Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Henry Hugglemonster: Meet the Hugglemonsters DVD {Review & Giveaway}

 Henry Hugglemonster logo
Aren't imaginations wonderful? I love that a single person or group of people can take a creative idea and turn it into an entire world of amazingly colorful, unique and entertaining tales.

Case in point, the wondrous land of Roarsville where five-year old Henry Hugglemonster (together with his loving parents and grandparents, big brother Cobby, sister Summer, baby bro Ivor, and a town full of cuddly monsters) lives, plays and learns something "roarsome" every day!

Henry Hugglemonster family

Set in the newest, happiest, most monster-rific spot on the map, Henry Hugglemonster embraces all the joys and challenges of growing up... while also giving monsters a good name. In a day and age where monsters are typically the "bad guy" or are thought of as horrors that live under the bed, I love that Disney Junior has instead turned that all around.

Both of my girls have enjoyed this show since it first debuted on television, so it was no wonder that they were excited to have the opportunity to watch it anytime, anywhere thanks to the arrival of Henry Hugglemonster: Meet the Hugglemonsters on DVD!

Henry Hugglemonster DVD

Available today, January 14th, 2014, Henry Hugglemonster: Meet the Hugglemonsters comes complete with six full episodes of the show as well as a bonus episode of the new series, Sheriff Callie's Wild West.

All together, it adds up to over two hours of song-filled fun, teamwork and adventure that are sure to keep any young fan enthralled as Henry discovers new ways to be the best brother, friend and monster he can be!

Henry Hugglemonster

Whether he's helping his sister put on a show, setting up a hugglejuice stand or entering his monsterdog Beckett in a pet pageant, this DVD is a fun and educational way for kids to stay entertained as well as learn some very positive lessons.

Episodes include:
  • The Huggleflower/Monster Lullaby
  • Astrobrix/The Sore Roar
  • Promises Promises/Fireworks Night
  • The Hugglejuice Stand/The Huggledance Party
  • Carried Away/Monster in Charge
  • Monsterpet Pageant/Ivor's First Stomp
  • Bonus Episode: Horseshoe Peck/Callie's Gold Nugget
Is there any way to listen to the jazzy music and see these colorful characters having fun and not get caught up watching them?

As a bonus to the collection of episodes on this DVD, Henry Hugglemonster: Meet the Hugglemonsters also includes a set of three iron-on decals so that your young fan can turn their t-shirt, tote bag, pillowcase or more into their own personal huggle-tastic display!

Henry Hugglemonster decals

Keep an eye out for Henry Hugglemonster: Meet the Hugglemonsters to arrive in stores and online today with an MSRP of $16.99. You can also find out more about this creative series by visiting DisneyJunior.com.

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon be having a roarsome good time with the friendliest monsters around as well, because...

One lucky person will win a copy of Henry Hugglemonster: Meet the Hugglemonsters on DVD!

A big thank you to Disney Junior for providing a DVD for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. We have heard of them but never watched it

  2. My son loves the theme song!!! He calls Henry "hey hey". It's a really cute show!

  3. I've never heard of them but they seem so cute!

  4. This is my kids favorite show!
    They will stop whatever they are doing to watch it.

  5. I am very familiar because both of my sons are huge fans of the show.

  6. I am not familiar with the Hugglemonsters but it looks like a cute DVD .. my friend's son J.J. age 2 1/2 would love it!

    Thank you

  7. This show is new to me, but the characters seem cute.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  8. I am not familiar, but it looks like something my soon to be 3 yr old would really enjoy.

  9. We are not familiar with the Hugglemonsters in our house, we don't have cable so my daughter only watches DVDs that we buy her. I know she would love this one!

  10. I actually am not familiar with them.. But looks interesting lol

    jodi frasier/lasher

  11. I'm not familiar with them but i'm sure my grandkids are. The little video is really cute though.

  12. I haven't heard of them, but the show looks super cute.

  13. We haven't seen them before but they look adorable.

  14. Hugglemonster is the first show my son watched on TV he LOVES it

  15. I am familiar with Hugglemonsters because of my granddaughter

  16. Yes, my daughter has been watching it for a few months now; she likes their big silly family.

  17. I had never heard of the Hugglemonsters until the past week or so when I saw on blogs.

  18. I'm not familiar with it, but it looks really cute.

  19. My daughter and I started watching this show when it came on Disney Jr. and we both love it!!

  20. I've never heard of this show but the characters are adorable!

  21. Yes! My three kids LOVE Henry Hugglemonster! The tunes in the show are quite catchy!


  22. Yes, my son has been watching it for quite a while. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

  23. my twin nephews like the Hugglemonsters

  24. I am not familiar with the Hugglemonsters but it sounds like something my niece would really enjoy.

  25. My son has not seen this yet, but it looks like a fun show that he would really enjoy!

  26. cute but I have never heard of them

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  27. No, we are not familiar with these guys.

