Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Celebrate National Bread Month with the Grain Foods Foundation

Even though I can't believe that the year is nearing its end, there's no doubt that 2012 has been filled with events that will forever be a part of history.

The New York Giants won the Super Bowl, the Olympics were held in London, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, monsoons, bombings, shootings and more killed people across the world, the European Union won the Nobel Peace Prize, Lance Armstrong was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles, and the presidential election divided the country (and brought out a slew of nasty Facebook comments)... among others.

But, there's one more notable aspect of 2012 that is important to mention: this year marks the 250th anniversary of the sandwich! And there's no better time to celebrate than right now, as November is National Bread Month!

National Bread Month

That's right, it has been 250 years since the sandwich was invented. In 1762, Sir John Montagu — the 4th Earl of Sandwich — requested his dinner meat be served between two slices of bread, as he did not want to put his cards down in the midst of a game of poker. Thus, the sandwich was born, and a couple of centuries later, we still celebrate this tasty innovation.

Sandwiches are one of the easiest, most versatile and convenient ways to make a healthy meal for just about anyone! From the classic peanut butter & jelly sandwiches that fill my daughters' lunchboxes to the tomato, mozzarella & basil sandwiches that I could eat for just about every meal, there is just something so filling and delicious (and completely customizable) about sandwiches that other foods can't compare.

Here are just a few of the sandwiches that have made an appearance on this blog over the years...


...that have made my family's mouth water and our stomachs happy.

But no matter if you prefer turkey, tomato, avocado or mayo, there's one key ingredient in a sandwich that must be included. Bread, of course! Bread is not only the foundation of a great sandwich, but the complex carbohydrates in bread and other grain-based foods provide lasting energy the human body needs on a daily basis.

Along with energy, bread and grain foods provide many essential nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy and help fight diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, some cancers and birth defects. Whole grains are a good source of fiber and complex carbohydrates, and are naturally low in fat. Enriched grains are also a good source of complex carbohydrates and are one of the major sources for iron and folic acid in our diets.

When it comes to celebrating National Bread Month and all that there is to love about bread, no one is more well-prepared than the Grain Foods Foundation.

Grain Foods Foundation logo

Formed in 2004, the Grain Foods Foundation is a joint venture of members of the milling, baking and allied industries. A non-profit organization, this Foundation is dedicated to advancing the public's knowledge and understanding of the beneficial role grain-based foods play in the human diet and a healthy lifestyle.

You can find out more information about the Grain Foods Foundation at GoWithTheGrain.org, on Facebook and on Twitter. However, you'll also want to head over to their website to see the plethora of nutrition information, recipes and tips that they have available.

In fact, in honor of the sandwich and to showcase its star ingredient — bread! — the Grain Foods Foundation currently has teamed up with celebrity chef Bryan Voltaggio to create some delicious recipe creations that you're not going to want to miss.

Think that you've hit a rut when it comes to sandwiches? Whether you want to try the Bistro Turkey Burger, the Grilled Strawberry Banana Sandwich or the Sushi Sandwich, this list of sandwich recipes is sure to perk up your taste buds!

sandwich recipes

Whether you have a go-to sandwich or simply make one based on convenience and the ingredients that are available in your refrigerator, there's no denying that as long as you begin with two slices of great bread, you can't really go wrong.

In fact, a recent survey commissioned by the Grain Foods Foundation indicates that more than a third (41%) of American adults eat sandwiches up to six times a week, and more than 60% of American adults eat a sandwich at least once per week. There is still plenty of time left in November to embrace your love of this must-have food and celebrate National Bread Month!

Let's hear it! What's your absolute favorite sandwich?

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of the Grain Foods Foundation. I received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.


  1. My favorite sandwich ever would have to be a BLT or maybe a turkey and cheese! Yummm

  2. I refuse to choose a single sandwich. I REFUSE!!!!! But if I should show up at your house one day, I would like one of your tomato, mozzarella and basil ones, please. Please?
