Wednesday, December 19, 2012

iPhone 5 For Dummies, 6th Edition {Review}

For Dummies logo
At one point I would have said that I was fairly tech-savvy.

After all, I've managed to turn on my computer and publish to this very blog for the past 3½ years, so that counts for something, right?

However, when it comes to other gadgets, I have to admit that I often feel... old. Why is it that my kids can pick up my iPhone and seem to innately know how to do everything? Is that something that they're taught in preschool these days?

I, on the other hand, can do the basics (e.g. make a call, send a text, take a picture, check my email, etc), but anything more than that just seems... complicated.

Which is why I felt as though iPhone 5 For Dummies, 6th Edition was published pretty much explicitly for me!

iPhone 5 For Dummies

Including coverage of the iPhone 5 as well as the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4, iPhone 5 For Dummies has been updated and revised to include everything from the basics to the more complex and lesser known features of your phone.

Beginning with a straightforward introduction that helps you get to know your iPhone, this full-color book continues by introducing the reader to the multitouch interface, iOS 6, syncing with iCloud, making phone and video calls, indispensable utilities, texting, working with the calendar, and more.

I appreciate the way that the bestselling authors of this book, Edward Baig and Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus, have written each chapter with clear, step-by-step instructions and information. Whether or not you're an iPhone pro or a complete newbie, it is easy to find just what you need to master all of the capabilities that this phone entails.

iPhone 5 features

Overall, I've found iPhone 5 For Dummies, 6th Edition an awesome guide to pretty much all things iPhone. Even though I felt as though I was sufficient at making phone calls, browsing the internet, sending and receiving e-mails, downloading apps, and much more, it has been great to have somewhere to look to answer any and all questions that may arise.

Instead of having to search online when I'm troubleshooting, I can quickly flip open this book to the index and find just what I need.

At the same time, I love that I've come across various tips and tricks that I didn't know existed — why haven't I been using the Reminders app more often by tying it to a particular location? Gone are the days of returning home from the grocery store or Target having forgot something we needed when my phone can remind me to buy it the moment I drive into the parking lot!

iPhone reminders

Presented in the same sincere, unpretentious, often-humorous style that the For Dummies series is known for, iPhone 5 For Dummies, 6th Edition is a great gift idea for any iPhone users that might want to feel a little less like a dummy in 2013.

Retailing for $24.99 directly from the For Dummies Store or for just over $15 on Amazon, this book is just one of the many, many ways that the For Dummies series can help make your life just a little easier. You can also find out much more about this and all of the huge For Dummies collection by visiting and connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Other than the iPhone 5 For Dummies, 6th Edition that I was provided to facilitate my review as a part of the For Dummies Ambassador Program, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This post is solely my honest opinion of this book.


  1. I feel like that with tons of things, remote controls, video games, phones, the Christmas lights that do various things, lol. The kids, like you said, no it innately.

    This book would be a great accompanying gift for an iPhone, wouldn't it?!

    I'm stopping by to say Merry Christmas.

  2. i have to check this out b/c I must confess i'm a scared rabbit about these contraptions. yet i'm sure I will need one, hopefully i will be able to master it before the next newfangled thing has put me back in the dark ages - again! I luv these books!!! I had no idea they had one for iphones!!

  3. Maybe someday I'll get an iPhone and need this book since I really don't know at all how to work them.

  4. If I had an iPhone I'm sure this would be extremely helpful for all the great tips and tricks.

  5. I have an iPhone and would love to read this. My daughter shows me something new on my phone every day that I didn't know it can do!
