Friday, December 13, 2013

State Farm Researches Naughty or Nice Holiday Aggressive Driving {Stress Relief Gift Pack Giveaway!}

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'Tis the season to be jolly, spread joy to the world, have visions of sugar plums and remember that all is calm, all is bright... right?

In theory, at least.

When it comes to reality, the number of people that are stressed to the limit as they attempt to accomplish far too many things in far too little time seems to increase every year. And while this shows up in our actions and our deeds, it also is evident in our driving.

Whether due to the number of people on the roads, the winter weather, the stress of the season or more, State Farm, together with KRC Research, set out to find if drivers are "Naughty or Nice" by conducting a survey.

And the results? Well, let's just say that there's definitely room for improvement.

agressive driving stats


State Farm's findings lead to the need for all of us to stay alert for the signs of aggressive driving in other drivers (and ourselves), but the two stats that stuck out to me the most were:
  • 32% of younger drivers (ages 18-29) and parents (30%) were significantly more likely to report being provoked or engage in aggressive driving around the major winter holidays compared to only 9% of older drivers (ages 50 and older) and non-parents (15%). Why can't we, as parents, relax a little bit?
  • About half of survey respondents perceive men and women to be equally courteous when driving. When it comes to aggressive driving, however, the majority (54%) of drivers cite men as the most likely culprits of aggressive driving, compared to only one in 10 who said that women are more likely. I think that my husband would disagree, but I view men as the majority of aggressive drivers as well!
aggressive driving

Whether drivers are guilty of aggressive driving or have been on the receiving end of it, State Farm encourages drivers to be nicer during the holiday season by following these helpful tips:
  • Don't hit the gas pedal. Plan extra time to get to your destination to account for weather conditions, heavy traffic or parking lot congestion.
  • Plan ahead. Anticipate that traffic will be heavier and give yourself more time to maneuver in holiday crowds. Back off the speed and don't tailgate — it's one of the top triggers of aggressive driving incidents. Another trigger? Making frequent or last-minute lane changes. Where possible, stay in the lane that will be closest to your planned exit to avoid sudden moves.
  • Start off calm. Don't go out to shop if you're already stressed. Other drivers' actions may immediately set you on edge, prompting you to respond negatively.
  • Stay alert. Focus on the job of driving rather than on all the details you have to take care of. Watch the traffic patterns and keep an eye on drivers who are speeding or driving erratically.
  • Take a deep breath. Find a way to stay calm in tense situations. Keep breathing, play holiday music or listen to a book on tape. When witnessing aggressive driving, don't make eye contact or respond in kind to an aggressive driver. Both actions may fuel the driver's anger.
traffic jam

This holiday season, put the brakes on aggressive driving and road rage. In the U.S. alone, an average of 1,500 people are injured or killed each year as a direct result of aggressive driving and that is not a way that any of us want to remember this joyous time of year.

To find out more about aggressive driving, what you can do to avoid being a target, and how to control your own bad habits, visit the State Farm Learning Center today.

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will be prepared to relax just a little bit more this winter, because...

One lucky person will win a Stress Relief Gift Pack* from State Farm!

stress relief giveaway
*Gift pack includes a stress ball, 24 oz. water bottle, 21 oz. coffee mug, foam can holder, classical CD, Orville Redenbacher popcorn pack and an insulated tote. Total ARV $50+.

A big thank you to State Farm for providing a gift pack for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. As a passenger in a vehicle I find myself more frustrated than if I were the driver. I just feel more in control driving I guess and don't trust someone else to pay attention to the road the way I do.

  2. Especially now that the Winter snowy season has hit in my area I am concerned about the drivers who try to sneak in at the last moment when there is one lane coming from two.

  3. I think people have less patience these days and are always in a hurry to get places. We need relax and slow down. Especially during the holidays when everyone (at least mine) is a more stressed. I have a horrible drive on a highly congested freeway every day to work and find myself tense before my work load even starts! I take deep breaths and force myself to smile. It really helps. Force that smile.
    Beth H

  4. I hate that everyone is always in a rush. I have driving teens and I always stress that when the weather is bad to drive at the speed at which you are comfortable.

