Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tips for Making a Relationship Last for the Stars of Married to Jonas {Pampering In-Law Survival Kit Giveaway}

Married to Jonas logo
When it comes to love and relationships, I think we've all made our fair share of stumbles, blunders and what was I thinking? situations along the way.

However, hopefully when we've met The One, we recognize and grab hold of them while we have the chance, right? While some people might believe that can only happen after a certain age, others believe that young love can be just as true as that of more seasoned couples.

But is married life more difficult when you're younger? And what if your husband is going to be heading back to the studio to record new music with his brothers and your private life is going to be broadcast to the world? Well, then you must be megastar Kevin Jonas and his young wife Danielle as they star in E! Network's hot show, Married to Jonas.

Kevin and Dani Jonas

Airing Sundays at 10/9c, Married to Jonas gives viewers a glimpse into the honest and relatable reality of falling in love fast and marrying young. Not only are Kevin and Dani featured as they continue to settle into married life together, but their parents also become a focus of the show as they find it hard to cut the cord and let the couple navigate married life on their own.

And you thought you had difficult in-laws?

Jonas Family

While I don't consider myself anywhere near an expert on love, my husband and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary next year. Combine that with the five years that we dated before we were married, and it actually won't be long before I can say that I've been with this man for half of my life.

Holy smokes, that's a long time.

Of course we've had our ups and downs, but here we are happy and healthy with two beautiful children. And even though it sounds cliché to say it, there truly is no one else in this world that I would rather have by my side. He's an amazing husband and father and there aren't too many days that go by that I don't consider myself extremely lucky that we found each other.

So, if I had to send Kevin and Dani (or Kenielle, as they're known to their fans) my list of the top 10 most important pieces of advice for making a relationship last, I'd ponder what I've learned over the years and tell them this:

  1. Communicate. Seems obvious, doesn't it? But no matter how well you know your partner, they're not a mind reader. Don't bottle things up, that will just lead to bigger problems later on - tell them!

  2. Trust. If a relationship is going to last, you have to trust your partner and they have to be able to trust you, simple as that.

  3. Be kind to each other. Of course the tangible tokens are nice, but the importance of general kindness is not to be overlooked. This is your best friend, right? Compliment them, encourage them to follow their dreams, be happy for their successes (and be there to support them during their failures). I don't see how a marriage can work if you don't like each other, so don't take your partner for granted. Be kind to them!

  4. Say you're sorry. I admit that I'm a stubborn fool sometimes (okay, often), so this is one that I continually have to work on. But when you're at fault, you have to let your heart be bigger than your ego and own up to your mistake. And, if your partner is the one who has made the mistake and is apologizing, accept it and move on.

  5. Love your partner for who they really are. Are there aspects of my husband that I'd change? Sure. I'm sure there are plenty that he'd change about me as well. No one is ever going to be perfect, so don't waste time trying to change something that might be considered a quirk or flaw. Instead, focus on the million reasons that you fell in love with them in the first place!

  6. You can never say 'I love you' too many times. As well as saying it in person, here we are nearly 15 years later, and my husband and I end every single phone call by saying 'I love you.' It doesn't matter if he is across the country traveling for work or five minutes away at the grocery store and just called to ask if we need peanut butter, we say it often.

  7. Be partners. After all, a relationship is two people as equals, not one person making all the rules or always taking control. Listen to what your significant other has to say and work together to build your life. Together.

  8. Laugh. I'm a firm believer in the importance of humor and laughter in any sort of relationship, but I also think that it can help keep the love alive in a marriage.

    Whether my husband laughs at my jokes because he really finds me funny or he's just being nice, finding shared things to laugh about is a great way for two people to feel close. Besides, laughter has been proven to actually be good for your health, so you might as well lower your stress levels and boost your immune system with a good belly laugh! 

  9. Find the balance. It's no secret that life is busy. Between work, kids, family, friends, obligations... it can be hard to find the time for each other, so it's important to find the right balance between being together too often (and feeling smothered) and not spending enough time with each other (and feeling neglected).

    Whether you end up being a couple that has a weekly date night out or one that sets the alarm 15 minutes earlier in the morning so that you can sit and have coffee together, be sure that there is always time to foster your connection.

  10. Work things out. Everyone knows that relationships aren't always going to be smooth sailing. Through all of the laughter and the tears, you have to be ready to put in the effort and hard work to not lose the connection that the two of you have with each other. If you want your relationship to last, you have to take on any issues or problems that arise and work them out!

