Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Top 5 Reasons I Love My Keurig

Once or twice (or 53 times) on this blog, I've mentioned my love of coffee and my unique, one-on-one relationship with my Keurig.

But what is it about the Keurig specifically that has caused our love affair to withstand multiple years and never waver even throughout the introduction of a variety of other coffeemakers into our household?

Oh, Keurig, let me count the ways.

Keurig love

1. Ease of Use.

Me. Morning. No talkies, stop whining. Time is it? Hmph. Let's just say that I'm not a morning person and anything that takes even a little bit of energy or brain power just might send me right back to bed. With my Keurig, there's no scooping, measuring or thinking involved. Mug. Power. Brew. Love.

2. Speed.

Along with the way that I need everything to be extremely simple in the morning, my already-low patience level is pretty much at rock bottom. I want coffee and I want it now. In the time that it has taken me to walk over to the fridge to get out the creamer, my Keurig has my coffee brewed and ready. Less than a minute = perfection.

3. Versatility.

Whether I choose to believe it or not, there are people out there that don't drink coffee. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about what might happen when they enter my home, as my Keurig not only brews coffee (regular, decaf and flavored), but can also produce delicious tea, hot cocoa, hot apple cider, brew over ice beverages, cafe-style drinks and many more for all family and guests.

I'm sure that my kids love my Keurig just as much as I do when it provides them with a steaming cup of hot chocolate before they've even finished taking off of their gear when they come in from playing out in the snow!

play in the snow

4. Savings.

I know what you're thinking and yes, K-cups cost more than buying a bag of grounds and using a traditional coffee machine. But, as mentioned above, the chances of me dealing with filters and grounds in the morning just doesn't happen... not to mention that I'm the only coffee drinker in the house. So what good would it do to brew a full pot and have much of it go to waste?

Plus, there are ways to save money on K-cups if you look for them! There are multiple types of refillable K-cup filters available (if you have more patience than me) or, even better, hit up a great sale! Cross Country Cafe already offers rock bottom prices on K-cups in every different variety that you could think of, but did you know that they also offer Value Priced K-Cups, Clearance options and Weekly Coffee Deals? Did someone say bargain?

5. Portability. 

As much as I love a vacation, the idea of leaving my Keurig at home does put a damper on things. What kind of coffee machine is going to be in my hotel room when I arrive? How will the quality and flavor live up to my expectations?

Fortunately, Keurig brewers come in all shapes and sizes (and colors) these days, so whether you use a Pro model in your office, a standard brewer in your kitchen, or conserve space with a Mini, there is one that will fit into all aspects of your life.

As for me, I'm thrilled that there is a smaller version on the market. Because not only has that increased the number of hotels that have them right the room, but I know that, if necessary, it isn't an issue for me to come fully prepared.

travel keurig

Do you share in my Keurig love? What reasons would you add to this list?

As a Cross Country Cafe Ambassador, I have been provided with products in exchange for my continued work with their company and affiliate links are included in the above post. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. I never even thought about making it portable! We love the versatility and speed too. Even though it's a single-serve machine, it also works great when we have company.

  2. I don't have a Keurig, but I really want one. Your list just gives me more reasons (justifications) to get one.

  3. I just got my first Keurig a few months ago and absolutely love it! I'm not a morning person either, I have to have my coffee first thing. I'm always still half asleep when i'm making it so with my old coffee maker and filter it ended up being a mess and getting grains in my coffee. I also only drink one cup, so does my husband. He works nights though so we wake up at different times and the Keurig is great because we can both have a hot cup, and no more waste! Also, it just tastes better. My favorite is the doughnut shop coconut mocha :)

  4. I was skeptical when my spouse wanted a Keurig, but I find I use it quite often myself. He uses it for coffee, but I use it to supplement my tea habit (I brew a big pot each morning using an electric kettle) as well as whenever I need near-boiling water when I'm cooking. Love it!

  5. I really want a Keurig! I am sad to admit that I am jealous!

  6. I don't like coffee, but I have friends who do. This is good to make what ever visitors want.

    slehan at juno dot com

  7. i have always wanted a keurig but never had the money to get it and no one has given it to me as a present. one day i will have one.

  8. Boy I couldn't agree with you more on all of the things you said. I thought I couldn't afford the K-cups so I bought the little cup you put your choice of coffee in and I love it and it's so cheap. I would like to thank my daughter for the best present she every bought me, my keurig coffee maker, and she knows it.

  9. I don't have a Keurig but I would love to have one. I have tried a few of the K-cup teas but I'd love to try the hot cocoa and the apple cider.

  10. The selection and variety of flavors make this an unbeatable gift idea!
