Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stay Warm for Less with Honeywell Portable Heaters {Honeywell EnergySmart 360 Surround Heater Giveaway}

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Although for a while there it seemed like we were going to be able to slide by without too frigid of a winter, chilly temperatures and icy winds have blanketed the country and caused a lot of us to reach to turn up our thermostats.

I don't know about where you are, but here in the Midwest there's no mistaking that winter has fully arrived.

cold temperatures

I'd like to say that I'm one of those people that loves the cold weather or finds beauty in the snow or likes to see the glisten of the ice... but I'm not. It's cold. Cold, cold, cold.

So, being far from someone who wants to live in an igloo, I have designated myself in charge of the thermostat in our house and am fortunate that my agreeable husband hasn't ever complained. What about in your house? Who prefers warmer temperatures? How do you keep warm when your spouse won't turn up the thermostat?

These questions will be asked across the nation this winter and a few answers and fun facts on portable heaters and how the sexes are bound to battle can be seen below!

gender wars
Click on the infographic itself for a larger size.

If you're like me, you browse that infographic and think that it's definitely time to get a portable heater! Why spend extra money heating up the entire house if it is really only one room that needs to stay warm?

Fortunately, Honeywell, the name that we all turn to for products designed to create optimum home comfort, has a large selection of portable heaters that allow you to stay cozy while keeping your wallet happy as well.

Portable heaters can supplement your central heating, keep drafty basements or workshops warm and create a personal level of comfort in whatever room you're in. By lowering the temperature in a house by a number of degrees, you can save up to hundreds in heating costs per year!

To see how the numbers add up for yourself, visit the Honeywell Heater Savings Calculator (also available on Facebook) to compare the cost of heating your home as you normally do versus the savings generated by lowering your thermostat and using a portable heater to heat the room you are in.

heat savings calculator

For even more great information and tips on keeping a comfortable home this winter, visit the Honeywell Facebook page. Don't let the cold weather get you down this year!

room warmth tip

Also, thanks to the generosity of Honeywell, one person will soon be saving money without sacrificing comfort for all of the upcoming cold months, because...

One lucky person will win a Honeywell EnergySmart 360 Surround Heater (ARV $59.99)!

Honeywell EnergySmart 360 Surround Heater

A big thank you to Honeywell for providing a Surround Heater for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Anonymous said...

We've shut off rooms but it has cost us more money because now our pipes are frozen

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you

Jessica said...

I use a heated blanket
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

layers around the house and layers of blankets to sleep. ahhhhhhhhh!!!!

Yesenia said...

Lots of layers and hot chocolate!
morales_y at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I stay bundled up I don't like the cold at all... would love a nice heater for my bedroom, it's always cold in there

jbmthill said...

I have a small space heater under my desk at work. I have throw blankets at home on the couch and I am totally wrapped up at night watching tv.
Beth H

Kristen said...

We use individual heaters in each room so we don't have to heat the whole house.

channallocks said...

Drink a lot of coffee!and wear warm clothes

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I have a nice wooly fur blanket that i use to snuggle under
vmkids3 at msn dot com

jlafount said...

Light fleece blanket

Jennifer said...

I use my Snuggie...a lot. :)

Unknown said...

lots of blankies! :)

Megan CS said...

we use a space heater in our bedroom at night

rosannepm said...

I use a snuggie, an electric blanket and keep unused rooms closed off

Unknown said...

I wear socks and keep a blanket in each chair when sitting around the house.

NStrong3604 at yahoo dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

We weather proof our windows and doors. We make we keep all the bedroom doors closed during the day so they stay warm.

Unknown said...

I wear layers and use blankets and heaters.

HarleyC said...

I layer clothes and cook a lot of stews & soups!

Anonymous said...

I use lots of layers.

Angel said...

running the central heat, and throw blankets

Julie H said...

I sleep with extra blankets.

g7s22 said...

Lots of layers of fleece

Angie said...

I like my electric blanket to keep warm with

Unknown said...

I turn the heat down fairly low because we're trying to see how much of diff that will make in the bill... we put on extra sweaters/sweatshirts...socks and slippers - I close off the bedrooms during the day while everyone is gone, closing the vents - I have a space heater that I drag around from room to one would be great!

Unknown said...

To stay warm? SOCKS. LOTS OF SOCKS.

STRANGEONE1120 said...

we stay bundled up, and use lots of blankets

STRANGEONE1120 said...

we stay bundled up and use lots of blankets

Gina F. said...