What do you think, Kenielle? Am I ready to become a marriage counselor?

Jonas marriage

Lasting marriages all come down to two individuals that don't take each other for granted and are willing to put in the hard work and determination to build a lifetime together and focus on each other. Address issues, work to fairly resolve them, and take on the world as a team

And why not curl up on the couch together and tune in to see Married to Jonas every Sunday night on E! at 10/9c? The show is quickly building up a large fan base, so don't miss this young couple attempt to find their own happily ever after, no matter different their lives are from you or me.

Thanks to the show's generosity, one person will be even more prepared to relax and bond with their significant other, because...

One lucky person will win an In-Law Survival Kit* ($112 value) in honor of Married to Jonas!

*Survival Kit includes: (1) $15 iTunes Gift Card, (1) EarPollution Plugz Headphones, (1) Stress Relief - Eucalyptus Spearmint Sugar Scrub, (1) Bliss Fabulous Skin-Reviving Rubberizing masks, (1) Soothing Herbal Tea, and (1) Aromatherapy Spa Stress Relief - Shea Butter & Cedarwood Reed Diffuser

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Married to Jonas for providing an In-Law Survival Kit for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. my advice is to don't sweat the small stuff and try to laugh with your partner daily thanks crystal allen

  2. Love unconditionally

  3. My advice is to have a lot of grace with your spouse.

  4. My advice is compromise, communication, and keep your expectations in check!

  5. My advice is dual master suites!!! Get him outta your room!

  6. be flexible... but not to the point of breaking!

  7. Communicate, make date nights, and LAUGH a lot!

  8. Communication is the key! And making sure to make time for each other.


  9. Trust and communication (and love!).


  10. Try to get away just the 2 of you every once in awhile!

    daniellealecia at comcast dot net

  11. take time and listen to what the other is saying

  12. Honesty and Taking time to enjoy each other.

  13. Chill out! Seriously, try not to take things too seriously, and always ccommunicate any issues as they arise!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  14. The best advice I ever got was to stop thinking that marriage was a 50/50 deal. Instead, think of it as a 90/10 deal. You expect to give 90% and only expect to get back 10%. If both parties do the same, then the marriage is more one of giving than of taking.

  15. Be patient and understanding.

  16. Don't let the small stuff build up talk about them while they are little
    rierie11booger (@)

  17. learn to accept the small things.
    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  18. My best advise is to communication and compromising.
    Thanks so much.

  19. My advice is to allow your partner the space to be themselves and have their own interests.


  20. Pick your battles. Most problems ar not really problems.

  21. I've been married 30 years got married very young 21 years old the secret is to love honor and respect each other.

  22. Communicate with each other.

  23. it's a lot of give and take. some days it may feel like you are giving more than getting...but just hang in there!

    imisstx at comcast dot net

  24. Patience and consideration!

  25. Communicate with a kind and honest attitude and listen when someone is trying to communicate with you. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  26. Trust them and respect them

  27. talk talk talk...
    communication is key

  28. Say what you want, don't expect anyone to be a mind reader.

  29. Communication and be affectionate.

  30. I like the things you mentioned...communication is probably the biggest!

  31. Talk to each other and have sex.

  32. Do things together without the kids

  33. Communication is key. Always


  34. Working thru it. Never go to bed mad.

  35. Honesty, communicating with each other and making sure that you keep other people out of your business

  36. My advice for making a relationship last is simple to say and really hard to do. My advice is to listen and to make your partner feel heard.
    lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com

  37. Patience & knowing when to keep quiet.

  38. Communication and boosting eachothers ego :)

  39. Always be honest and open. Plus, never go to bed mad.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  40. Don't sweat the small stuff!

  41. Compromise and communicate! you need to talk about your feelings and not keep it bottled.

  42. communication
    gabbflabber at

  43. love...set reasonable boundaries and forgive when its needed.
    glori johnson

  44. My advice is be a good listener and make time for each other, no matter what else is going on in your life.

  45. My advice:

    Make time for each other. Communicate. Don't blame everything upon the other person. If you two are in a fight, take 10 minutes away from each other alone to calm down, then talk about whatever is wrong after you're calm.

  46. Be honest and loyal and don't be afraid to communicate

  47. Trust tell each other whats going on and say i love you, hug, or kiss atleast once aday.

  48. Be patient with one another.
    steph0828 at

  49. try to be laid-back and not let little things bother you
    sarah hirsch

  50. Communication and patience for sure!

  51. learn to forgive - because any relationship that lasts will have those moments where one will have to forgive the other or it is over

    Katharine Davis on rafflecopter

  52. Laughter! Laughing about the little things makes everything more tolerable.

  53. Respect the other person's space, physically and emotionally.

  54. always respect each other, never go to bed mad

  55. Always compromise!
    Thanks for the chance.

  56. take a step back before getting thoroughly angry - it is really worth your sanity to get upset about whatever it is?

