Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Save Time in the Kitchen with the BeaterBlade from NewMetro Design {Review & Giveaway}

NewMetro Design logo
While my dream of being a professional foodie, one who can walk into the kitchen and whip up something incredible and delicious with ease, will most likely forever stay a dream, that doesn't mean that I don't still look for ways in which to make my cooking and baking more efficient (and tasty).

Whether that means trying out a new recipe or the latest set of pots and pans, if it results in less time spent cooking and cleaning and more time spent enjoying a yummy meal with my family, I'm all for it.

Therefore, when I was introduced to the BeaterBlade, the electric mixer attachment that continuously scrapes the bowl during mixing, I knew that NewMetro Design had come up with something that would benefit all of us.

Beater Blade

Celebrating its 5th anniversary this year, BeaterBlade is arguably the most impressive addition to the electric mixer that bakers everywhere can enjoy. By replacing the standard flat beater that comes with electric mixers, BeaterBlade is able to scrape and pull ingredients into the center of the bowl without having to stop the motor and scrape by hand.

Considering that I love my KitchenAid mixer but that I've always felt that it was somewhat of a hassle to have to continually stop it and reach in with my spatula, I was ready to put the BeaterBlade to the test and see if it could really live up to all of the positive reviews that I found on sites such as Amazon, Bed, Bath & Beyond and more.


NewMetro Design makes it easy to figure out which of their BeaterBlade models will work with your mixer (they have different versions depending on the size — 4.5 to 7quart — whether the head tilts or the bowl lifts, etc), and have designed them to fit KitchenAid, Cuisinart, Viking and Kenwood brands. There are also a few different colors so that your accessories can match your appliances and kitchen decor!

As I pulled my BeaterBlade out of the package, I immediately began to compare it to my mixer's beater to look for similarities and differences.

electric mixer beaters

With the main difference being that the KitchenAid beater is metal and the BeaterBlade is plastic, the two are otherwise quite similar in shape, size and design.

But then there are the the blades! Dubbed "wings" by BeaterBlade, the two strong, durable, flexible wings on each side are made of food-grade rubber and provide the same results as your car's windshield wipers. Simply use your mixer like normal and the BeaterBlade efficiently and quickly scrapes the sides and bottom of the bowl as you continue to add ingredients.

Talk about convenient! The BeaterBlade popped on as quickly and easily as my usual beater and I had no problem following NewMetro Design's clear instructions as to how to raise the head of my mixer up just a slight bit for a perfect fit into the bowl.

BeaterBlade mixer

After that, things were a piece of cake! I love being able to leave the mixer running (slowly, of course) while adding ingredients to a recipe and not having to stop every few minutes to scrape down the sides.

While I've never timed my cookie batter mixing in the past, it had definitely decreased the first time that I tried it with the BeaterBlade!

BeaterBlade review

I couldn't be much happier with having switched to using the BeaterBlade, as it has cut down on the mixing time of everything from cakes to cookies to frostings to breads and more.

While my young kitchen helpers were initially concerned that they would no longer have anything to lick when the mixing was completed, those worries were dashed when they realized that the BeaterBlade itself replaced the spatula perfectly.

Beater Blade review
It's always a sign of successful baking when you end up with flour on your forehead.
As the perfect finishing touch, the BeaterBlade is dishwasher safe (top rack), so cleanup is even easier than before. What more could I ask for?

Shorter mix time, great results and easier cleaning means that I am definitely reaching for my BeaterBlade for ALL of my mixing in the future! After only one use I could see why this attachment has wowed professional and amateur cooks with its incomparable performance. I just can't think of any reason that I would choose my standard flat beater over this innovative upgrade!

BeaterBlade spatula

With a suggested retail price between $24.99 and $29.99, depending on the model (as low as $18.94 on Amazon!), the BeaterBlade can be found in stores and online today.

Whether you spend a great deal of time in the kitchen or just appreciate efficiency when you find it, the BeaterBlade can make quick work of your mixing... which just means less time until eating, right?

Visit NewMetro Design to find out more about the BeaterBlade and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter as well. Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon be able to quickly mix and bake as well, because...

One lucky person will win a BeaterBlade for their electric mixer*!

*Winner will be able to select the correct model BeaterBlade for their size and style mixer.

A big thank you to NewMetro Design for providing a BeaterBlade for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. love making red velvet cupcakes with vanilla bean cream cheese frosting!

