Monday, November 5, 2012

Unjunk more than Halloween with UNREAL {Our UNREAL Party & Free Coupon Giveaway}

Unreal logo
As Halloween edged closer and closer last month, I had many of the same conversations with a variety of different parents.

Yes, everyone agreed, their kids were very excited for the holiday.

Yes, they continued, they had plans to bundle up and head out trick-or-treating.

The problem that everyone commented on, however, was the fact that the result of going door-to-door for candy was a small mountain of junk food that no one actually wanted their kids to eat.

After all, it's not like kids come home and dump out their bags to find broccoli and apples mixed in with the treats, candy and chocolate, now do they? But while we all dislike having to be the "Mean Mom" and take away our kids' loot, there doesn't seem to be many other options. That's just what Halloween is all about... right?

Not anymore. Now that UNREAL, a new generation food company, has come along with their mission to "unjunk" the world.

UNREAL candy

UNREAL exists because one Halloween a thirteen year old boy asked why candy needed to be so unhealthy. After an argument with his father, he did a bit of research only to find that candy is filled with bad things like hydrogenated oils and artificial colors and flavors. And what's worse, he found out that those ingredients don't make candy taste better, they simply make it cheaper to produce.

Nicky believed that candy without the junk could be made and that it would taste better. And he and his father and brother decided to prove it.

And they did.

UNREAL provides many of the great flavor combinations we love in our treats, but without the corn syrup, without the partially hydrogenated oils, without the GMOs, without the artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives, and with 40% less sugar per serving on average. The key ingredients are responsibly sourced, and the candy is available in the stores we all shop, at a price point we can all afford.

But, let's face it. This all sounds good on paper, but if UNREAL doesn't truly taste good, how is it going to have a chance at replacing traditional candy in the minds of children (and us chocolate-loving adults)?

Setting out to answer that question as well as see what other parents and kids would think of UNREAL, we were able to have an UNREAL Party with many of our friends just in time for Halloween.

UNREAL party

In an effort to unjunk our candy-filled holiday, we were thrilled to include UNREAL products into our Halloween festivities. Food, crafts, costumes, pumpkin carving, pumpkin painting, cookie decorating and more — what could be more fun?

UNREAL party

The response to the plate of UNREAL candy was immediate. Either people had heard of it and had already been curious to taste it (I think I saw this featured on The Doctors recently...) or this was their first introduction and they, too, were curious about the flavor (There aren't any junky ingredients? Then what's in them?).

As the discussion about UNREAL turned to the lowered sugar content, increased dietary fiber, and organic as well as fair trade items listed, the interest continued to increase. After it was fully determined that UNREAL really was a way to unjunk our kids' Halloween...

UNREAL ingredients

...all that was left was to eat it!

As party attendees of all ages began to sample the selection of UNREAL treats,the consensus was overwhelmingly positive. People couldn't help but compare the flavor of each of the UNREAL products to its "traditional" candy counterpart and marvel at the way that it was possible to have a snack taste so good while suddenly not being so horrible for you.

UNREAL unjunked

By the time our Halloween Party came to an end, it was clearly an UNREAL success. The idea of handing out these healthier candies for Halloween was fresh in people's minds (kids wouldn't even know the difference because the candy still tastes delicious!) and parents also commented on how great it would be simply to have UNREAL products in the house.

Whether packed in a school lunch or pulled out for a special treat, UNREAL allows you to feel secure that you're not feeding your children (or, ahem, yourself) questionable ingredients, but instead provides a much more guilt-free way to enjoy the rich flavor of delicious chocolate!

I couldn't have been more pleased to find that everyone left the party with the knowledge of not only what is in UNREAL, but more importantly what is not.

Even better, a good friend of mine runs the school store at her children's Waldorf school and has already taken the steps to begin selling UNREAL there. She brought in a few of the leftover samples from the party and they were a huge hit with the kids, parents and faculty!

It's time to take back our snack foods! If you're ready to learn more about how we can change our treats one candy bar at a time, visit and connect with UNREAL on Facebook and Twitter. Still not convinced that these taste just as amazing as other candy? One person will soon be a believer as well, because...

One lucky person will win (1) free product coupon for UNREAL unjunked candy!

