Be Bored Again challenge that the whole family can be involved in. The brand has now partnered with actress and celebrity mom, Tori Spelling, to launch a national campaign that will benefit the minds, bodies and imaginations of kids everywhere!

Never Be Bored Again

It's all about fueling kid fun while beating boredom and efforts to make a difference are already underway. On August 28th, Lunchables hosted a complete sport court make-over at the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank with Spelling and installed new basketball hoops, foursquare grids, playground equipment and more. What an amazing way to help out those kids and all that the Boys & Girls Club does for them!

But that's not all. That event was just the kickoff to the announcement that Lunchables is also donating up to $100,000 to Boys & Girls Clubs of America and their sport and recreation programs... and you can be a part! Simply capture photos of boredom-busting activities and share them by visiting the "Never Be Bored Again" application at

summer fun

Every photo that is uploaded from today through October 15, 2012, will generate a $1 donation to Boys & Girls Clubs across America, up to $100,000, to help amp up the fun.

As an added bonus, after uploading your photo, you will receive a $1-off coupon for new Lunchables with Smoothie, while supplies last. It's a win-win for everyone!

Lunchables with Smoothie

When it comes to boredom busting, what photographs come to your mind first? Your kids playing dress up? Helping cook? Or craft? Having a backyard barbeque with friends? A day at the beach to beat the heat? Even just an afternoon spent making silly faces in the mirror counts as an activity that would bring on the laughter and fun!

While we've experienced a long list of summer activities that could fall into this category, one of our most recent was thanks to the extremely fun pack of goodies that Lunchables sent over.

Lunchables prize pack

We haven't had a bored moment since all this entertainment arrived! The girls both have had fun writing and drawing all sorts of top secret information into their Lunchables notebook...

Lunchables notebook well as carrying around their important possessions in their Lunchables messenger bag...

Lunchables messenger bag

...and we've already picked up some tasty Lunchables at the grocery store with our coupons so that they're on hand for upcoming lunches at school and preschool. Next we just have to decide on what movie to go see with our Fandango gift card!


But what easier way to beat boredom than to pull out a great game? Thanks to Hasbro's Connect 4 Launchers, Scrabble Electronic Catch Phrase and Twister, we've been able to reach for these updated classics and enjoy spending time together whenever and wherever.

Who can be down about the rain or the too-hot temperatures outside when you're inside doing this?


No matter if you have a plethora of tricks up your sleeve to keep boredom at bay or you're always on the lookout for an activity that will provide endless entertainment, be sure to upload your photo to the "Never Be Bored Again" app to help support Boys & Girls Clubs across America.

Then keep the fun going with your kids by heading over to to play the instant win game and win one of over one million prizes! Grand prizes include a tricked-out tree house, your child's very own Sport Court or the Ultimate Game Room — go enter for your chance to win!

Lunchables sweepstakes

For more information and an exclusive look at behind-the-scenes boredom-busting fun with Tori Spelling or details on the new line of Lunchables with Smoothie, check out Lunchables on Facebook.

And, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon be ready to never have another dull moment around their house, because...

One lucky person will win a Never Be Bored Again Prize Pack* (total ARV approximately $150)!

*Prize Pack contains (1) Lunchables messenger bag, (1) Lunchables notebook, (5) Lunchables free product coupons, (3) Hasbro games, (1) $50 Fandango gift card

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Lunchables for providing a Never Be Bored Again Prize Pack for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 489   Newer›   Newest»
jmajor4870 said...

baking cookies or making a homemade pizza and milkshakes

Becky said...

Playdough! Even the oldest will get into making different things with Playdough. I keep it put up and when they begin the "whinnies" I pull it out and it quiets them down and then the laughter begins.


amanda hoffman said...

playing in the water

Lloyd Family said...

i bring out the playdoh or the paints
jenny lloyd

Unknown said...

We love to blast the music very loud or play on our PS3/XBox 360 (skylander is really popular with my girls right now, if your girls don't have it, I highly recommend skylanders).

Colleen said...

Hide n seek always beats boredom and keeps them active especially on rainy days.
cthompson1477@gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway! Janna Johnson janna@feedyourpig on GFC

Robyn said...

All of my kids love painting, or building a fort and palying games!

Anonymous said...

One boredom busting activity that is always a hit in our house is karaoke!

slehan said...

Reading and trips to the Library.
Thanks for the contest.

Terra Heck said...