  5. Aggressive drivers are one of the greatest dangers on the road today. It makes no sense to use a vehicle as a revenge item or as a weapon.

  6. I tend to see quite a few women drivers that are aggressive....I think they are in a hurry and forget to be careful. I see it every morning when I walk my son to school.

  7. I don't like it when people aggressive drive. They should be patient and careful!

  8. I think people wouldn't act that way if they had to look other drivers in the eye. It's like they don't even think about the fact that they are being rude to/dangerous with other people... Peace,,,,

  9. Aggressive Drivers make me nervous!

  10. Aggressive driver definitely make me nervous. I try to stay away from them if I can, but sometimes they can be hard to avoid!

  11. It scares me. I get nervous to drive because I never know if there is a aggressive driver out there.

  12. I think if people are driving around like that they have mental issues.

  13. Aggressive drivers are a danger to everyone around them. I am so scared for my family when I witness aggressive driving near us.

  14. I think it's important to educate the public on why it's important to have a healthy state of mind when driving along with being cautious and following all the rules of the road. Aggressive drivers may act on impulse which could leave themselves and others on the road in danger. Sometimes an extra moment of reflection can make a dramatic difference and keep the road safe for everyone.

  15. Aggressive drivers make me anxious and I am worried about what is going on in their lives that makes them that way.

  16. I have become frustrated before while driving but have not become aggressive. I have witnessed a real bad case of aggressive driving before than ended with the aggressor's tire blowing out. He kept trying to run a truck off the road and then got in front of the truck and slammed on brakes causing his tire to blow. The truck swerved and avoided a collision but by mere inches.

  17. I hate agressive driving esp. in the winter.

  18. Just quit worrying about others and worry about yourself and your driving!

  19. we have snow and icy roads right now but most drivers have been pretty patience, aggressive drivers make me nervous

    tiramisu392 (at)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I get afraid of aggressive drivers. they go flying by me and I think they are going to kill or hurt someone. I live in Minnesota where the roads get very have to slow down. going in a hurry will not help you and you may regret for the rest of your life.

  22. im from ny originally and dont drive yet. a lot of the reason for this is that the aggressive drivers really frighten me.

  23. We live in NJ and aggressive driving is rampant. So much stress in just going to the grocery store. I hate it, but for now we are living here.

  24. I believe aggresive driving is a top hazard on the road today.

  25. I try really hard not to be an aggressive driver, that's not the term I would use. I can't say that and be family friendly. The thing is people feel entitled that their time is more valuable that yours. Riding up on you, swerving, speeding and everything else is risky and irresponsible. The closer you get to big cities the worse it gets sadly.
    (Ashley TRail )

  26. Agressive driving is a big hazard especially in big cities ..


  27. I think aggressive drivers cause more accidents. Then again it drives me crazy to get behind a driver going below the speed limit

  28. I see it alot and it is extremely dangerous.It is no wonder I see 20 wrecks on the morning news here..some fatal.

  29. I've always been the type who would just let things roll off me - including dealing with aggressive drivers. I do a LOT of driving (putting about 35,000 miles on my mini-van every year), so I need to keep my head straight and drive defensively. My husband can be very aggressive when he drives, getting angry when someone cuts him off (and feeling he has to do the same back). It's not a good thing, and it's exactly this type of person, who causes accidents and stress for other drivers. Two things missing in many drivers are common sense and common courtesy. I think everyone needs to learn to use those things.

  30. I back off and give the *#S plenty of room.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  31. I hate aggressive drivers on the road.

  32. Aggressive drivers scare me. I try to stay out of their way.

  33. I've experienced it and it is not fun - my hands were shaking & I was very frightened. I hope to never go through that again.

  34. I try to stay away from anyone driving aggressively, and there is a big difference in aggressive and defensive driving, which defensive driving is appropriate.

