Monday, January 28, 2013

Maintain a Radiant, Youthful Complexion with Brazilian Peel {Review & Giveaway}

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In a conversation recently, a friend told me that she loved winter.

I'm not going to lie, I looked at her like she was crazy while you've GOT to be kidding ran through my head. What is there to love? It's freezing, it takes an extra 10 minutes to hunt down and pack up my kids' boots, snowpants, hats, mittens and more, and, no matter what I do, my hair, lips and skin feel dry.

Another layer of lip balm to keep my chapped lips at bay and another application of lotion to keep the cracks away from my knuckles, but my face? It just seems like it is peeling, dry and dull all over. Lovely.

Fortunately, there are products designed to make it easy to jump start our skin and maintain a radiant, youthful complexion all year long. Sounds pretty nice, right? That's why I was excited to be introduced to the patented, self-neutralizing Brazilian Peel and the way that it firms and tones skin, and reduces fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, and uneven skin tone.

Brazilian Peel product

From Advanced Home Actives, Brazilian Peel is the first professional-strength peel designed to deliver deeper, long-lasting results at home. Formulated with 30% glycolic acid, the nourishing antioxidant açaì, and the innovative Q-Mag Neutralizer, this product claims to help tighten skin and remove skin damage for women seeking affordable home skin care.

Considering I'm always on the lookout for quick and easy ways to bring new life to my skin, I was ready to give Brazilian Peel a chance to see the improvements it could provide for me.

AHA Brazilian Peel

Pulling the contents out of the box, I was glad to see that the entire process was uncomplicated and easy to follow.

As much as I would like to spend hours at a time on an at-home spa experience, I definitely appreciate being able to pull out a product that simply requires a few minutes and can be utilized easily during a mom's busy schedule.

Brazilian Peel review

It only took a minute to glance over the instructions before I was able to put the first application of the Brazilian Peel to use.

Brazilian Peel application

As each application is held in a double-chamber syringe container, once you've washed and dried your face and neck, you simply dispense the Brazilian Peel gel and white Q-Mag Mineral Neutralizer right into the palm of your hand.

Brazilian Peel gel

After mixing the contents with two fingers until they are thoroughly combined, apply an even layer to your entire face, neck and décolleté and leave for 10 minutes.

While I felt an initial warm, light tingling sensation (the instructions mention to rinse immediately if you experience discomfort), I didn't have any problem leaving the Brazilian Peel on my skin for the allotted time before thoroughly washing it off.

I have to admit that I was slightly skeptical that I would remove the towel from my face and find my skin glowing like the Brazilian Peel models...

glowing skin

...but was pleasantly surprised to see that it had indeed revealed fresher, younger-looking skin without even a hint of redness or irritation. My face in general felt clearer and I was shocked when my husband (who is levels beyond me when it comes to being skeptical of products meeting their claims) even mentioned that he indeed thought my skin was a bit brighter.

When I went to apply makeup later in the day, I definitely noticed that the application was easier and that my skin did feel smoother than it has in a while. Even though I hadn't invested a great deal of time (and money) visiting a spa, I was really pleased that the results appeared as if I had!

pampered with friends

As chemical peel treatments are one of the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedures performed by plastic surgeons and dermatologists in the U.S., being able to visibly and instantly brighten, smooth, firm, and tone skin right at home is a fantastic alternative.

I don't know about you, but the ease and convenience of being able to remove or improve the appearance of things like sun damage, tiny scarring, fine lines, age spots, skin discolorations and more right from the comfort of my own home is a huge plus. Why wouldn't I want to reveal the fresh, soft skin that is hiding below the dry, dull surface by simply using Brazilian Peel once a week?

Albeit much more inexpensive than going to a spa or doctor's office, Brazilian Peel does retail for $78 for four applications, so it isn't cheap. But if you're someone that is looking for a way to have a radiant complexion without any discomfort or hassle, this just might be the thing for you!

Find out more, read other reviews, or make a purchase of Brazilian Peel on the Advanced Home Actives website, as well as from Sephora or on Amazon.

And, thanks to the generosity of AHA, one person will soon be able to see smoothing, firming and brightening of their skin as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Brazilian Peel
by Advanced Home Actives (ARV $78)!

Brazilian Peel giveaway

A big thank you to Advanced Home Actives for providing a Brazilian Peel kit for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. Dark spots on my chin from ingrown hairs. I wish I could just peel off layers until they were gone.

  2. darkness over my lip. happened with my second pregnancy, hasn't gone away :(

  3. my skin is very dry with dark spots

  4. My rosacea is ever embarrassing and I would love to cure it
    masugr at yahoo dot com

  5. dark spots from acne, would love to be rid of them!