We play Guitar Hero on the Wii and compete to see who gets the highest scores. Thanks.

jenspurg said...

We turn on some music and dance! A good song can always get things going.

TheAtticGirl said...

Playing Connect 4 is a boredom buster at our house.

Selinda said...

Painting is one thing that works in our house!


selinda_mccumbers at

Karen said...

My kids have started to enjoy playing card games which we love!!
THanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

Riverbank Babble said...


Anonymous said...

We watch old TV shows like Dick Van Dyke.

CherylS22 said...

A super hero movie breaks the boredom~
Thanks for the giveaway!

Dolphin Girl said...

Baking is always a boredom buster

Liz said...

We play a lot of board games.

sue said...

Playdough is a huge hit in our house. Thank you

Jay said...

Crafts are always a hit in our house.

jcarrturq5 said...

Any video game.

Roxy said...


kjasus said...

playing the wii

Anonymous said...

We like to make name bugs

sweetsue said...

We like to take nature walks and look for flowers and rocks.
Susan Chester

Jennifer said...

Our Nintendo Wii!

Mtlgrl4evr said...

My kids love charades! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Tiffany Hearn

Tandt625 at hotmail dot com

kelley wood said...

we love jumping on the trampoline and playing chess!

c allen said...

playing dress up is always a boredom buster here thanks crystal allen

Susan Cook said...

playing a bored game or card game

Mrs. Stacey said...

Go fish! Sometimes Poker.

Francine Anchondo said...

Monopoly , uno

Serena said...

Definitely Mario Party

Teresa said...

playing cards

Laura Love said...

My family loves a good game of cards, usually Hearts.
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com

Luna Moon said...

My daughter loves doing craft projects.

Erica best said...

we play xbox games

Unknown said...

Arts and Crafts

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

We love doing arts and crafts. Painting bird houses has been really big this summer.

Unknown said...

We like to go out in the yard and have a "picnic" the kids play on the swings--I grill, we spread out a blanket and have a picnic in the yard.

Mom Knows Best said...

finger painting

janetfaye said...

Dancing is a hit at my house.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

We play lots of cards and dice/dominos games. It's something that has just passed from generaton to generation and much better than tv or video games, kids will attest!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

April Edens said...

I like to make goop.

Auri Lae said...

Baking something new. We'll pick out a recipe online and try it out - sometimes they're hits, sometimes they're misses, but it's a fun way to fill an hour or two!

Jessica said...

Playing in the bathtub is a huge hit in our house.

Rowell Reviews said...

We play the song game, turn it to a station on music television and have to guess what the song is or who sings it.

Stephanie said...

Color, cut, glue.... or play dough....
Shuttermom77 at gmail dot com

Emmy Coffee said...

Baking :) Especially around Christmas time

miriama said...

We like movie night and game night..

purple24 said...


Anonymous said...

All kinds of crafts!

Unknown said...

we love to play monopoly

christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

Melissa said...

Going for a walk is always a good activity.

Unknown said...

Just turning on Pandora Radio to teh disney kids channel and singing/dancing along!

Gina M (crave to save) said...

My son loves to draw and color to beat boredom.

Entered the Rafflecopter form as "Crave to Save"

Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

jakiesmom said...


Amber said...

Painting! It's messy & drives me crazy, but not matter how "bored" my daughter is, it is ALWAYS a big hit.

Angie said...

Playing Sorry or Trouble always gets rid of the boredom and gets us to all play together.

Chelsea Saulpaugh said...

Coloring books are our go to bordem buster.

Kelly g said...

Housework! I'm kidding but we really don't have one.

jules said...

one way we bust the boredom is with crafts. my kids have always loved creating something. then we mail it to their grandmothers or people who are sick at our church.

imisstx at comcast dot net

Missie Faye said...

Reading books...real books, not electronic!

Theresa said...

We like playing baggo boards


ababe28 said...

We play games with whole family.

ababe28 at hotmail dot com

April Yedinak said...

Hide and seek


Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

Hide and seek or kinect games

Elizabeth said...

Going outside is usually pretty effective.

Kelly H. said...

Playing dress up!

Peter Schott said...

We'll often play a game - usually a board or card game, though we will sometimes play a video game.

Tamar said...

We use activity books - they're coveted.

Betsy said...

Board Games

Betsy said...

Board Games

Daniella Young said...

Arts and crafts usually do the trick

Anonymous said...

we love to play board games and do crafts wilcarvic

Rebecca W. said...

