Wednesday, January 15, 2014

KIDZ BOP 25 Introduces the New KIDZ BOP Kids and Two Great Sweepstakes! {Review}

Kidz Bop logoBack when Big Sister E was a baby, she and I attended music classes (among various other lessons, classes and events) mainly to get the two of us out of the house.

And while we had a lot of fun, met some wonderful friends and learned a great deal of cute songs... I'd be lying if I said that I was still reaching to listen to those CDs all these years later. After all, it's one thing to shake a tambourine to Baby Bumble Bee with your 18-month-old and it's quite another to purposely choose to listen to Farmer in the Dell when you're driving to the grocery store.

But considering that the topics and lyrics of the songs that I might otherwise choose are a bit too mature for a 7-year-old and 5-year-old, I'm always thrilled to know that I can turn to one musical option that works for the entire family: KIDZ BOP.

Kidz Bop kids

Spending the last 10+ years delivering safe and entertaining music for kids, KIDZ BOP CDs are known for being a compilation of "today's biggest hits sung by kids for kids."

By taking the popular songs of the year, removing the suggestive lyrics and having them performed by kids, it's no wonder that parents as well as children can appreciate these CDs — which is why millions and millions of them have been sold to date!

With the release of the 25th KIDZ BOP album (available now!), however, there is not only new music but new kids joining the ranks. The previous group moved on and KIDZ BOP has introduced Ashlynn, Grant, Matt and Bredia as their new talent to debut KIDZ BOP 25.

Kidz Bop 25

This CD features the hottest songs of the year such as "Roar," "Wrecking Ball," "Royals" and many more. But, although the original version of many of these songs feature subjects, words and content that I would find inappropriate for my children, the KIDZ BOP version is just right!

From the moment we press play, the whole family can move and groove and enjoy just how catchy these songs are but, because they are kid-friendly, I don't have to worry about lyrics talking about drugs, alcohol or sex. Instead we are able to dance or sing along to the familiar tunes but in a much more suitable way for young listeners and I happily let my kids reach for the CD time and again.

But there's more! Along with recording KIDZ BOP 25, this super talented foursome is helping show off a few great contests that are going on now!

First, the KIDZ BOP 25 Sweepstakes.

KIDZ BOP Sweepstakes

Running until January 20th, 2014, this contest is simple! Just 'Like' KIDZ BOP on Facebook and click on their Sweepstakes tab.

Then just fill in your contact information and you're entered! The grand prize winner will receive a 16 GB iPad Air with 3G, plus a $50 iTunes gift card, while 25 additional winners will receive a $25 iTunes gift card. Not bad, right?

Second, the Despicable Me 2 Minion Mayhem Super Contest... where one lucky winner will win a trip to L.A. for the Grand Opening of the Despicable Me Minion Mayhem Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood!

despicable me contest

On through January 27th, 2014, this contest is celebrating the release of the Despicable Me 2 DVD and showing off the minion inside of you!

Just create and upload a video giving your best minion impersonation (complete with minion language and your own minion look) by January 27th and then get ready to vote. The top three videos with the most votes on February 1st will be the winners and KIDZ BOP will decide which receives first, second and third place.

A vacation, swag, DVDs, American Express gift cards... what are you waiting for? Check out the official rules and enter your video today!

KIDZ BOP contest

Whether you're having a rockin' party or just want something that the whole family can enjoy in the car, KIDZ BOP 25 and the entire line of KIDZ BOP CDs are sure to be a hit. More details and purchase information can be found in the KIDZ BOP Shop (this CD retails for $13.98) as well as on Amazon (for $9.99).

You can also connect with KIDZ BOP on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so that you don't miss the latest and greatest, new releases, upcoming events and more.

Other than the information and copy of KIDZ BOP 25 that I was provided in order to facilitate my review, I was not compensated or enticed to do this post in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this product.


  1. That's pretty cool. What a great idea for music!

  2. If it's sung by kids, no wonder that they had to find some new kids for the new album. Those kids just grow up too fast.

    slehan at juno dot com
