Friday, September 28, 2012

Track Your Child's Health and Progress with Baby Zoe - Free App for Apple and Android! {$50 Target Gift Card Giveaway}

Before Big Sister E was born, one of the items that I spent a great deal of time searching for was just the right baby book. It had to be cute... but not too cute. It had to have plenty of room to record dates, events and milestones... but not so much that it would take me ages to fill out. You know, the important stuff.

However, it didn't take too many months into her young life before my consistency in recording information began to wane. As much as I wanted to return home from every pediatrician visit and write down her height and weight, it didn't always happen. And while I told myself I'd remember to mark down the date she gave her first toothy grin or pulled herself up to standing for the first time... things started to slip by.

While that bothers me for posterity's sake, it also wasn't the best method for tracking information to pass back to our pediatrician. Um sure, she can roll over. She started doing it, uh, a little while ago?

If I was doing it all over again, I'd be sure to look for an easy way to track the health and developmental progress my children are making day to day. One that is simple, easy to use and is conveniently right at my fingertips when I need it. Which is where I'd find the great new app (FREE for Android and Apple smartphones and tablets) called Baby Zoe.

Baby Zoe logo

The most comprehensive app to help you track, manage and share health data about your children, Baby Zoe is quickly proving to be a must-have high-tech accessory for parents. This great app is designed to be a parent's best friend to track the health and developmental progress of their children while also documenting the day to day joys of growing up.

And who knows better about exactly what parents are looking for than a husband and wife team of two kids? After having plenty of life experiences of raising their energetic, and often wild, boys, Rusten and Karen Gomez have worked tirelessly to ensure that Baby Zoe is a fun and rewarding tool that will help parents and doctors alike.

family portrait

So, how does it work?

Baby Zoe tracks your child's eating, sleeping, medicine intake and growth progress. You can also manage your photos (easily taking them at any time for documentation), events and emergency contacts, while sharing information with doctors, babysitters, daycare, and family members. Baby Zoe can also be used during pregnancy for moms-to-be or for multiple children for growing families.

Baby Zoe app

This innovative app has just about everything that a parent could ask for when it comes to their children. You are able to quickly log a wide variety of events including eating, sleeping, diapers, play, issues, milestones, growth, doctor's visits and more.

At the same time, being able to associate photos with events work on multiple levels. Want to preserve a photo of your little one taking their first steps? Simply snap it and add it to the correct milestone. On the other hand, if your child has a rash, Mom can quickly log the event and take a picture of the rash right in the app, therefore being categorized and ready for showing the pediatrician.
Along the same lines, a few quick taps allows parents to create reports of individual events, days or periods of time. These are then preserved for your records, while being convenient and organized to share with a pediatrician, if needed.

baby growth chart

Whether you are pregnant with your first child, are in the midst of sleepless nights with a newborn or are a veteran mom of multiples, Baby Zoe is on a mission to empower all parents to improve the health of their children. There is no reason to miss out on making life more convenient and manageable when it is presented in such a user friendly, helpful way.

And I mentioned that it was FREE, right? Head over to the Baby Zoe website today to find out more and be sure to download it from iTunes for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch or on Google Play for Android.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of The Gomez's, one person will receive a great thank you for downloading their app and making their own lives a little easier, because...

One lucky person will win a $50 Target gift card!

Target gift card

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Baby Zoe for providing a $50 Target gift card for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. Very creative, smart, an awesome!!!

  2. This is such a great idea! Nice way to capture everything, especially with mommy brain!

  3. I could have used something like this years ago... :)

  4. i love it
    kelly willis

  5. Neat app. With twin one year olds, 3 year old and a newborn on the way...i can use all the help I can get!

  6. hopped over from a nut in a nutshell...very cool app...I have so many kids it is hard to keep track of them all...thanks for the heads up :)

  7. Love this APP!! USe it a ton! Thanks!

  8. what a great idea, so creative

    mybeachylife at gmail dot com
