Friday, May 17, 2013

Save Childhood Support Imagination with Pump It Up {Pop-In Playtime Passes Giveaway!}

Pump It Up logo
Although there are times when my internal obsessiveness for making all things perfect cringes as I watch my daughters color the grass in their picture purple or the sky red (or just color outside of the lines), I also know to never hinder their creativity.

After all, a child's imagination and their innocent ability to turn a rock into a pet, a handful of sand into a cake, and a single flower into a princess wand is one of the most important aspects of childhood. In fact, studies show that when kids engage in imaginative play, the benefits carry over into developing their social skills, self-control and emotional strength.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, imaginative play is essential in child development, as it is a critical element contributing to their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense that Pump It Up, the name known for "Where your imagination comes to play," has introduced a new campaign to raise awareness about the importance of imaginative play for kids called Save Childhood Support Imagination.

Save Childhood Support Imagination

Concerned that active, make-believe play among children is on the verge of extinction, Pump It Up, already known as a national leader in the children's entertainment category, is fighting to reverse that trend with this proactive and innovative campaign.

To start, Pump It Up is urging parents to sign an Imagination Declaration, committing themselves to spending one hour each day engaging in imaginative play activity with their children. Hoping to collect at least half a million signatures in 2013, Pump It Up anticipates the nationwide initiative to result in potential lifestyle changes for families across the country.

To pump up parents for the challenge, the company has also created a fun quiz – the Imagination Evaluation, that helps adults measure their own imagination. I took this fun questionnaire and was happy to see that I scored a 5! Who knew that I had that good of an imagination?

Imagination survey

At, parents can also read tips and find tools to help them accomplish more imaginative play, unwind in the What We See, What Kids See image gallery, and more. Pump It Up has truly worked hard to make this the year of imagination for children and adults everywhere!

Plus, in addition to the campaign, Pump It Up has made some changes in its own private party franchises (there are 150 across the nation) to encourage imaginative play. Recently changing its tagline to "Pump It Up: Where Imagination Comes to Play," the company has also rolled out "Adventure Parties,” which take children through imaginary journeys as Pirates and Superheroes. There are even more attractions being introduced and in the works for the upcoming year!

Pump It Up

We have always been big fans of Pump It Up, whether visiting for field trips, camps, parties (Little Sister B had her last birthday party there!), Pop-In Playtime and more, so hearing that kids can now not only engage in active play in a safe and controlled indoor environment but also give their minds a workout as well makes me even happier!

For your local Pump It Up locations, holiday hours, and events, visit and to learn more about the Save Childhood Support Imagination campaign (and to sign the Imagination Declaration), you can join in at

Plus, thanks to the generosity of Pump It Up, one family is going to be even more prepared to take their imaginations to play as well, because...

One lucky person will win a
(4) pack of Pop-In Playtime passes at Pump It Up!

Pump it up fun

A big thank you to Pump It Up for providing 4 Pop-In Playtime passes for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. My kids love to play "house" and to draw and paint!

  2. playing dress up in different outfits. thankyou, ken

  3. We love playing tree house or airplane. They do the funniest things.

  4. My son is obsessed with Angry Birds. He has at least 10 stuffed ones, and he role plays with them for hours. It is so entertaining to watch!!

  5. My son loves to play pirates! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

  6. My boys love to play dress-up with super hero outfits.

  7. y granddaughter and I pretend that she is a visiting woman from England...she has the accent down pat!

  8. My daughter loves playing "mommy" with her babies all of the time!

  9. My son loves to pretend he's a soldier.

  10. My grandson loves playing in his many costumes from spiderman, ninja turtles, mario and more.

  11. He loves to make up and tell stories.

  12. She likes playing mommy with all of her dolls

  13. My daughter likes to pretend to cook, decorate cakes.

  14. My daughter loves to play school. She is usually the teacher and her Dad and I are the students. It's fun!

  15. My Boy loves to play Space man up in the TREE Birdie Skolfield

  16. My kids love to put on costumes and act out rescuing people from bad guys

  17. pretend he's taking a trip somewhere

  18. I loved pretending I was a teacher in a classroom with my stuffed animals as my students :)

  19. My son loves to play firefighter.

  20. The pretend kitchen and anything and everything with dolls!

  21. My daughter loves to play house, and also likes playing "teacher"

  22. they like playing house or superheros

  23. My daughter loves to play with her dollhouse and her play kitchen

  24. My kids really enjoy playing monsters!

  25. We like to play barbies together


  26. My kids like doing performances and puppet shows.

  27. my kids love to make shows and perform them for me, they even write scripts!

  28. My son's favorite imagination activity is when he plays with his blocks (both legos and wooden) - he builds whole scenes and involves other toys and immerses himself in whatever he builds.

  29. my granddaughters love to play princesses

  30. My grandson loves to play with his cars and legos. He builds things and then runs the cars into them. lol

  31. my niece likes playing tea time

  32. My son likes to imagine he's in outerspace or underwater. tylerpants(at)

  33. My daughter enjoys pretending she is a princess