I wear my slippers and warm pajamas around the house and when going outside I wear my jeans or sweat pants along with my turtle necks and sweaters.

ginaferrell26 at yahoo dot com

Rusthawk said...

I like to layer instead of using the heater.

LeeAnn said...

I just wear a light jacket to stay warm during the winter. ;-)

Jenn Hiles said...

We stay warm by bundling up and cuddling up!

price21100 said...

Bundle up and have extra covers handy!

msilba said...

warm bathrobe and extra blankets on the bed

tweetyscute said...

I wear many layers and wear gloves and socks. Sitting by a fire is really nice too

tatertot374 said...

like to keep blankies handy

Courtney said...

I sleep with a heating blanket.

Unknown said...

I close off the bedroom I only use for storage,

Betsy Barnes said...

We keep a fire burning during very cold days to keep warm :)

Karen A. said...

Around the house, I am usually in my fleece or flannel pajamas with a really thick, warm robe. I also have on my slippers that have fur inside.

Karen F said...

I snuggle with a comfy blanket and have a fire in the fireplace

Unknown said...

I keep warm around the house in jammies and booties and out and about in thick cable knit sweaters.

bkittie said...

I wear socks to bed to stay warm at at night.
Diane L.
bkittie at

Unknown said...

To stay warm I layer my clothing, drink hot beverages, and pile the warm blankets on my bed. Thanks!

Karen said...

I use an electric blanket. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

layer clothing and bake in the oven alot!

Pary Moppins said...

cuddle up under a blanket with the whole fam including dogs and kitty

sharon54220 said...

I would love to win this for my office. We never know how to dress from one day to the next.

Allison Downes said...

Blankets and heavy clothing

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Lindsay said...

I wear socks/slippers, heavy pants, and a hoodie or snuggie.

Elizabeth said...

I drink a lot of hot tea and cuddle under blankets.

one frugal lady said...

I take a hot bath before bed!

Sarah said...

Layers of clothes and always keep my feet covered!

Unknown said...

Use extra blankets and run the fireplace more.

Unknown said...

blanket and electric heater..

Amy Dalrymple said...

I wear extra layers!

Roy F. said...

A wall heater and hot cocoa

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

woodstove and layers

Carolyn said...

We layer our clothes and use lots of blankets. And warm slippers.


I stay in a good and warm apartment

Heather! said...

I put hot buckies in my bed about twenty minutes before I get in, AND I often sleep with a heating pad! I'm a freeze-baby! :)

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

brich2222 said...

we keep a cool house and I wear thermals!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Unknown said...

I layer my clothing, and use an electric blanket at night.

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...we humidify the air in the winter, wear sweaters-sweatshirts-fleeces & wool socks !

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Kimberly said...

We have a woodburning stove that keeps us warm!

Erin Rok said...

I use an electric blanket to help me keep warm

McKim said...

We have a woodstove that we use all the time, plus we have blankets we cover up with while watching tv.

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

dress in layers

Melissa said...

I have a "house coat" that I wear.

virgomomwriter said...

I take warm baths, wear socks at all times, and snuggle under blankies. I also crochet.

sunflowerally22 said...

cover with blankets and layer!!!

Unknown said...

I dont go outside much so inside it's a long t, hoodie, socks, slippers, sweats and a blanket! Hot drink if all THAT doesnt cut it!


ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

Karen Glatt said...

I use my very warm blanket called Snuggie! They really keep you warm. I wear sweaters and warm slippers at home and I drink hot tea to stay warm!

sherylssg said...

I warm my hands and feet with a heat pack I warm in the microwave.

sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

nickieisis3 said...

heaters, blankets

*~Dani~* said...

I use a LOT of blankets!!

polly said...

after work i always put on sweats & warm slippers

DistractedMommy said...

Bundle up! I usually wear my robe and slippers all day! Comfy chic!

oceanrena said...

flannel sheets

ShellyH said...

We weatherproof our home and dress in layers.

ravish30 at aol dot com

Brandi said...

Brandi--I wear a snuggie!

Audrey said...

I wear more than one layer to stay warm :)

Leanne Hill said...

bundle up!

yellowlabs said...

I wear warm clothes and always have a blanket wrapped around me at home.

Sass said...

I wear multiple layers!

Unknown said...

I try to refrain from going outside unless absolutely needed lol

Melanie said...

Lots of layers of clothing

Jessica said...

I wear a lot of fleece and sweatpants and furry slippers, and hibernate under a pile of blankets!

Unknown said...

I dress warmly or snuggle with my husband.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I leave my heat set on 75 and dress in my winter socks and sweatshirts.