  57. Take a day off from work and surprise your partner by planning something elaborate at home. You can bake a cake or decorate your home so that when he returns, he would be in for a surprise.

  58. Compromise. My husband like to cook and I let him :).... I do clean up though. 36 years worth!!!
    Kathy Davis

  59. FB fan as Kathy Newsom Davis
    Kathy Davis

  60. I've been married 32 years. Listen to each other and don't keep feelings to yourself. Let your partner know when something bothers you.

  61. My advice is communication...both bad and good. If I'm mad at my husband about something, I tell him about it and we work it out. I don't just keep my feelings inside. He knows me well enough that if I'm stewing on something, he'll know it anyway.

  62. Compromise and laugh often ....

  63. Go into it with a HUGE sense of humor or you'll never get out of it alive. LOL! Too serious and it becomes a job.

    thanks for the giveaway

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

  64. apologize when you were wrong and make sure there is communication!

  65. You have to rekindle your love every once in awhile.

  66. Don't keep secrets ... discuss everything ... and give each other room :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  67. Always put them first in your heart

  68. Respect, honesty + communication.

  69. You handle your family, let your SO handle his or hers. Always make sure everyone respects both your relationship and your partner.

  70. I love this show. :-) Talk, talk, talk is my advice. Walk and talk.

  71. My best advice is to get into a relationship with someone that works out of town. :)

  72. Definitely do not forget that a relationship is work and do not get too comfortable and forget that.

  73. Take time to talk to your partner. Make that time sacrosanct. Coffee together at sunrise...

    rendancechick at yahoo dot com
    mrs. bacon

  74. Take time to talk to your partner. Make that time sacrosanct. Coffee together at sunrise...

    rendancechick at yahoo dot com
    mrs. bacon

  75. Love is a decision not a feeling. if you remember that, it is easy to stay when the feeling is anything BUT love (those times come). It's a commitment and decision. Leaving isn't an option

  76. Always listen and know how to laugh .

  77. Have a date night once a week.

  78. My advise is to really listen to each other.

  79. compromise,compromise, and again --compromise

  80. My advice is to find time for each other every week to sit down and talk. Communication is a key in a relationship


  81. be best friends, have hobbies to do together but also have hobbies that aren't together. Also trust,without it what's the point?

    hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
    Jennifer B

  82. Spend time alone together and talk. And sometimes agree to disagree.

  83. My advice is to schedule both together and alone time. Everyone needs time alone, some more than others.

  84. Never argue about money, have Yours, mine and ours accounts.

  85. Think before you speak--listen to spoken words

  86. never leave angry
    Awesome giveaway! Janna Johnson janna@feedyourpig on GFC

  87. Take time for yourselves on a regular basis

  88. we keep our relationship going by making sure we still talk and listen to one another. we put the kids to bed and spend about 2 hours together doing couple stuff and an hour to ourselves for relaxation

    tuckersaver at hotmail dot com

  89. listen and dont sweat the small stuff

  90. Treat the other person the way you would want to be treated and always strive to give more than you take.

  91. Trust, Honesty and Tolerance are the key to a successful marriage! Also don't forget the sweet talk constantly!

  92. My advice is to always talk things through and be sure you listen to each other.

  93. Mean what you say, and say what you mean.

    arifamily at

  94. Communication, communication, communication!

  95. Always be ready to talk out your problems...advice I need to remind myself of often. Can't let disagreements fester.

  96. Have "Date Night" , do a "kids free" Weekend Mini Vacation, Think Before you Speak (especially when mad), realize that you will have your ups and also DOWNS that marriage isn't picture perfect, laugh together...etc... oh and when things get really rough, the grass is NOT greener on the other side, it's green where you water and take care of it (or something like that). LOL

  97. Talk about things, be realistic and laugh at anything you can

  98. One word... or is it two? LOL! EARPLUGS!

  99. Spend some alone time with each other even if its eating dinner together after hte kids go to bed.

    knjmcd at gmail dot com
    Justine McD....

