Monday, December 16, 2013

Hickory Farms Party Planner Gift Box {Review & Giveaway}

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When it comes to gift-buying for the holidays, it never fails that I struggle to come up with the universal ideas. After all, with a specific list to purchase from for my extended family, that makes life easier for everyone in knowing what to buy and that the item will be wanted and appreciated.

But... when it comes to the good friends, teachers, co-workers, etc, my mind goes blank and people end up with the same boring things that they always do. Gift card, anyone?

It would be nice to surprise someone with something unique though, wouldn't it? Just to see the look on their face or receive the happy phone call later from someone who had the pleasure of receiving something different — and bonus points if it happened to be extremely delicious as well.

This year, it's time that I look no further than the stylish, unique and very tasty options easily available from Hickory Farms.

Hickory Farms holiday

For more than 60 years, Hickory Farms has been committed to personalized service and brings the best of Midwest values and unwavering quality to consumers in North America and the U.S. Armed Forces all over the world.

And not only is Hickory Farms known for their amazing selection of sausages, cheeses and other specialty foods, but their commitment to the environment (their 100% recyclable packages are environmentally friendly in every way), their support of our troops, and their incredible work to help end hunger (they have a fantastic partnership with Share Our Strength) make ordering from Hickory Farms a no-brainer.

When the Hickory Farms Party Planner Gift Box arrived, that just made all of Hickory Farms' admirable qualities even more delicious.

Hickory Farms box

A perfect combination of the classics, the Party Planner Gift Box includes just about everything that a Hickory Farms fan could ask for.

Three varieties of sausage, four types of cheeses, two bags of mixed nuts and two tasty mustards? Is there any wonder that my husband was drooling before I even had the packaging fully removed?

Hickory Farms party planner gift box

The variety of snacks inside are just right so that there is something for everyone and there is no doubt that my entire family was thrilled to be a part of tasting each of these!

However, had we decided to not keep this for our own tummies, I love that the Party Planner Gift Box is easily suitable for an individual gift or for an office or family to share as the 11 items in this package are as appealing as they are tasty.

Hickory Farms review

As well as making a fabulous gift, I love the idea of this Gift Box (or another of Hickory Farms' delicious items) being a part of a family tradition around the holidays. Bring one to visit with relatives every year and suddenly your family will be part of a delicious tradition that everyone looks forward to!

In fact, as our family currently has a tradition of getting together for a late lunch/early dinner on Christmas Day, this would be the absolutely perfect addition to have out for snacking throughout the afternoon!

Hickory Farms sausage and cheese

What holidays traditions do you enjoy each year? Hickory Farms would love to see them on social media using the hashtag #HickoryTradition so that they can keep up with your family!

If you're looking for a way to surprise a lucky recipient in your life this year, just think of how pleased they'll be when they find that Hickory Farm's Signature Beef Summer Sausage pairs perfectly with their Farmhouse Cheddar Cheese and crackers. Top it all off with the deliciousness of Classical Mixed Nuts and Cranberry Mustard and they'll have a holiday they won't soon forget!

Retailing for $45.99, the Party Planner Gift Box would make a great gift or addition to your holiday traditions. And, thanks to the generosity of Hickory Farms, one person will be able to do just that, because...

One lucky person will win a Party Planner Gift Box from Hickory Farms!

Hickory Farms gift box

A big thank you to Hickory Farms for providing a Party Planner Gift Box for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. We like to make special hot chocolate to drink for Christmas morning.

  2. We take the kids to Midnight Mass on Christmas.

  3. After late mass on Christmas Eve my siblings and I would make a warm batch of chocolate chip cookies for Santa. As we got older we still did it as it was a way to catch up and now with our own families --we still do it.

  4. we always bake cookies and decorate the tree with all of the kids in the family.

  5. Our tradition is on Christmas eve we each open one usually turns out to be a gag gift....then we sip hot and eat goodies, fix santas cookie plate and toss reindeer food and bananas outside for the deer :)

  6. One tradition we have is baking Christmas cookies while listening to Christmas Music:)

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  7. putting up the tree on thanksgiving evening

  8. We drive around looking at Christmas lights on Christmas eve

  9. we eat cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning

  10. One of our traditions is to bake cookies for Santa on Christmas eve.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. We go to one of our local christmas tree plantations, pick a tree, cut it down, get hot cocoa and pick a ornament :) we go home and decorate tree , this is done the day after Thanksgiving :) we don't do Black Friday!!!