  28. Both of my sons watch it and really seem to enjoy it! I don't might it either :)

  29. I think my son sees it at day care because I've heard the kids talking about huggle juice, but I've never seen it. We don't watch a lot of TV at home

  30. My son and I have watched a couple of episodes and he liked it.

  31. My grandchildren have watched it. I think it would be great for my 3 year old gson Collin. Thanks.

  32. We have watched them some, but would like to watch them more!

  33. Yes, we know Henry... as we have a 2+ year old grandson and he likes the Disney Jr. Channel! I think they are a little weird but that might just be the "adult" in me showing.
    prizewinner at hotmail dot com

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. My grandson watches Henry every day!

  36. We have not heard of this DVD yet, but would like to see it.

  37. My kids love them & so do I. They are always helping each other achieve their goals!

  38. My tot LOVES Henry Hugglemonster. She acts like a monster and runs around the house saying she's Henry. It's adorable! (lilbittypanda at aol dot com)

  39. I'm a Happy Hugglewug...LOL..Grandkid's Love it

  40. I am not familiar with them but they are cute!

  41. I have watched them a few times with my niece. she loves Henry.

  42. My granddaughter watches them all the time.

  43. My son loves watching this show!!!

  44. I'm not familiar with Hugglemonsters, but I think it looks really cute.
    Thank you!

  45. I've never watched them, but my daughter seems to be familiar with them. Maybe she saw them at my parents' house!

  46. Yes, my son loves the show. I think it's cute.

  47. I am not familiar with Henry Hugglemonster.

  48. I am not familiar with him, but this looks really cute!

  49. Yes, my daughter loves this show!

  50. I have never heard of them until now.

  51. I am not that familiar with them, but my granddaughter's will like them.

  52. I had never heard of them until this DVD but they look so cute!

  53. we just started watching the other day the family is soo cute and i love the cartoon!

  54. no not to familiar but think they look super cute

  55. I have never heard of the Hugglemonsters

  56. We may have watched it a few times, but not that familiar with it. Looks cute!

  57. We haven't watched them but they look adorable!

  58. Never seen it but think my niece would enjoy

  59. We are not familiar with the Hugglemonsters but I know my kids would love the show. They love shows with music.

  60. Well, only one loves it--Pierce-- he is 2 1/2 and this seems to be his show, I thinks its the Silly family and the music is what he seems to enjoy the most.

  61. We have really started enjoying the Hugglesmonsters. I love their supportive family dynamic!

  62. I really like Henry the Hugglemonster. It is a really cute show. My youngest watches it sometimes.

  63. My niece and nephew love him

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  64. My son loves henry! disney jr is on in the house!!!

  65. We haven't seen it because we do not have cable.. but I know my kids would love it

  66. My grandson watches it a few times a week, I think it is a cute show.

  67. I am not familiar with the Hugglemonsters

  68. Melanie Bahr

    We love Disney Junior and this show! It is age and developmentally appropriate.

  69. Oh yes and we wath them daily and we love them!!
    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  70. No, not familiar with this series, but looks like something my boys would watch

  71. yes we are familiar and we are really big fans!

  72. We have not seen any of these shows yet but I bet they are enjoyable! Thanks so much for the chances to win.

  73. They are new to me but I love them they are so cute!

  74. YES! My son loves them, Disney Junior is pretty much always on our tv :)

  75. No, we're not familiar with them but they look like fun. Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. Yep it's really cute, my daughter was just watching it last night. Her fave is Summer!

  77. I've never heard of them before, but it sounds like something my son would love.

  78. We have not heard of the Hugglemonsters before but it looks like a cute show.

  79. I am not familiar with the Hugglemonsters.