  35. I hate it. In the wintertime there are so many people that drive like idiots in my town. It is one thing to be able to avoid them in the summer, but when the roads get bad, they are much more life threatening.

  36. I think people shouldn't do it.

  37. Nowhere you are driving to is so important that it requires aggressive behavior behind the wheel.

  38. here in ohio we have very harsh penalties for that..but people do as they please

  39. No one has any patience. I get out of their way.

  40. Agressive driving is scary. My son just got home saying "some old lady", which means anyone over the age of 29, got real mad and stared hard at him as he made a U turn very slowly. It happens to be snowing and slow was the correct decision. (I can't tell you why or where he was making the U turn though!) As the flier says, it does seem it is more of a male thing to do, be aggressive and impatient.
    cspmom at gmail dot com

  41. I need some stress relief but has nothing to do with driving. I'm retired so don't have to go anywhere. I am a State Farm customer many years and won't switch.
    sarahmom335 at yahoo dot com

  42. Aggressive driving is not good at all, maybe it is a good idea to have it part of driving training course.

  43. I think that if people would just leave plenty of time to get where they're going, so they could slow down, most accidents would be avoided!

  44. Aggressive drivers are selfish because they are not thinking of how their actions could harm others.

  45. Aggressive drivers are selfish and putting others in danger

  46. Aggressive drivers make the roads more dangerous

  47. I do understand how people get frustrated, but some people seem to take it to levels far above what's necessary. kekagel(at)

  48. Dangerous and should really have to take anger classes. Bad choices, yelling and screaming at other drivers and threats. I never look at people when I drive and keep my distance from others.

  49. My dad is a pretty aggressive driver, which sometimes makes me nervous. Sure, I get annoyed if someone cuts me off or doesn't use hand signals to turn (if they're blinkers aren't working properly), but I wish aggressive drivers would focus on the task on hand (like not getting into accidents, go the speed limit, etc.) instead of getting mad over every little thing.

  50. I am not an aggressive driver. I do not like aggressive drivers because they are endangering the lives of others.

  51. Some people just over react to aboutany situation, I have been working with my hubby to remind him that we are not is a hurry to get anywhere and that it does not upset other drivers when he gets upset cause they can't hear a thing he says, but it does upset me, He has done very well lately in not being so impatient. I people leave house a little earlier they will have to worry about what to do early than excuses for being late.. LOL

  52. Aggressive drivers are just dumb.

  53. Chill out! Have you ever noticed that when you race around that slow driver, you wait at the next stop light and see them pulling up beside you? You're only saving second, which could be your last, if you drive aggressively.

  54. I get just as stressed just being in a car with someone ticked off by an aggressive driver and an aggressive driver themselves. Its scary! I mean is driving aggressively and possibly killing or hurting someone worth it? People need to start being nice to one another and calmer

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  55. Aggressive drivers are one of the many dangers on the road today.

  56. Aggressive driving is dangerous to everyone. I did when I was a young, naive teen and new driver.

  57. I think people have less patience today in general, less tolerance for others, and so aggressive driving is almost expected anymore. It's sad, but it's so important to stay calm in the face of an aggressive driver rather than matching their anger.

  58. When I'm a passenger it drives me crazy...I notice it in other drivers more--yet every once in a while I find my self driving that way--If my kids are with me they keep me in check!

  59. Agressive driving scares me, and makes me drive more cautiously.

    G+ & GFC id: abfantom fantom

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  60. I hate aggressive driving but sometimes I do drive aggressively when I am in a rush.

  61. Aggressive drivers are dangerous.

  62. I have lost too many people to agressive driving and usually it was my friend being the aggressor. This was in my younger days when we thought we were invcinsible. I learned in the hardest way to calm down and drive sensibly.

  63. I do not like aggressive drivers. I always say "we can only control our vehicle, we cannot control what others do on the road, so be careful"

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  64. Agressive drivers scare me, especially when they ride my car's tail in rainy weather!

  65. I dislike aggressive drivers. I will slow down and let them drive further away from me.

  66. If they are that much in a hurry i usually move out of the way-who knows what they may do if they get too aggravated.