  13. midnight mass and an advent wreath are mine!

  14. Every Christmas Eve, we have family and friends over to our home. We have a fondue, listen to carols, play charades and roast marshmallows in the fireplace. We also have a gift exchange. Everyone brings a funny gift suitable for a man or a woman. It is hilarious some of the things we end up with! Everyone comes around 4PM and stay late into the evening. This year, we have a newborn baby to join in the celebration. Thank you for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.

  15. We get together as a family on Christmas Day. We open one present on Christmas Eve.

  16. We have a family gathering the week of Christmas.

  17. We attend our church's Christmas Eve service and sing in the choir.

  18. We go to our local Festival of Lights.

  19. One thing we do every year is celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve with the Grandparents.

  20. I would like to start the tradition of hostessing a cookie swap at our home.

  21. We always make sure to fix santas plate of cookies and feed the reindeer on Christmas eve.

  22. Right now our only traditions are having the kids open Christmas pajamas on christmas eve, and leaving out cookies and milk for santa! I'm always looking for more ideas though!

  23. We gather around the fireplace and open one gift on Christmas Eve.

  24. Our family makes our dressing out of jiffy mix from scratch for holidays.

  25. On Christmas Eve the boyfriend and I have a wine and cheese day while watching our favorite Christmas movies

  26. we open a one gift on xmas eve:)

  27. We always have a nontraditional meal for Christmas dinner.

  28. We always eat a Thanksgiving meal at Christmas.

  29. Making goodies for friends and family.

  30. We eat an early Polish traditional dinner and then load into the car and drive around town looking at lights in all the neighborhoods, listening to carols. Then we open one gift each and try to get everyone to bed early!

  31. We always watch The Polar Express Christmas Eve Night!

  32. Our Christmas holiday started at Thanksgiving. We would watch the movie Home for the Holidays to prepare for the season ahead. If you have ever seen the movie, you will understand.

  33. ro spend as much time with my friends with the homeless

  34. A few days before Christmas I drive my daughters around the area to view Christmas lights. We have several homes that we go by every year, just because they always do such an amazing job with their decorating.

  35. We do Christmas Eve dinner with a ham and sides at my in-laws each year, then everyone opens their "family" gifts.

  36. trading baked cookie trays with family and friends

  37. One family tradition we have is that the adults open their gifts on Christmas Eve after the kids are in bed. We then wait until Christmas Day morning to open gifts that Santa has left for the kids :)

  38. We spend a weekend baking cookies and goodies for neighbors and friends.

  39. I enjoy Christmas eve with my family followed by candlelight services at a local church

  40. Every year we make fudge for family and friends.
    Thanks so much.

  41. We go out to dinner and then look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.

  42. We go to my parents house on Christmas Eve, with family and friends ,Natalie,

  43. We have a Polish tradition of Oplatka in which wafers are exchanged along with a kiss to all family members.

  44. We eat mostly fish dinners on Christmas Eve.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  45. stocking are a big deal every christmas

  46. we et together with hubby's family and have a nice meal on Christmas eve

  47. We open our presents one present and one person at a time. It fills the time, and has taught the young ones patience. We like multi-colored lights on our trees, too.

  48. We open gifts on Christmas Eve when we have gifts

  49. we open 1 gift on christmas eve

  50. We always make the spritz butter cookies and we always go to midnight mass Christmas eve

    apoalillo {AT} hotmail dot com
    alyce poalillo

  51. My whole family gets together on Xmas Eve to enjoy food and open presents.

  52. Our family tradition is to load up all of us in the car and ride through different areas to see the beautiful Christmas lights.

  53. My son and I go out for a Christmas Eve dinner and then go home an open gifts.

  54. Our tradition is to put up our Christmas tree the weekend before Thanksgiving

  55. I'll usually find a bed & breakfast we can stay at for the holidays as it is also our anniversary.

  56. My husband and I split holidays. His parents get Christmas Eve and my parents get Christmas Day. This doesn't sound like a major thing but his parent are in NY and mine are in NC!

  57. I'm so excited my mom is bringing me some pickled herring, Polish style, for the belated holidays! It brings back memories of our traditional holiday feasts.

