Monday, January 28, 2013

Something About Silver's Show Them Your Love Valentine's Day Photo Contest {On Now!}

Something About Silver logo
Having children, the meaning of Valentine's Day is quite a bit different than it was in the past for me. Of course I love my husband and know that it would be nice to spend time with him and exchange the classic gifts... but there's just more than that now.

When I look at Big Sister E and Little Sister B, I know that Valentine's Day isn't just about flowers and chocolate (although those are nice) or any gift at all, really. It's truly the holiday made to celebrate the most important thing that we all have: love.

And the pure, sweet love from children is exactly what Something About Silver is celebrating this week in their fun and exciting Show Them Your Love Valentine's Day Photo Contest.

photo contest

In honor of children everywhere and as a special reminder about one of the greatest days for loving others, Something About Silver is holding a contest for one lucky winner to bring home some cash and free jewelry. Pretty nice combination, right?

Taking part is easy! Here's how:
  1. Like Something About Silver on Facebook.

  2. Subscribe to the contest newsletter for contest-specific updates and information.

  3. Email in a photo of your child/grandchild (10 years old or younger) showing someone their love and include a 3-sentence description. Be sure to send your photograph to by 8am EST on February 2nd, 2013.

  4. A panel of judges will select the best 10 photos to be placed into a poll — at 5pm EST on Monday, February 4th all participants will receive a link to the poll where the 10 selected finalists can be viewed.

  5. All finalists will then have seven days to collect as many votes as they possibly can (polls will close on Monday, February 11th at 5pm EST) and the one who collects the most votes will win!
The winner will be announced the very next day (February 12th) and will receive $250 cash and a $75 Gift Certificate to Something About Silver, who will overnight a money order to the winner before Valentine's Day.


The Show Them Your Love Valentine's Day Photo Contest is on now (and ends early Saturday morning!) so start looking through your photographs for the one that best represents the love that children so freely display.

Then be sure to visit the Something About Silver blog for all of the details and fine print and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter as well. Good luck!

I was compensated for my time in sharing this information, however, all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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