  67. I think aggressive driving is unnecessary and extremely dangerous. Thanks.

  68. Aggressive driving definitely makes me nervous as does people texting or talking on their cellphones while they are driving.

  69. There's just no need for it, slow down and be happier.

  70. i think aggressive drivers are a bunch of a holes.

  71. Its stupid and callous to be like that.

  72. I don't like aggressive drivers.When I have someone who tailgates me I just tap my brakes a couple times, and that seems to work.I don't drive as much as I used to.It's not safe these days. Thank you :)

  73. I don't care for aggressive drivers. I think they are dangerous and cause accidents.

  74. the older i get the less and less i care for or can tolerate aggressive driving.

  75. I get so mad at aggressive driving!! Makes me have major road rage!

  76. I hate it....they put so many innocent people in danger

  77. Oh man....I hate aggressive drivers. I would rather drive calmly and safely and avoid accidents i.e., I don't react aggressively if somebody cuts me off, etc.

  78. i hate aggressive driving. so many innocent people get hurt because of it. i have gotten where i truly hate driving anymore. i have been run off the road before by a crazy driver.

  79. I tell my kids to not engage with any drivers. Some people will snap over nothing.

  80. I totally dislike aggressive drivers because they drive like idiots. They think they own the road and couldn't care less if they harm anyone including themselves.

  81. aggressive driving leads to more problems than away from them. I urge my children to not drive like this or deal with anyone that does

  82. I think everyone experiences aggressive driving. It is hard not to get upset when someone cuts you off or is acting aggressive towards you.

  83. I hate aggressive driving, although it's understandable.

  84. I can't stand aggressive driving.

  85. That type driving scares me as a mother of 4 who must travel the road with those nuts.
    Thanks for the chance.

  86. I'd love to be aggressive back but that would make me like them.

  87. Dangerous, especially on the interstate highways.

  88. I'm not driving much the past few years due to health, but as a passenger it makes me even more scared. I see more on every angle and see way more aggression out there now...I think is just the stress in general of people that take it out on the roads. Funny, I dont see it much in the youth,...when I ride or travel with our kids we hear so much more from them of how stupid or silly and out of control they look. Hopefully that means the next generations do not learn from adults or even parents that its OK to lash out.

  89. As someone who hasn't driven in years--and who sees a lot from her seat on the bus--I believe you CAN be on time, if you leave early. But don't leave at the last minute and then kill people on your way...And don't drive mad!

  90. Its very dangerous and makes me mad.
    Thanks for the chance.

  91. Aggressive driving is senseless. People who take their moods out on their vehicle are endangering the lives of innocent people.

  92. keep an eye out on what others are doing

  93. My daughter just started driving and I made sure to teach her about aggressive drivers. It is important for teenagers to know that they are out there and how to drive defensively.

  94. it is best to ignore them, so you do not become one

  95. Having kids reduces me aggressive driving tendencies. I know they are watching me and don't want them to pick up on it!

  96. Aggressive driving is a huge no-no. It can lead to accidents, physical and bodily damage.

  97. aggressive driving can be dangerous and is stupid!

  98. I think that it is sometimes necessary to drive aggressivly. I dont mean get in peoples way, but in front of them or tailgate. I mean you always need to be on the defense, watching everyone else. Even if you are a good driver- you need to always be aware of everything going on around you because that is how accidents are caused- not being aware of your surroundings. You can't just sit there and be a passive driver or everyone else will walk all over you. Stand up for yourself.

  99. I hate aggressive drivers! You should always drive assertively and defensively - but that's NOT the same as aggressively! scain54(at)aol(dot)com

  100. I don't like it when people aggressive drive. They should be patient and careful.

  101. I don't like it when people have road rage and drive aggressively because they tend to cause major accidents and it means that safe drivers have to drive more defensive and be careful with those who speed and run traffic signs/lights.
    priscillabenavides at yahoo dotcom

  102. Aggressive driving is stupid and dangerous.

  103. I think aggressive driving is dangerous, especially in winter when the roads are slippery. My #1 tip for aggressive drivers, please back off and don't follow too closely. By the time we get to the next stoplight or the exit, you were really only one car ahead. Was that worth risking your life and that of others?

