Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Disney Princess Cinderella Holiday Princess Doll {Review}

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For a little while there, I thought it was just my own daughter that was obsessed with princesses. It just happened that Little Sister B was ready to ooh, aah, and shriek any time she saw Belle, Snow White or Aurora, so that's why I noticed them so much, right?

Wrong. Although it took me some time to fully open my eyes and realize it, princesses are everywhere these days and it's far from being just our house. There are toys, games, clothing, decor, utensils, you name it, there are princesses on it.

For Little Sister B, she loves them all. However, due to the recent releases of Cinderella and Cinderella II & Cinderella III, it's not hard to name Cinderella as her ultimate favorite. Everything from the fairy tale to the helpful mice to the glass slipper keeps my little girl entranced in the magic of it all.

So you can only imagine the excitement over the arrival of a certain princess herself right here at our door.

Disney Cinderella doll

The Disney Princess Cinderella Holiday Princess Doll is a perfect miniature of the iconic character herself, as she is dressed for a festive winter ball in her ice-blue gown with elegant accessories. If there is a better way to provide kids with the joy that this beloved Disney princess provides, I don't think I've found it yet!

I have to admit that even I was eager to free Cinderella from her box...

Cinderella doll

...so that we could admire this special-edition, holiday-themed doll.

And, wow.

This charming doll captures the magic and spirit of the holidays from the tip of her tiara to the bottom of her glass slippers. Her beautiful, floor-length ice-blue gown sparkles with cascading white and silvery snowflake accents, and a layered, lighter-blue satin underskirt adds an extra touch of elegance.

Elbow-length white gloves, "jeweled" drop earrings, a blue sateen choker, and a regal tiara complete her joyful look, and the overall result is just the right amount of glamour and sparkle to make any princess fan amazed.

Disney Cinderella Holiday Doll

As an added bonus to this beautiful Holiday Princess doll, Cinderella also comes with a keepsake "glass" slipper that can be used as an ornament! If unwrapping this doll in all of her royal finery isn't enough, what little girl wouldn't be thrilled to hang their own special sparkling ornament on the tree?

Cinderella ornament

Designed for ages 6+, the Disney Princess Cinderella Holiday Princess Doll retails for $34.99 and can be found in stores, in the Mattel Shop and on Amazon.com. Whether you bring home Cinderella to serve as a toy or as a collectible, this seasonally fashionable edition of one of Disney's most-loved princesses will surely be treasured for years to come.

Find out more about Mattel's vast collection of high quality toys on their website as well as by connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Other than the Disney Princess Cinderella Holiday Princess Doll I was provided by Mattel, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This post is solely my honest opinion of this product.

1 comment:

  1. She truly is a beautiful doll. When my family and I went shopping a few weeks ago, my little sister's face lit up when she saw her. So, I couldn't resisting going back, getting it, and stashing it for Christmas! I only wish that they would make one of Princess Aurora, my favorite.