Julie said...

electric blanket and hot showers

hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

SHAYNA said...


Unknown said...

lots of blankets and socks.

dani marie ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com

Melanie Montgomery said...

I bundle up under blankets.

Derek Timm said...

I usually wear multiple sweatshirts!

richelle bowers said...

blankets, sweatshirts and sweatpants, thermal socks lol

Unknown said...


Tracy said...

Fleece blankets for everyone and a cozy fireplace...

Becca Ann said...

I wear sweatshirts and cuddle up on the couch with a throw

Jaime-Lynn said...

I put on my skiing clothes so I to shovel. I stay so warm I just do my neighbors' houses.

kroch said...

I use a heated blanket and drink a lot of warm beverages.

Katie R.
dancehottie1621 at aol dot com

Mrs. Stacey said...

Snuggle with my Hubby

Kathy P said...

we have bbhw heat and a pellet stove but if im chilly I snuggle under a blanket

Holly said...

I snuggle with Nelson, my cat, when my fiance is away at work.

aajacques said...

I stay warm with my throw blankets and one elecrtic blanket

bbrittbrat1398 said...

We wear lots of layers and stay under the blankets to stay warm.

Brittney House

Robert said...


MsJudwah said...

Thermal tops and pants under layers of clothing. An electric blanket at night.

sottovoce said...

I have several very warm throws that are always on my home at least.

Tonya Dean said...

Lots of extra blankets and throws everywhere!


A Roach said...

Drink tea!

elangomatt said...

Aaron Bretveld

I always make sure keep a decent pair of slippers around and wear warmer clothes during the winter. I also like to turn my furnace temp down a bit when I'm at work so I can come home, turn the temp up to the normal level and get a nice blast of hot air to warm things up.

April said...

I live in Florida so there isn't too much staying warm to do except in the office where I have a sweater to help warm myself when the AC is on too high.

Kat said...

warm clothes, layers, warm drinks

Anonymous said...

Aside from craking the keep in my home, I wear a big fluffy robe over whatever I am wearing with warm slippers.

Sheila Hickmon said...

We layer our clothes when going outside and use extra blankets on days in!

sparkedcat said...

I wear sweaters and hoodies.

Unknown said...

I layer up and always keep my feet warm. I could really use this, I'm pregnant and I go through times where I'm hot then cold. My husband has to sleep with the fan on so I FREEZE at night!

Karri Janiece Steed said...

space heaters, warm knee socks, and minky throws

Erica C. said...

We cuddle under blankets on the couch :)

clynsg said...

Furnace, warm clothes and occasionally use a space heater.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

hussagain said...

We definitely dress in layers and housecoats and slippers and blankets and and there really a way to keep warm? lol

Unknown said...

I use a blanket!

amanda said...

I am always cold so I usually have my coat on all the time.

Unknown said...

I use my heated blanket

Debra Guillen said...

during the day we have a wood burning stove and at night we all use electric blankets

ladcraig said...

I do as my grandma told me to do & put on a sweater. :)

mtbears819 said...

go to sleep with sweat pants on-Dorothy Deakyne

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

i bundle up in layers and watch ryan gosling movies

bac1 said...

use alot of sweaters and blankets

Unknown said...

snuggle under the covers

Cassandra M said...


Teresa Thompson said...

Pay very high electric bills.

Mary Gardner said...

lots of layers!

jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

michedt said...

Wear heavier clothes. However, I'm in shorts right now in CO. Unbelievable!
Michelle Tucker

Anonymous said...

I always wear a jacket or sweatshirt layered inside and double socks! It is cold in my house lol

cheap4kids at yahoo dot com

Sandy said...

I have a really warm blanket I drag everywhere.

Vikki Billings said...

I have a heated throw blanket that I use

Concilium Plebis said...

Electric Blankets

Kat said...

we wear lots of layers

lisa c said...


Lindsey said...

Layers and keeping a blanket by my couch. I also put an extra quilt on the bed.

Unknown said...

I layer a lot because in Louisiana, one minute it'll be 30 degrees and the next minute it's 75. Inside, I run a heater and use a blanket.

c allen said...

i use a lap blanket to stay warm in the winter, plus socks, pants, long sleeves thanks crystal allen

Roxann said...

We turn up the heat until we are comfortable.

/\Heather/\ said...

Socks and sweatshirts around the house, and a space heater in the bathroom!

Julieh said...

I wear thick sweaters.
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

cman said...

Heater, hoodies and fleece.

Unknown said...

I bundle up with layers of clothing, wrap up on the couch with a comorter in front of the fire in the fireplace.

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