  104. Aggressive drivers make me nervous. I try to stay out of their way.

  105. My thoughts is TAKE A CHILL PILL!

  106. Unfortunately, I live in an area where almost everyone is an aggressive driver. I think it's dangerous though and I try really hard to not get mad and aggressive myself while driving!

  107. Aggressive driving makes it scary to be on the road. I always let other drivers pass me and don't get aggressive myself.

  108. Aggressive driving sickens me...just last night, someone in the 'speeding' lane nearly rammed this other car to intimidate them to move over, and they did, but they were driving dangerously close to the other car. Then, they went speeding off on their merry little way. I also can't stand excessive honkers - that can cause accidents too. Also, the people who slow down to glare at other drivers...that is incredibly crazy. So, yeah - aggressive drivers are one of the reasons I still don't have a license.

  109. I think life is too short to cause fights and be aggressive. It is also crazy for people to fight over parking spots and such and not be kind while on the road.

  110. It is dangerous and very rude!

  111. It's dangerous, rude, and just plain foolish! If everyone followed the rule of the road instead of pushing ahead and trying to be first and fastest we would have less traffic, less accidents, and a lot less stress!

  112. I keep out of their way if they are driving like that and I do hate it.

  113. I consider "aggressive" driving to be immature, foolish, stupid, reckless and just one step away from full out "road rage". In fact - more often than not it is aggressive driving that gets out of control (it's barely in confrol in the first place!) and can easily lead to road rage.

    Nothing good ever comes from aggressive driving - including getting where you are going any sooner.

    As far as I'm concerned aggressive driving is reckless driving,

    Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

  114. I think it scary because the aggressive drivers are usually the ones who cause wrecks

  115. I think aggressive driving is so horrible.

  116. I don't like aggressive drivers, but I think the drivers who are busy chatting and texting on cell phones are even worse.

  117. i'm more of a defensive driver. I have been known to honk if people catch me on a bad day. no road rage type stuff though. that kind of aggression is just stupid.

  118. I think it is a very dangerous practice and that if people could be a little more patient, I think there will be far fewer accidents.
    Brittney House

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. I think sometimes it's necessary to be aggressive with driving, especially where I live.

  121. My thoughts on aggressive driving: Just leave earlier. Chill out in the car, nothing is worth getting into an accident for.

  122. I don't like aggressive drivers. I think it's selfish and that they endanger everyone else on the road.

  123. Aggressive drivers are often the ones that cause car accidents. Just leave earlier and prepare yourself for the elements!


  124. I think that stress and frustration contribute a lot to aggressive driving. When people are calm and not in a rush I think they are a lot less likely to be so aggressive.

  125. Aggressive driving is the worst. At the end of the day it's better to be safe than to vent frustrations like that and possibly endangering others.

  126. Aggressive driving gives me anxiety. Everyone needs to calm down and realize that we all have to be somewhere, but there isn't a race. tylerpants(at)

  127. Aggressive drivers are stupid. More often than not, they don't get where they are going any faster than other drivers and they've endangered themselves and others for no reason. I hate stupid!!

  128. We sometimes see aggressive driving on our state highway when someone is in a hurry to get somewhere. It's only two lanes so we always try to let them pass as soon as we can!

    Cindy Brooks on gt

  129. Aggressive drivers don't think about the consequences of their actions. Tailgating leads to accidents. You have to travel at a safe distance in order to not hit the car in front of you. Driving like a maniac doesn't help you get to your destination any faster.

    jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  130. i have nothing nice to say about agressive drivers.

  131. Driving as a whole stresses me out but I can become aggressive.

  132. Aggressive driving is scary! I just don't think it's worth it to get there 2 minutes faster or make a point, if you or someone else will get hurt.