  2. Banana cake with cream cheese frosting.

  3. chocolate chip cookies! Cheryl Abdelnour

  4. I like to bake Chocolate Banana Bread.

    sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

  5. We make a lot of cookies with our kitchen aid!

  6. I use mine for mashed potatoes at least once a week!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  7. angel food cake!

    jek9880 at gmail dot com

  8. I love to make pound cake...this beater blade would be such a help!

  9. I love making cheesecake. I also love eating the cheesecake!

  10. I like to bake cakes and i love the frosting that I whip up in my Kitchen Aid.

    Just a note to connect my comment to the Rafflecopter: The Rafflecopter calls me 'Margot' since it is accessing my facebook where I am 'Margot Core'; the Rafflecopter connects to this email: annazed10 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  11. I love making cakes and cookies but I really love the mixer for making cheese krispies.....makes it so much easier and I'm sure this beater blade would be even better..

  12. chocolate chip cookies. thankyou, ken

  13. i don't have an electric mixer but i'd love to bake a cake!

  14. Banana Cake :) there's a really good recipe on for banana cake!

  15. I love to use my mixer on brownies and pie fillings! Yummy! Especially, Peanut Butter Pie!

  16. Cookies, cakes or anything sweet! But really it is one appliance that gets lots of use in my kitchen

  17. I love using mine to mix my bread dough!

    CINDY B on rafflecopter

  18. I love making banana pudding in my mixer!

  19. Nothing beats good old fashioned Toll House choco chip cookies! And NO other mixer out there sold for your household use, can handle a double batch of cookie dough like KitchenAid can.
    KitchenAid handles even this thick batter like a breeze!!

  20. I like making cakes (Red Velvet) with my mixer.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  21. Google+ and GFC ids: abfantom fantom

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  22. My favorite thing would be any of the cookie recipes my grandmother gave me. This blade would be fantastic to have!
    cspmom at gmail dot com

  23. I like baking oatmeal cranberry walnut cookies

  24. I make spinach pie

  25. I bake alot. I would make cakes and cookies. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  26. Cardamom crumb cake.

    marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

  27. alright, this is amazing! I would make everything from cookies, mashed potatoes, to c akes in it. I just got a Kitchen Aid at Christmas and it is the best thing since sliced bread!
    masugr at yahoo dot com

  28. I make cinnamon buns that are to die for every Christmas.

  29. I make a lot of bread and use my mixer to knead the dough for me!

  30. I like making scones! Especially chocolate chip ones

  31. We love to make Divinity

  32. Any type Of Cupcake And Cookies!

  33. Chocolate chip cookies! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

  34. We like to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!

  35. I like making cookies and also using my Kitchen Aid to mix hamburg for meatloaf and meatballs

  36. Cupcakes and muffins

  37. White chocolate macadamia nut cookies!

  38. bread, I love to bake bread and that mixer looks like it would be a snap to use and clean. Love to bake bread hate to clean.

  39. I love making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies!

  40. Bread and cookies are what I use my mixer for the most.

  41. i love to make any kind of cheesecake

  42. Favorite dessert is cookies, and favorite other food is chicken salad.

  43. I like to make Gingerbread and cookies.

  44. I love to use my mixer to make cake frosting--any flavor!

  45. I just got my new mixer today! My favorite thing to make is red velvet cup cakes with cream cheese filling and a butter cream frosting, this is going to make it a million times easier!

  46. i love to make mashed potatoes with my electric mixer

  47. I love making my grandmother's chocolate cake

  48. I love to use it to make sugar cookies.

    april yedinak

  49. I like baking everyone's birthday cakes!


  50. I love the way my Kitchen Aid makes frosting, my wrists are not as strong any more and I find that I am unable to use hand mixers.

  51. I love making cakes with my kitchenaid mixer- italian creme cake is my favorite

  52. with a dough hook, I'd love to make bread.

  53. I like to make chocolate chip cookies!

  54. Chocolate chip walnut cookies!


  55. paleo chocolate cake (cakew ith no grains or sugar)

  56. i love to make brownies with it and add pecans and choc chips too
    tcogbill at live dot com

  57. I us my mixer for everything but I like to use it most for Icing!!

  58. cream puff pie, the dough is so sticky tho

  59. We like to make dinner rolls but we have to use the dough hooks for that.

  60. Pumpkin bread, I just some yesterday

  61. Cakes, breads, cookies, what's not to love (and bake!)

  62. I love making sugar cookies with homemade buttercream icing!

  63. My favorite to make would be cupcakes!

  64. I bake a LOT. I think my favorite is a cookie cake for my hubby!

  65. My fiance loves red velvet cake so I make him cupcakes a lot.

  66. cakes and icings from scratch

    jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

  67. i like to make cakes and cookies
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com
    tony l smoaks on rafflecopter

  68. I love to bake any and everything. I like to make my grandmas pound cake

  69. I love to make cake and cup cakes!!

  70. I use it as often as possible! Baked goods and quiche and mashed potatoes!!! Any and everything!

    mary renshaw

  71. I love to make chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.