  58. On Christmas Eve we have a buffet style finger food dinner and play lots of games.

  59. My uncle has always sent us a cheese basket for Christmas - many years worth.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  60. We love to play card and board games on christmas!

  61. We all hold hands, gather around the table, and say a prayer before each holiday meal

  62. I bake cookies with my 3 children every year. We have a big family get together on Christmas Eve as well

  63. we would all get in the car and go look a all the pretty lights and end up at the display the town put up called 'candycane lane' we would walk through and look at all the decorations.then go home and make hot chocolate

  64. We're just a family of two, so Christmas morning is a nice quiet time. We have a nice breakfast and exchange gifts.

  65. Christmas Eve we watch The Christmas Story because my father is obsessed with it. I would like to start a "Home Alone" marathon tradition to ward off the Chrismas Story one. We have dinner, exchange gifts, sit on our keisters. very relaxed day.

  66. we sing carols at the local nursing home.

  67. tamales on Christmas eve with extended family!
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  68. For every Christmas Eve we go to my grandparents house play games open presents and eat dinner


  70. I love when we all sit down for the big meal at the exact same time every year

  71. One of my family's holiday traditions is to have a snacking day on Christmas Day after having a bigger dinner the night before.

  72. We really don't have any traditions other than going to my sisters on Christmas Eve.

  73. We enjoy watching holiday movies together.

  74. Last year my friends and a few family embers started having our monthly ladies night and figured we should do a Holiday Edition. This year we did a favorite things theme and raffled gifts and it was sooo much fun.

  75. On Christmas Eve we set the dinner table up real fancy with linens, fine china, crystal, etc. and eat our take-out pizza and drink our soda, then we play games until 11 p.m. all the while listening to Christmas music and eating goodies, then we gather around and open on Christmas present each, read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and then it's everyone in bed by midnight or Santa won't come!

  76. We always make fudge for friends and family at Christmas!

  77. We like to go look at the lights before Christmas Day.

  78. our local zoo has a special program this time of the year and we are always taking kids there

  79. We cut and decorate the tree together.

  80. Merry Christmas And Happy New Tears Good Luck to all

  81. Watching many Christmas specials and movies including Charlie Brown, Garfield, Peewee's Playhouse, A Muppet Family Christmas, Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas, A Christmas Story and many others!

  82. Every Christmas morning we have waffles and sausage. Christmas Breakfast is the best!

  83. We always open our gifts starting with the youngest and ending with the oldest member of the family.

    sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

  84. We always have Sauerbraten on Christmas Eve and watch a new Christmas movie.

  85. We really don't have any Christmas traditions other than opening gifts at 6:00 on Christmas Eve and trying to round up for a meal on Christmas. I have no grandchildren so it is just my mom,. my brother and sister in-law, niece and nephew and my grown sons but we each are on differing schedules and don't always make it.

  86. We always read the from Luke 2 Christmas morning before we open gifts.

  87. one of our traditions as a family is that we always decorate the christmas tree after thanksgiving dinner.

  88. We love to cook and give treats to the neighbors

  89. i bought on of these last year for christmas eve my family loved it so im going to buy one this year

  90. We pick out Christmas ornaments every year.

  91. one tradition we have is to go to a local tree farm and pick and chop down our Christmas Tree

    tiramisu392 (at)

  92. We love having Christmas breakfast with my family!

  93. We give and get presents on Christmas Eve. After we sing one Christmas song

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  94. Baking and looking at Christmas lights.

  95. I would like to start the tradition of picking names to exchange gifts.

  96. The family gets together on Christmas eve have dinner open gifts

  97. We open one gift on Christmas Eve before we go to bed.

  98. We love to gather around and watch the Christmas movies on Christmas eve.
    Mary Beth Elderton
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  99. Our holiday tradition is baking cookies, singing christmas carols and drinking eggnog.

  100. Every Christmas eve, we go to my grandmother's house for food, fun, and family. They've been doing it for more than 20 years.

  101. My sisters and brother and their families and my family, plus my mom and step dad all get together for brunch the Saturday after Christmas. By then, all of the shopping and parties and gift giving is behind us and we can relax and catch up and enjoy each other's company. It's a tradition I absolutelly love and look forward to every year and one I hope my children will continue with us when they are older.