UNREAL giveaway

(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thank you to Resourceful Mommy Media for providing compensation and product samples for our UNREAL in-home party. However, I am sponsoring the giveaway portion of this post myself. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. I would like to find out if I like them because they would definitely be better for me that a regular candy bar.

  2. Would like to try it out and compare to their competitors!

  3. I would love to try them and find out how good they are!

  4. because i would like to offer good-for-you candy to the kids

  5. I like the fact that their product contains no artificial flavors, dyes, hydrogenated oils or GMO's!

  6. Specifically for tat chart above. They contain amazing things!!


  7. I'd love to try it because it has less sugar and love to see if it holds up to other candies. thanks

  8. I love that they have less sugar and more protein than other candy! It makes you wonder why all candy can't be like this!

  9. I want to try them because I get weird rashes when I eat too much HFCS.

  10. I would like to try it because it has less sugar in it.

  11. Id like to try UNREAL because it has more of the healthy stuff and less of the bad stuff :)

    jek9880 at gmail dot com

  12. I liked what you wrote about it.

  13. I'd love to try unreal because it doesn't have any preservatives in it!

    ijessica_r at yahoo dot com

  14. I have kids with sensory problems, and artificial ingredients seem to agitate them. But I still want them to be kids and get a treat!

  15. If it has less fat and sugar than teh real thing

  16. always love to try new things and compare

  17. I would like to try it because, simply, I LIKE candy. Never mind the children- I really enjoy a candy treat every now and then! So, I eat candy with the kids sometimes!! These are very interesting! Anytime I can treat myself and try to be a bit healthier, I'm all for it.

  18. I would try it for the protein and fiber

  19. because its supposed to be healthier

  20. would love to try the "better" candy"!

  21. I like Unreal because they took out all the bad stuff and left the good stuff.

  22. I'd love a healthier peanut butter & chocolate candy.

  23. I would like to try UNREAL because it provides many of the great flavor combinations we love in our treats, but without the corn syrup, without the partially hydrogenated oils, without the GMOs, without the artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives, and with 40% less sugar per serving on average.

    ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com

  24. I would like to try UNREAL products because they look very tasty!

  25. I'm allergic to artificial dyes and miss being able to eat M & M's, so I'd love to try this candy. I also avoid anything with corn syrup.

  26. i have tried them and they are delicious! i avoid artificial colors. scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  27. I`d like to give em a try,see how they compare to regular candy

  28. I would like to win it because it has no preservatives and looks delicious.

  29. I would like to feel healthier about my candy craving families choices!


    selinda_mccumbers at

  30. I love food that contains real ingredients and I have a major sweet tooth - love chocolate!


  31. I like it because it has lowered sugar content, increased dietary fiber, and organic

    tiramisu392 (at)

  32. Like to try them because they don't have artificial ingredients

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  33. As candy goes, they are the best!!!

  34. I want to try the UNREAL products because there is finally a treat that is made with quality products, Thanks!

    romapup at gmail dot com

  35. I haven't tried them yet & would like to

  36. I like that they have more fiber in them!
    -Samantha Meyer

  37. I'd like to try it because it has no corn syrup!

  38. I would like to win because its a healthier alternative to reg. candy.

  39. I'd like to win because I do like candy and would feel better about indulging if I knew it was better for me than regular candy.

  40. Betsy Rubendall Barnes

    I would love to win this so I could try Unreal because it contains no corn syrup :)

  41. love to try new products

  42. I like that they contain more fiber and protein.

  43. I'd like to try it because I love candy, but I'd like it to be healthier for me.

  44. I am trying to avoid processed, unnatural foods at our house. This would be great to try!

  45. i'd like to try them because they sound like a good alternative to other candies, and they look and sound delicious.

  46. I would like to try these because I love candy but want to eat healthier :)

  47. for candy they seem to be made with better stuff

  48. I hosted an UNREAL party as part of a blogging campaign and the candy is amazing.

  49. I want to try them because of the no artificial ingredients

  50. I would love to try this product because I do not like artificial ingredients in my food.

  51. I love candy but unfortunately there are so many unhealthy ingredients. These sound like a great alternative!

  52. Less sugar and more protein

  53. I'm always interested in anything that contains no GMO's or HFCS!

  54. Where have I been?? Can't wait to try it!

  55. I'd like to try because it is a new product I'd never heard of and sounds a bit more healthier.

    jenblogger7 at

  56. Ditch artificial additives and preservatives, it's a no brainer!

  57. I want to save my teeth! Candy has too much sugar!

  58. Artificial ingredients are terrible for our bodies, which is why UNREAL is great!

    onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

  59. doesn't have any preservatives in it

  60. doesn't have any preservatives in it

  61. no bad stuff in it makes enjoying them that much better
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  62. I'd like to try them because I think it'd be pleasant to indulge a healthier way.