  133. aggressive driving is dangerous- although at the same time there are some drivers who are TOO cautious and slow and they can also cause accidents

  134. I think people need to calm down and not worry so much about rushing to get places.

  135. I don't like the aggressive drivers, they are usually the ones that wait to go somewhere at the last minute and don't allow enough time for driving. They are some of the ones that cause accidents

  136. If you want to drive aggressive then you might as well not drive at all and just stay home.

  137. I'm not an aggressive driver, hubby sometimes has that tendency and it irritates me when he does.

  138. I don't know why drivers would drive recklessly just to save a few seconds. We all have places to go and should have patience while trying to get there.

  139. I hate when drivers are in such a rush to get somewhere!! They should leave a little earlier if need to my motto is Id rather show up late then to never show up at all!!! Lifes to short slow down and enjoy it!
    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  140. I see a lot of it and it's very wrong.

  141. I hate aggressive driving. I wish more people drove attentively.

  142. I do not like it and do not understand why people feel the need to do it

  143. They scare me to death, I hate driving but even riding when you have all those crazies around is terrifying.

  144. Aggressive drivers scare me like crazy

  145. Aggressive driving makes me sad. It's just another sing of people being impolite and selfish.

  146. Aggressive drivers need to take anger management and road rage classes. It scares me as I drive alone and am afraid of being targeted by a rageful driver :(

  147. aggressive driving is scary and unnecessary. i think that everyone needs to chill.

  148. I dont like it at all. I drive so carefully, I am not worried about my driving but worried about everyone else that is cutting people off, pulling in front of me. what gets me is we are all at the same stop light in the end. and i want to ask them was it worth driving like that and putting everyone at risk

  149. If I see a aggressive driver I try and stay out of the same lane as they are in. They make me nervous as I am never sure what they are going to do next. It especially makes me nervous when the weather conditions on the road are bad as they do not seem to care.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  150. Most of my family have Road Rage, and for the most part it scares me. More so lately after seeing news reports about people getting into literal fights because of it. I'll admit to having my own little moments. Mainly at nights when an on comer is blinding me with their headlights. But the most I do is flash my lights back, and curse inside of my car as they ignore my little signal of their ridiculously bright lights.

  151. I feel nothing is that important to drive that harsh and fast. People should leave in time not to show up late and take consideration to things happening.

  152. Aggressive driving scares me, but I do find myself tailgating from time to time.

  153. My thoughts on aggressive driving are that it is a frightening issue that needs to be addressed.

  154. Aggressive drivers make me nervous. I feel like, no one should be in that big of a hurry to get anywhere!!

  155. Aggressive driving causes accidents and does not get you where you are going any faster.

  156. I try to always be polite, I drive very conservatively. I get out of people's way... I am the one who yields and I stay away from anyone aggressive!!! I'm glad there are not a lot of them out there.

  157. Agressive driving scares me, and makes me drive more cautiously.

  158. Aggressive drivers do make me a little uneasy.

  159. I hate the people who are in a hurry and make sure you know...getting up on your tail and then backing off...especially when there is snow all over the road!

  160. its horrible to have to deal with aggressive people,i have seen a lot and I don't know I know people have a lot on their minds but its crazy

  161. I can barely stand to ride in the car with my significant other because he's an aggressive driver. It makes me nauseous.

  162. I will admit I have been guilty of aggressive driving, but it's really a stupid thing to do. I'm sure it has caused countless accidents that otherwise could have been avoided.

  163. I can't stand aggressive drivers. I think it's better to be respectful and expect others to be respectful of the road.

  164. Thanks for the giveaway…some people are just going to be jerks on the road; just concentrate on driving safely & defensively yourself. If the other driver is posing a threat to public safety get the plate number & report the situation to the police.

  165. I believe aggressive driving can be contagious. If someone is driving aggressively, it might anger another driver and that driver will then begin driving in the same manner.

    It is dangerous and not worth it.

    tridingermckee at gmail dot com

  166. I think aggressive driving is dangerous and should be avoided.
