Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kidde Removes Hassle and Home Annoyances with New Worry-Free Smoke Alarms {Review & Giveaway}

Kidde logo
While I'd like to say that I wake up feeling well-rested and ready to radiate sunshine and happiness every morning, that's just clearly not the case. Why does it seem like no matter how many hours of sleep I get (or miss out on), it just never gets any easier to pull my head up off of the pillow?

But when it comes to getting a good night's rest, I've been known to do just about anything to increase my chances of snoozing undisturbed. Pillows over my head, earplugs, threats — you name it.

Which is also why I'll go just about any length to silence the bothersome noises that come from home annoyances. It's bad enough to be woken up to a crying child, but a dripping faucet, clanking radiator or rattling door? No way, no how.

The thing is, the worst that happens from me silencing those creaking doors is having to unwedge whatever I've crammed into the frames to keep them shut tight. When it comes to ending the aggravation from a late-night chirping smoke alarm, however, the results might not be such an easy fix and could potentially lead to life-threatening safety risks.

smoke alarm

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I'm one of many that has reached up and pulled the battery out of our smoke alarm to silence the beeping... instead of taking the right step and recognizing the chirping as a sign that battery needed to be replaced to keep my family and whole house safe from possible deadly fires.

While the guilt from that choice weighs on my conscience, at least I know that I'm not the only one. In fact, in a recent study by Kidde, one of the leading fire safety manufacturers, 53% of homeowners deem a smoke alarm low-battery chirp annoying, but one in three homeowners (33%) say that if they heard the chirp, they would not be extremely likely to replace the battery within 24 hours.

Even worse, 7% confessed that that they would actually be more likely to disconnect the alarm than install a new battery. It's clear that minor annoyances with smoke alarms are compromising the safety of millions, as homeowners everywhere don't recognize the scenario as the potentially life-threatening safety risk it actually is.

Which is why I was happy to learn that this fall Kidde launched a line of Worry-Free Smoke Alarms, which offer a variety of benefits to the millions of Americans who rely on continuous battery-powered smoke and fire detection in their homes. The new alarms are powered by sealed-in, long-life lithium batteries for 10 years (the life of the alarm).

Kidde smoke alarms

Talk about truly worry-free! The fact that these alarms are powered by lithium batteries for 10 years means that they are always on — 24 hours per day, seven days per week for an entire decade of hassle-free protection.

As well as the convenience of not worrying about changing the batteries or if they have been removed, the new Kidde Worry-Free Smoke Alarms actually save you time and money by not having to purchase new batteries and replace them every six months.

Best of all, each of the four types of Worry-Free Alarms include features designed to address location-specific safety needs such as a light in the hallway and innovative smart sensing technology for kitchens to minimize nuisance false alarms caused by cooking.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) statistics indicate that the primary reasons smoke alarms fail to operate in home structure fires is a missing or disconnected battery (50%) and dead/discharged battery (23%). But now that Kidde has debuted their Worry-Free Smoke Alarms, they have all but eliminated any excuses that homeowners might have for not keeping their house and family safe from smoke and fire!

smoke alarm stats

Available now at select home improvement stores and other retailers with suggested retail prices from $25 to $50, more information about Kidde Worry-Free Smoke Alarms can be found by visiting WorryFreeAlarm.com and connecting with Kidde on Facebook and Twitter.

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will be prepared to safely update their home as well, because...

One lucky person will win a 2-pack of Kidde Worry-Free Smoke Alarms (hallway and bedroom alarms)!

Kidde giveaway

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Kidde for providing product and compensation for me as well as a 2-pack of Worry-Free Smoke Alarms for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll. 


  1. I could use a new smoke detecter in the hall outside our bedrooms.

  2. The hallway, just outside the bedrooms.

    wilitara [at] gmail [dot] com

  3. The hallway leading to the bedrooms.

  4. Need to replace one in the basement.


  5. I definitely need on in the hallway by the bedrooms. I used to have one there, but about a year ago, it started chirping and I couldn't get out to get a battery so I just tore the thing down. So now I don't have one and I know I really should have one. Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

  6. I need a new smoke almarm in my bedroom.

    ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

  7. I think I would have to say the downstairs hallway

  8. The alarm in our stairway going downstairs. It's so hard to reach.
    Thanks so much.

  9. I could use a new smoke alarm in the hallway by all of the bedrooms and maybe one in the kitchen area. Thanks so much for hosting this great giveaway!


  10. I need a smoke alarm in our downstairs family room.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. This is a very thoughtful giveaway. Much appreciated.