  102. my family started a new one this year, we still buy the kids in the family gifts but for the adults we do a one secret santa per person, and then we donate money to a local charity, this year we donated to my co workers daughters whose medical bills cost $1000 a week, yes a week!

  103. On Christmas Eve, we have dinner and then watch the children open their gifts.

  104. we have a cookie exchange with extended family

    teechbiz at gmail dot com

  105. I would like to have a christmas sweater party.

  106. We read aloud a book called Santa Mouse, then put a yellow light at the top of our tree.

  107. We buy and decorate a real tree every year.

  108. We spend Christmas Eve with one set of parents and Christmas Day with the other set. As much time with family as possible is our annual tradition.

  109. We put up a Christmas tree every year

  110. We open the stockings first, then the gifts one at a time. My daughter gives them out.

  111. We decorate sugar cookies every year and we also like to drive around and look at Christmas lights.

  112. Our tradition is to make handmade ornaments for the Christmas tree.

  113. We always have a family dinner on Christmas day! We (the kids) also like to open one gift on Christmas eve :)

  114. We do appetizer night and a Hickory Farms giftbox would fit well.

  115. We bake lots of Christmas cookies.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  116. I love getting in the car and driving around to look at all the Christmas lights.Where we live people really go all out on lights on their houses.My daughter is grown. Her and her fiance come over Christmas eve to do our Christmas with gifts and watching a movie.Then we go to my mom's house on Christmas day for breakfast and gifts.It's so much fun.Thank you :)

  117. We open one gift each on Christmas Eve and it's always new pajamas.

  118. Every year on Christmas, I bake cookies with my kids. We have a great time.

  119. For Christmas, we eat shepherd's pie to try to keep more of the meaning of Christmas rather than eating too richly and too much...

  120. baking Christmas cookies w/ my mom

  121. twilight mass and presents in the morning followed by dinner at 5pm on christmas day.

  122. We open presents on Christmas Eve & party. On Christmas morning, Santa comes and we have a big dinner.

  123. My children like for me to make Monkey Bread on Christmas morning.

  124. We play Christmas music while decorating the house and tree.

  125. My children and grandchildren are miles apart. (states) I have three at home still but six grandchildren spread from East to West of the USA. I would like to have them all in my home for one big happy get-together without all the expense of flying. We could try for webcam even though the time zones are all different. Happy Holidays.

  126. We eat at my dad's on Christmas eve and at my grandmas on Christmas day!

  127. We bake cookies for santa on chrismtas eve!

  128. Our latest holiday tradition has been for my aunt and her family to drive out from Colorado. I love this!

  129. always bake cookies and decorate the tree

  130. we always have a Christmas Eve party for our friends & family

  131. Our tradition is getting together for a holiday feast and then watching a movie.

  132. We have a Christmas Eve midnight brunch and cocktails get-together.

  133. We go out to eat on Christmas Eve together and do some shopping- sometimes all of our shopping. We wrap presents together, watch our favorite Christmas movies, bake cookies, take a ride to look at Christmas lights... It doesn't really matter what we do, as long as it is together. Merry Christmas, everyone!

  134. on christmas day we all got to my sisters for a family dinner. after the kids open up their gifts then all the adults do their dirty santa gifts. it is alot of fun

  135. We take a few minutes before opening gifts to look at the packages while I put the cinnamon rolls in the oven...and make coffee, now that the kids are older...

  136. We used to string popcorn and cranberries for old fashioned decor!

  137. we take turns each year playing santa (the person who's gonna hand the presents to everyone)

  138. We have started the tradition that we always watch A Christmas Story as a family on Christmas eve.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  139. G+ & GFC IDs: abfantom fantom

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  140. We always have Prime Rib for Christmas Dinner

  141. We are bring back my grandpas tradition of a candy shelf. We load it up with cookies, fudge and all kinds of Chrismas candy. My grandkids love the ribbon candy.

  142. Everyone exchanges names for a certain amount to spend as secret santa.

  143. Christmas eve is our gather together part

  144. we leave out cookies and milk for santa and wear our new christmas pjs christmas eve

  145. One of the traditions my family enjoys is reading the Christmas story on Christmas Eve.

  146. They are simple, the family gathers at grandmas, we eat and exchange gifts, enjoy the food and our families

  147. We always make special cookies together on Christmas Eve, and leave them out with milk for Santa.

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  148. I always enjoy checking out the Christmas decorations at the Disney resorts! Most don't change much from year to year, but they're always pretty.