My kids love to draw and play with Legos!

Rebecca W. said...

My kids love to draw and play with Legos!

eclairre said...

we love to play apples to apples and monopoly.

Terri Patillo said...

We love to play Trivia games and Jeopardy!

Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com

Rebecca Orr said...

Games are always a hit. My son gets bored easily, so having a ready supply is a must! bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Kathy P said...

we love to stream movies or shows from netflix or play board games

Re said...

we let them go outside and use the camera to take pictures.

LeeAnn said...

Nothing busts boredom around our house like a good game of "hi-ya" with whatever sword-like objects my kids can find. ;-)

Cindy said...

We love to play any sort of board game. We also enjoy playing outside with dogs and cats and riding bikes :)

Stacy said...

We have lots of board games, puzzles, and decks of cards.

Kas said...

going to the book store to get new books!

Princess Golden Hair said...

we bust bordom with a visit to our local museum or zoo we are members of both so it's very affordable

teechbiz at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

geocaching! A fun way to bust bordem and get some exercise.

lilyk said...

We like to play board games.

Shilo Beedy said...

My kids play board games together or card games

Joni said...

i keep a box filled with all kinds of stuff like bottle caps, glitter, ribbon, string, paper, and tons of other stuff. we call it the junk box and when the kids are bored, we take it out and let them get creative with all of it by making pictures and collages. they love it!

Carolyn said...

We love game night!

Jodi said...

We love a good movie marathon! It has gotten us through many rainy saturdays!

ra.ringer918 said...

We have a badminton set in the backyard and we will randomly (in spare moments) run out and start playing against each other!

Mary @ LetsPlayOC said...

My boys love playing Legos with their dad. Keeps them busy for hours.

buzzd said...

Putting on fun music and dancing around the house

Nancy P said...

We play freeze dance with songs on the radio!

Jennifer said...

Playing with the dog


Jennifer Isbell said...

love to do crafts

Chris M. said...


jennieturbeville said...

Water toys are always a winner when it is warm outside! When we are indoors we play with cars, playing catch, board games and flash cards for learning.

Karen F said...

card games

Laura Love said...

Right now it is card games.
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com

Kerry said...

Hide-and-seek! Works indoors or outdoors :)

sheila musselman askins said...

dancing! i turn on some high energy music and tell my daughter the different dance styles i want to see..ballet..tap....disco lol soon we are both giggling to hard to dance!

Carey said...

Reading books, watching dvds or making something arts&crafts

Unknown said...

My girls and I love doing crafts when we are bored. They are learning to sew and that opens up a whole new world of possibilities for what we can create together!

Sarah said...

Playing ball with the dog or going fishing with the cats are both good boredom busters.

Unknown said...

Breaking out the Wii or the board games.

Lisa M said...

We love to play Racko

Lisa M
bud lisa samson mass

Denise said...

every Kinect game for the XBox is a hit around here.

Shelley said...

We like to bowl on the xbox or play sorry.

marcia goss said...

We rent a movie and make popcorn.

Kayla said...

We love making an impromptu meal!

Yona Williams said...

drawing and creating stories. Email: yona(at)

Anonymous said...

We break out the kinect and the kids have a blast

nightowl said...

We play Apples to Apples.

Kimberly said...

My kids will ride their bikes in the driveway all day long!

Robert Pyszk said...

Playing board games at the table

Unknown said...

Crafts & puzzles keep us from getting bored!

carol roberts said...

coloring n the summer going swimming or candyland

r said...

Freeze dance-- play music, dance like crazy, and then press stop-- everyone has to freeze. Lots of fuN!

ReviewsSheRote said...

we have our own version of CRAFT WARS =)

January B said...

Painting, coloring, crafts, anything creative.

cheekychann said...

love playing board games.

Realia Mazing said...

spin art is the favorite boredom buster at the moment
daniellex at gmail dot com

michele376 said...

My grandchildren love to bake so we make some cookies or brownies.

Jo said...

popcorn and a movie together
jofo120 at yahoo dot com

AngelWinner said...

Creating a car or house or rocket out of a plain box

Whitney said...

Sidewalk chalk paint and anything that involves water or messes!

wallindeb said...

We like to play board games like Sorry!

Mandy said...

Whenever we get bored, we play Connect 4. Our son loves the game!

Unknown said...