  6. My greatest skin issue is fine lines from sun damage.

  7. I still get acne in my late 40's! I also am getting ugly baggies under my eyes, I always blamed it on my never ending sinus problems but I dont think I can keep using that excuse!
    Beth H

  8. I am in my late 40's and have issues with uneven skin tones and darkness under my left eye! I would love to find a product that would help!

  9. I have what my dad's family calls "cheap skin:' easy to irritate, easy to sunburn. I get red and blotchy at the drop of a hat.

  10. Dry, peeling skin...I need something to help exfoliate all the time!

  11. darkness under eyes, wrinkles, and occasional acne

  12. I still break out and it drives me crazy.

  13. breakouts/acne scars

  14. I have dry skin and terrible break outs.

  15. My problem is lines around my eyes.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  16. constant acne on my chin and jawline! ugh!

  17. lots of black heads and large pores

  18. I have very dry itchy skin that i HATE

    jodi frasier

  19. I wish I didn't have all of these wrinkles under my eyes!

  20. some acne scars. thankyou, ken

  21. I wish i could get rid of all my acne scars.

  22. dark circles under my eyes
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  23. I still suffer with acne at age 30.

    Leslie Galloway (LesGalloway //at// hotmail //dot// com)

  24. My skin is very dry.

  25. Sadly, I'm starting to get lines. I also get dry skin on my eyelids. Weird huh?

  26. I have uneven discolorated skin that is dull and sometimes flaky ----- Pauline aka Paol Trenny ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

  27. My problem is lines around my eyes and an uneven skin tone.

  28. I have hyperpigmentation from breakouts!

  29. I would like to do something about the fine lines on my forehead.

  30. I have acne scars and very dry skin on my face.

  31. My face looks like its fallen and can't get up!

  32. I've got too many wrinkles around my mouth and eyes.

  33. fine lines, wrinkles on forehead, uneven skin tone, sun spots
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  34. WRINKLES ARE MY PROBLEM. Cheryl Abdelnour

  35. I would love to get rid of all of the discoloration on my face - Rosacea, Hyperpigmentation, Hypopigmentation, etc. I have all the colors of the rainbow! ;-)

  36. mY ISSue with my darker skin is scarring.

  37. My skin is super pale and needs a few layers removed maybe??

  38. I have more breakouts since having my daughter a year ago. I used to have pretty clear skin, but now I usually have something somewhere.

  39. I would like to correct fine lines around my mouth

  40. I have some broken blood vessels on my cheeks and chin and have no idea how or if I can get rid of them!

  41. fine lines and few wrinkles and dark spots under eyes

    sandradavis07 at comcast dot net

  42. I have a problem with dry patches around my eyes and undereye puffiness.
    -Audra Weathers
    Snowflake Day Play at gmail dot com

  43. I have a lot of redness, especially around my nose

  44. I'm getting dull skin, it's not nearly as bright and even toned as it used to be. :(

  45. I am almost 30 and still have bad acne :(

  46. I have uneven skin tone that drives me nuts! Also deal with general dullness, especially in the winter.

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  47. Wrinkles and breakouts on my forehead.

  48. My skin is pretty dry and dull and I also have dark under eye circles.

  49. Adult acne and the start of wrinkles. ACK!

  50. I have some discoloration on my chin from acne and enlarged pores by by nose.

  51. Large pores on nose, redness and sagging under my eyes. I would be thrilled to fix these problems!


  52. Consistent breakouts and blackheads.

  53. have a few age spots

    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  54. I have fine lines, and very dry, peeling amount of moisturizer stops the flaking of my makeup...GROSS!

  55. My skin feels dry and my pores are bigger than I'd like them to be!

  56. I would like to correct the uneven tones in my skin.

  57. I have fine lines around my eyes, lips and nose.


  58. I had bad acne when I was younger and still have some scars.
    Amber Porter

  59. I have some fine lines..

    ltlbit1@hotmail dot com

  60. I have fine lines.

  61. Undereye bags and sagging skin.

  62. im 31 and still breakout out on my chin, it leaves dark scars too

  63. A few fine lines, but that's about it.

  64. I hate the dark circles and puffiness under my eyes

  65. I have extremely dry skin and uneven tones to my skin.

  66. i have a lot of freckles
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  67. I have some fine lines.
    Thanks for the chance!

    raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

  68. A freckle outline around my lips! Weird!

  69. I have some spots on my skin that I'd like to correct. (Roxann)