  100. Don't take everything literally and overanalyze everything your partner says. Thanks.

  101. I agree with laugh. Laughing when things are difficult makes all the difference.

  102. Have fun, be kind to each other, don't give up, and keep contempt out of your relationship.

  103. The ability to admit when you're wrong and to laugh! Eighteen years of marriage and still going strong!

  104. Listen to each other!


    selinda_mccumbers at

  105. You need to be very very patient.

  106. Open communication is key to making a relationship last.

  107. Don't pick a jerk...that helps.


  108. I agree with the entry above me, don't pick a jerk. LOL

  109. Forgiveness is the key. We are all human and we make mistakes.


  110. My advice is to appreciate what is good about your partner, and yes, I agree, it really helps if you don't pick a jerk in the first place! haha! poe_tree at

  111. Realize that perfect couples are never perfect, they argue they fight, and all you need to do is communicate!

  112. Trust is needed to make a relationship last

  113. marriage takes alot of work.

  114. Love your partner for who he/she is, not what you want them to be and sometimes counseling is really helpful.

  115. Trust, communication, and love!
    sarah_mae_ at hotmail dot com

  116. Spending time together without the kids. Thanks for the chance.

  117. My hubby and I are coming up to our six year wedding annie and the best advice I have is to let the small things go.

  118. Open communication is the key!

  119. Try to get away just the 2 of you every once in awhile!

  120. Communication! You can't expect the other to read your mind!

    cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com

  121. R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!! :) gahome2mom/gmail/com

  122. married 30 yrs we know a little about being married. Treating your mate with the utmost respect is very important and treat them the way you'd want to be treated.

  123. Don't bring up things from the past.

  124. Make time for each other, and enjoy the time you do spend together! The first few years of our marriage, my husband worked 2 to 3 jobs and I worked, attended grad school full-time, and taught as a graduate assistant, so we appreciated every second we had together. We just celebrated our 9 year anniversary, and even though now we each have only one full-time job, we still cherish our time.

  125. try to compromise, and pick your battles!

  126. Trust, communication, and no keeping secrets!

  127. Patience, understanding, compromise, and communication! Put yourself in their shoes if you are in a disagreement, try to see things from their side.

  128. Take a deep breath and let the little things go! It's just not worth fighting about minor stuff.

  129. You have to let things go and work on your relationship even if you have to be more of a giver and they are more of a taker.

  130. My advice is to think before you speak, also don't send emails when you're mad at him lol.
    Susan Chester

  131. Communicate, don't stay angry, have a sense of humor, and always say "I love you."

  132. My advice is being honest with your partner. My first husband lied constantly about everything and it really damaged me and made me unable to trust anyone for a really long time. When I met my current husband he had a really hard time getting me to trust him and I actually almost drove him away because of it.

    Kimberley Meier
    momof3chaos at gmail dot com

  133. Never go to bed mad


  134. Enjoy each other's company...have fun.

  135. My marriage is a lot healthier now that my husband and I take the time to communicate and apologize.

  136. Be honest and never go to sleep angry.

  137. Communication and honesty.

  138. Honesty... to a point. Not criticizing each other and providing positive feedback. Speaking lovingly far more often than with anger. Make each other laugh.

  139. I think that you should also be friends.

  140. I think that communication and spontaneity are two key ingredients for a lasting relationship.

  141. Don't let familiarity breed contempt. Over time you'll forget to give the common courtesy you give to complete strangers to someone you've known for years or decades. Simple things like "please", "thanks", holding the door open, and so on can go a long way.

  142. My wife is always right, lol

  143. compromise & give each other space,& have fun!

  144. Never go to bed mad at each other!

  145. Remember what brought you together in the first place. Treat them as you do your best friend that is if they are not your best friend

  146. Really talk to each other and laugh a lot.

  147. Be slow to speak. Many times if we take a moment to think we would not say mean, hurtful words.
    cjnedrow at gmail to com

  148. Never stop communicating and have a mutual respect for each other.

  149. Make time for each other - never go to bed mad!

  150. open communication is key - don't make the other guess whats wrong or how you're feeling

  151. Always agree with the other person no matter what. Just keep saying yes. Do what they say. Don't argue, tell the other person they are already right. Or how about this? Just don't have a relationship in the first place.

  152. dont listen to others stay true to who u are and im sure yull be fine dont always crip about things just listen

  153. Flexibility, good communication and respect for one another.

    sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

  154. Discuss volatile subjects in a restaurant. You'll both speak more civilly.

  155. Trust!
    jofo120 at yahoo dot com

  156. I think honest, open communication is the key to making a marriage last.

  157. Communication, honesty, unconditional love
