Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lay-n-Go LITE from PishPoshBaby {Review}

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Although my kids do a decent job taking care of their toys, it seems that as they've gotten older, the pieces have gotten smaller. Large building blocks have been replaced with tiny LEGO bricks, full baby doll clothes are being left on the shelf in favor of miniature Barbie outfits, and even small markers and papers are being chosen over big coloring books and crayons.

While all of that adds up to fun and entertainment, it also means that more and more chance of pieces being lost or, just as bad, having to be extracted (painfully) from the bottom of my foot.

We do have shelves and storage containers for things, but let's face it. The actual act of cleaning up for young children is just not one that they are overly anxious to do.

Which is why I'm thrilled to find a solution that is fast, easy and fun for everyone: the Lay-n-Go LITE from PishPoshBaby.

Lay-n-Go Lite

An 18" activity mat that easily transforms into its own portable storage bag, the Lay-n-Go LITE allows for quick and effortless clean-up of small toy pieces in seconds. Simply pull the drawstring tight and it closes right up to travel with you or be put away for next time.

Considering I am willing to try just about anything that will encourage my kids to take responsibility for the full clean-up process of their toys, I couldn't wait to put the Lay-n-Go LITE to the test.

Lay-n-Go activity mat

Pulling this product out of the package, I was struck at just what a simple, innovative idea it was. The 100% nylon fabric is strong, tough, water repellent and easy to wipe clean, so all kids need to do is pull on the durable cord to close it up tight and keep all of their possessions inside!

Lay-n-Go Lite review

Just the right size for a small collection of toys, our biggest decision was figuring out which of our toys needed the Lay-n-Go LITE the most!

As Little Sister B has been collecting more and more Barbie clothes and accessories lately, we decided that it was time to put a stop to the loose shoes, necklaces, outfits and more that seem to be slowly taking over our house.

Once we collected items from her bedroom, the playroom, under the couch, next to the dryer, and more, we laid them out right onto the activity mat for playtime.

Barbie clothes storage

After a great deal of fun Barbie adventures, Little Sister B simply pulled the drawstring tight and turned the Lay-n-Go LITE instantly into a soft storage bag. No fuss, no hassle, no mess!

toy storage

With the convenient cord lock, there was no worry that any tiny items would fall out, and the nylon handle made it perfectly easy for Little Sister B to put the entire thing safely into her room. There is even a small front pocket (which securely closes with Velcro) in case we want to store the drawstring or another small item.

Now, no matter if Barbie is coming out at home, at a restaurant, on an airplane, at Grandma's house or more, the Lay-n-Go LITE will keep all of her possessions together, clean and easily portable!

kids toy storage

Available at in five different colors, the Lay-n-Go LITE retails for $24.95. Or, for a much larger play and storage space, the original Lay-n-Go has a 5' diameter, is available in blue or green, and retails for $64.95.

For a smart, easy, personal activity mat that kids can use, clean and store all on their own, the Lay-n-Go LITE is a unique, convenient carryall solution all in one. Be sure to visit PishPoshBaby to find out more as well as connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with all of their amazing products for babies and kids.

Other than the Lay-n-Go LITE I was provided by PishPoshBaby to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This post is solely my honest opinion of this site and this product.


  1. so cute! i've seen something like that, but bigger; this size would be great for my son's matchbox cars!

  2. This would come in handy for my grandchildren. When they play they always seem to leave little pieces of their toys on the floor for grandma to step on and it hurts.

  3. My Grandaughter needs this to pack up when she comes to visit! I don't know what color she would like it in. So I will wait untill she gets here for Christmas and ask her! Thank you so much for sharing this! It has been a great help as I have been looking for something she can use!

  4. I love this! My grandson has a million mega bloks that get scattered everywhere. This would be easy to keep them together and clean up quickly.

  5. This is a great idea. And even more that your daughter likes it and thinks it's cool.

  6. This is really such a great idea, some of the toys my son has didn't some with a permanent storage container.

  7. Anything that will help get your kids to pick up after themselves is a big hit!