The Wii is one that works here, but also a good craft especially if I pull out the paints

polly said...

our four year old grandson loves to color and do puzzles

momznite said...

Putting on music and trying to make each other laugh with silly dance moves is a boredom buster.

Unknown said...

We like to do dance contests. The kids love it.

shopgurl101 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

We like to take a trip to the library where the kids can read, use the computers, and do fun, library-run activities!

-Miranda M

Marilyn said...

Baking treats

tosra55 @

ann said...

taking a walk around the neighborhood is always a fun thing we like to do

Jennifer said...

playing on the wii or disney scene it always works

Jeanette H. said...

Board games, going swimming or going on a bike ride.

Jessica Rose said...


ijessica_r at yahoo dot com

Kim C. said...

Playing a dance game on the kinect, parents against kids

Unknown said...

#348 is hopefully my lucky number!

Jamie said...

My family loves to play any kind of game to beat boredom. Our favorites this summer were rummy and Phase 10!

Miriam said...

Going to pet the cats up for adoption at our local PetSmart.

Alissa said...

Forts! Never fails!

Anonymous said...

Kick the kids outside! We go for a walk or down to the garden, or a ride on the four wheeler - some sunshine usually does the trick for us! Thanks! Paula
cornellfamily at centurytel dot net

Michelle L said...

Bread and cookie baking. Everyone gets involved.

Anonymous said...

arts and crafts, my son loves to paint!

Lynn said...

Tag or Hide and Seek!

rawrms at gmail dot com

leesa kennon said...

We love to play board games! Some of our favorites are Apples to Apples and In a Pickle.

Unknown said...

Card games

Unknown said...

We love board games at my house! :)

ThriftyWifey said...

We play cards.. a lot!

kathy f said...

My kids love to play board games.

Heather said...

Anything to do with cooking always relives boredom here.

Anissa said...

Playing imaginary kitchen (making food by pantomime).

cman said...

Baking and outdoor play.

clynsg said...

My grandsons like to go out and target shoot.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

Kristen B said...

We love Apples to Apples!

The Riebeek Family said...

The bath tub!

michelle riebeek

RJ said...

Going to the town water fountains to play in the jets of water.

tavernie said...

We play Hide and Seek!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

Karen said...

Turning on the radio and dancing around the room.

Tylerpants said...

My kids do arts 'n craft projects or play with Legos. tylerpants(at)

fozzy331 said...

We love to color! Coloring books and crayons, paint by number always a hit around here!

Wendy ArtsyChaos said...

Dancing is a boredom buster around here.
hiwendyhi at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

i play angry birds

Kari Ann said...

Karaoke is a big hit in my house.

Lisa said...

playing cards.

one frugal lady said...

We play dress up or hide and seek!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

My children love turning on the radio and dancing around the house with me.


Theresa Mahoney said...

Arts and Crafts are always a hit here.

Laura Ward said...

We use a bandana to loosely tie two children's ankles together...they have to work together to do anything. Always lots of giggles.

ladyspy79 said...

Everyone here loves card games.


Sonya said...

We have dance parties and wiggle out or bad moods!

Unknown said...

huge fans of coloring.

dani marie ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com

Cecil Atom said...

We love to play "foot stomper" (Erin K)

Anonymous said...

Board games and craft time!

Granny1949 said...

family game or movie night

Unknown said...

We go to Chuck e cheese lol always a big hit

jenn29love said...

Candy land :)

Ericka said...

We sit around either coloring or telling funny stories and laugh our butts off :)

micheal dale grim said...

for my family its momopoly,we play it a couple times per week!!!!

Unknown said...

Our trampoline is a hit no matter what, even bad weather the kids have fun on it.

susan1215 said...

We play board games, do crafts or play basketball outside

Nicole said...

we go for a walk or bike ride

Unknown said...

we love playing card games. texas hold'em, rummy things like that.

Erica C. said...

We love jigsaw puzzles.

Terri said...

When my granddaughter says she is bored we play the Old Maid card game - she LOVES to see me get stuck with the Old Maid and can't stop laughing. :-)

Jeni said...

my kids play skylanders when the are bored

Abby said...

In our house, hide and seek is always a hit with my almost two year old.

1porkchop said...

We usually go for a walk in the neighborhood. If its raining we play board games.

Unknown said...

Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit

Molly K said...

We have Wii bowling tournaments.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

playing cards
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Jen H said...

If all else fails, we pull out the art supplies.. drawing always is a hit

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