  63. I have tried Unreal before and it was amaazing!!!!! my sister got some free samples and i fell in love with 77. would love to try some other flavors!

  64. I love chocolate and candies and these would be way more healthier for me to eat

  65. The added protein and fiber interest me. You can actually sneak a goodly amount of nutrients into candy. For instance, I get sugar-free chocolate from Maine Cottage that have a large percentage of my daily calcium. If you're going to snack, try to make it count!

  66. I'm really picky about what my 3 year old eats. This sounds like it would make a great treat for special occasions!

  67. I'd love to try them! We don't eat much junk food around here because we're pretty careful about what we put in our bodies. Would be nice to have a tasty treat that we were confident wasn't loaded with crap!

  68. I love the fact that is made with natural ingredients.

  69. i tried this from my cvs and it jsut tasted likeithad less chemicals in it


  70. I like going the all natural route!


  71. I would like to try this because I want an alternative to my usual choice of overly sweet and high calorie junk

  72. I'm trying to switch my kids to healthier snacks (Corey Olomon)

  73. I'm tired of how awful the taste of chocolate in my favorite candy bars has gotten over the years.. I want to taste real chocolate again.

  74. They look delicious!!

  75. They look delicious!!

  76. I'd love to try them to see if they taste better than the bad stuff!

  77. No artificial preservatives! This is the candy for me!

  78. I would love to try this because I do have a major sweet tooth but am concerned about the ingredients in my treats.

  79. would like to try anything that is new and different

  80. I would like to try the candy with real natural colors.

  81. I would like to try them because they are healthier than recular candy. Thanks for the giveaway.

  82. I would love to try them and find out how good they are!

  83. I'm trying to improve my nutrition, but every now and then I really crave a good candy bar!
    bkittie at

  84. It's a once in a while treat that I wouldn't feel guilty about them eating.

  85. I would love our family to try them - for everything they ARE and everything they ARE NOT!

  86. We try to eat clean, but do like a bit of candy now and then, so these would be great!

    katfam95 at aim dot com

  87. It would be nice to have candy that isn't as bad for me.

  88. I want to try them because I don't eat foods with hydrogenated oils.

    jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  89. I would like to try them because I am tired of eating artificial ingredients. s2inamug at aim dot com

  90. I would love to eat healthy candy
    Diane Baum

  91. I'd like to try them because I'm trying to make an effort to eat healthier.

  92. I want to try tasty and healthy snacks.

  93. i am a chocolate/candy addict but i want something better for me.

    dani marie ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com

  94. i love choclate and if this is better for me then i want to try it
    rochelle johnson
    traceyj40 at

  95. They use natural ingredients and the packaging is pretty neat.

  96. I'd like to try it because there are no preservatives.

  97. I want to try it because I love candy & I also like that it is made with real cane sugar :)

  98. I would love to try because I want healthier snacks for the family.

  99. I'd like to try them because they don't have artificial ingredients

    s2s2 at comcast dot net

  100. I would love to try these because they sound good and they aren't bad for us!
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  101. I would love to try these because we don't eat a lot of candy but when we do, it'd be great to have a more natural product. We try to limit artificial ingredients.

  102. Because they don't contain all of the bad stuff that is in regular candy.

  103. they are healthier than other candies.

  104. Sounds delicious! I think it would be a great alternative to other chocolate bars. Lieutcrunch27 (at) gmail (dot) com

  105. I like the ingredient list much better then the main stream products.

  106. Better for you, and tastes better

  107. I am curious on how they taste

    ltlbit1@hotmail dot com

  108. healthier than other candies I want some

  109. I want to find out how they taste.

  110. I am happy to see these are made with real sugar and am curious to see just how they taste!

    em darr on rafflecopter

  111. I love candy but it's so bad for you. This sounds awesome!

    bmweida at yahoo dot com