  149. Our favorite tradition is our Christmas Eve get-together - open to friends, neighbors, and family - good food, Christmas music, little gifties for everyone, and that thankful feeling of being together!

  150. I love our tradition of opening the presents then going to our grandmas for a huge breakfast

  151. One of our family tradition's is to go out on the Friday night before Christmas and get burgers and go out and look at Christmas lights.

  152. We get together and the youngest child always gets to open first and then goes up to the oldest. it takes forever but people chat and eat the whole time and it's fun to watch others open gifts and give each person time to give hugs and say thank you. Then we eat a lot of food and treats like everyone else;) Lately we have gone bowling on Christmas Day, as our kids got older and got bored of watching Christmas movies. It's a fun outing and good to get out of the house and go to local businesses.

  153. My husband and I started a special tradition of steak and lobster on Christmas eve. We get out fancy glasses and have sparkling cider.

  154. Our tradition is singing our neighborhood..

  155. We have a new tradition.
    Each holiday season we see a Christmas play.
    Thank you.

  156. I'll spare you the how it all came about - but for many years now we've had a VERY full Christmas Eve tradition of visiting with friends early in the evening; then (most years) attending a Chritmas Eve service at one of the MANY Churches in ours' or neighboring communities - we try to go to a different one every year (it's a very gratifying and enriching experience!)

    And finally, Midnight Mass.

    Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

  157. We have a lot of traditions, but one is to wrap up Christmas books for every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas and open one to read each day. My kids take turns doing it.

  158. We open gifts Christmas eve and the first decoration we put out for the holidays is the Nativity scene each year!

  159. One evening in the month of December, we load into the car, head to Starbucks for some hot chocolate, and then drive around our town looking at Christmas lights!

  160. We make homemade pizzas on Christmas Eve. Each child makes their own with whatever toppings they want. They love it and we started this when my oldest was 2 and my second one was 1. They are now 6 and 5. They love it. However the number of pizzas made has grown now that we have 4 little ones!

  161. Staying up all night baking Christmas cookies and going to midnight mass was a tradition with me and my mom

  162. One of our traditions is to have a big family breakfast after opening gifts, and before leaving the house for the day to visit family.
    Thank you!

  163. We cut a fresh tree from a local tree farm and decorate it as a family. We drive around to look at Christmas lights.

  164. every year we watch a christmas story and just recently we added a christmas story 2 to the tradition

  165. I'd like to start a present grab game. kekagel(at)

  166. No current traditions since I have no family nearby, but when I was in high school, we would eat lasagna and go bowling. Great memories!

  167. I'd like to start spending Christmas out of town every year.
    Thanks for the chance.

  168. My kids are grown and we still have Santa presents every year.

  169. We always open our presents on Christmas Eve

  170. We have a christmas Eve Dinner and open presents

  171. We always purchase a fresh Christmas tree at the end of the first week of December.

  172. Our family tradition is making cookies and decorating them together! We make a whole night of it !

  173. Christmas Eve PJ's are a big tradition for us!

  174. We try to go to the Smokey Mountains every year for the holidays =)

  175. The kids get to open one present - the tootsie roll- on Christmas Eve. It's a new pair of jammies. This way Christmas morning pictures are cuter!

  176. We have cookies & treats for breakfast Christmas morning

  177. Our family tradition is a big Christmas Brunch after opening our gifts.
    Kathy Davis

  178. We make a huge production out of the opening of the gifts on Christmas morning.

  179. we go to midnight mass then off to Dennys for breakfast

  180. We like to eat brownie sundaes with peppermint ice cream and hot fudge!

  181. Christmas eve church service then grandma's for a gift exchange!

  182. We read the Christmas Story every Christmas Eve.

  183. We eat French Dip sandwiches on Christmas Eve (we just did!)

  184. It's been a wild Christmas this year without any power till last night. so this year I'm just thankful for our blessings and for our oldest who is serving our Christmas dinner today.

  185. Our family attends church after dinner on Christmas Eve, and then we open our presents.

  186. We always decorate the Christmas tree together as a family.

  187. We go christmas Caroling every year with family and friends

  188. We watch Christmas movies all day while we wait for dinner to get done