  12. I'd put it in my son's room for the extra piece of mind

  13. top of our basement steps

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  14. I need to replace the smoke detector outside our bedrooms.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  15. My niece's room


  16. My laundry room I'm always paranoid about a dryer fire and while every other room and hallway in the house besides the kitchen and bathroom have alarms, the laundry room is the one that doesn't that I am concerned about.

  17. Kitchen, last one had a hizzy fit over some burnt and accadently got beaten to death with a broom handle

  18. lower level

    we live in a tri-level:)

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  19. our guest room

    entered as davis in rafflecopter

  20. I need a smoke alarm in the kitchen

  21. need a smoke alarm in the livingroom

  22. would give to brother, doesn't have any...

  23. We need a smoke alarm in the kitchen.

  24. We could use a smoke alarm in any room in are house,We just moved in and need to have some.

  25. The smoke alarms we have are several years old but still work. I would replace the one closest to our bedroom if I get new ones.

  26. The hallway between our bedroomos needs a smoke alarm.

  27. We need one for our hallway by the bedrooms

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  28. We need alarms upstairs.

  29. The Kitchen would be the first place. After that I would say the staircase.

  30. The hallway leading to the bedrooms.


  31. PROBABLY THE HALLWAY OUTSIDE OUR BEDROOMS. Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

  32. We need another one upstairs. We have one, but I'd feel better if there were two.

  33. we have one smoke alarm and it at the end of the hall from the kitchen and any time I cook if I dont have the fan on it goes off and drive me crazy. lol still good to have one though.

  34. i check the alarm every two weeks just to make sure because i only have one

  35. I hate to admit that we do not have any yet. We bought an older home and have not installed them yet. Thank you


  36. Checked all of the alarms and changed the batteries!

  37. Sadly, I didn't change the batteries. In fact mine is still sitting with the battery slot open waiting for the new battery

  38. I wait to the New Year to do it on that day

  39. I did. Thanks for the giveaway.

  40. No, I didn't change the batteries. Thanks for the reminder!
    bkittie at hotmail.com

  41. No I didnt, but I know that the battery is still good.

  42. I forgot to check them, but I will today.

  43. I didn't change them, this is so good to know!

  44. We didn't change the battery - we have a new house and I'm not sure the 1 smoke alarm even works

    sweepymummy at yahoo dot com

  45. I love the Kiddie line. I have two of their carbon monoxide detectors as well.

  46. Changed it before DST actually

  47. Yes, I changed out the batteries

  48. I always change them at time change. (Corey Olomon)

  49. I went to change the battery at daylight savings time only to realize what I thought was an old smoke detector was not. I then realized there is no smoke detector and called the property management company who still has not brought one by like they said.

  50. I had already changed it earlier after we had a small fire.

    cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

  51. Love these alarms! I have one in my hallway, but I'd love some more that will last 10 years :D

  52. I changed them in October so not when the clocks changed.

  53. I changed tham when i did my fall cleaning

  54. Yes, but it then malfunctioned and I've been so bad about replacing it - something I need to do.

    tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

  55. No because it is over 35 yrs old and hasn't worked in years. :(

  56. we replaced downstairs & upstairs

  57. i didn't change the batteries...

  58. We lack and we did not check it. We only have one and really know better.


    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

  59. i didnt change them yet, waiting for the first of the year

    christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

  60. changed it in the spring - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. No I did not change it at daylight savings time.

  63. We change it at random times, not daylight savings.

  64. I only change the battery when they start to chirp.

  65. i changed the batteries

  66. I changed the batteries. Married to a firefighter and he assures that we change them out during this time!

  67. I didn't, but my husband is always on top of that stuff! Yay for him!!

  68. I did not change the battery. s2inamug at aim dot com

  69. yes a few weeks ago when time fell back i changed all the batteries, it's a good way to remember!
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  70. No, I forgot to do it this year.


  71. I didn't change them because they were changed at the beginning of the school year.

  72. Always change the battery at this time-but this year was running late-just now getting to it :(

  73. Yes! I change our smoke detector batteries everytime the time changes. You can never be too safe.

    NStrong3604 at yahoo dot com

  74. yes we change the battery two a year


  75. No, when it beeps my husband does.

  76. I didn't change the battery in my smoke alarm at Daylight Savings Time.

  77. Yes, I change them during daylight savings otherwise I'd forget. tylerpants(at)gmail.com

  78. yes, every time change.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  79. I honestly didn't know I was supposed to on that exact day, but it makes perfect sense! I will be putting this in my calendar from now on.
