Thursday, January 23, 2014

Winter Weather Emergency Preparedness: Is There Junk in Your Trunk? {Trunk Safety Makeover Kit Giveaway}

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Unless you're one of the small number of people who love and embrace wintertime (do those people really exist?), then you've been not-so-eagerly dealing with extreme winter weather conditions this year.

And as much as we would like to stay inside all day long to avoid the below-zero temperatures, life must go on. We all know to not leave the house without a warm coat, hat and gloves, right? But considering that driving conditions can turn treacherous in an instant, how prepared is your trunk if you become stranded in this extreme cold?

It's important to plan ahead when there is snow, ice, poor visibility and freezing temps, but a recently survey by State Farm, together with KRC Research, discovered that nearly all drivers could improve what is in their trunk to be better prepared for roadside emergencies.

Where do you fall into the statistics?

roadside preparedness

While nearly all drivers (96%) had at least one emergency item in their vehicle, such as a spare tire or jumper cables, a mere 5% carried all of the emergency roadside equipment, including: jumper cables, spare tire, hazard triangle/road flares, flashlight, first aid kid, windshield scraper, water, non-perishable food and a blanket.

Although I'd like to claim that my trunk carries every one of those items and looks something like this...

prepared trunk

...I am instead one of the 67% that admit to having some sort of "junk" (non-emergency supplies) in my car's trunk as well.

What about you? Are every one of those items in your trunk or, when you pop it open, do you find shoes, toys and used food or drink containers, instead?

messy trunk

If the above picture is starting to make you worried that you might be putting yourself and/or your family at risk when you head out in your automobile, then the following Winter Driving Survival tips from State Farm just might ease your worries:

Carry Emergency Supplies

In addition to the items mentioned above, other great winter essentials include a small folding shovel, a bag of road salt or cat litter, windshield wiper fluid, antifreeze and warning flares.

Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter

While having the right gear is extremely important, you can help prevent trouble by having your car checked and tuned up — everything from hoses and fan belts to spark plugs to tire pressure and tread life.

Follow Winter Driving Recommendations

Winter driving has its own set of challenges, from the moment you start up your vehicle. Some useful winter driving suggestions include never warming up your vehicle in a closed garage, keeping your gas tank at least half full, not using cruise control on icy roads and staying calm if you start to skid.

Stay Calm if Stranded

If a winter storm strands you with your vehicle, would you know what to do? State Farm suggests:
  • Pull off the highway, if possible, turn on your hazard lights or light flares, and hang a distress flag from an antenna or window.
  • Call 911 if you have a phone and describe your location as precisely as possible.
  • Remain in your vehicle so help can find you.
  • Run your vehicle's engine and heater about 10 minutes each hour to keep warm. Open a downwind window slightly for ventilation and clear snow from the exhaust pipe to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Exercise a little to maintain body heat, but avoid overexertion and sweating.
  • Drink fluids to avoid dehydration.
  • Conserve your vehicle's battery. Use lights, heat, and radio sparingly.
  • At night, turn on an inside light when you run the engine so help can see you.

stranded car

For the remainder of this winter (and all of those to come), be cautious, be safe and be prepared. Winter weather emergency preparedness isn't something to take for granted and, along with having the important supplies in your car, take the time to regularly check that all of the equipment is working properly. Your family just might be depending on it!

This article can give you much more about being prepared for roadside emergencies and the full details and results of the survey by State Farm, so head over for a visit!

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will be prepared for their next ride even more than usual, because...

One lucky person will win a Trunk Safety Makeover Kit* from State Farm!

giveaway prize
*Kit includes: mini LED flashlight, Nature Valley granola bars, supa cham towel, shoulder tote and a complete roadside emergency kit (Triangular-shaped tote with carry handle that doubles as a reflective hazard warning sign and contains essential tools for roadside emergency repair, including: set of jumper cables, heavy-duty plastic ice scraper, tire-pressure gauge, 9-piece ratchet set with rigid hand driver, pair of standard slip-joint pliers, flat head screwdriver, phillips screwdriver, roll of red electrical tape, blade-style automotive fuses, pair of white work gloves and insulated ring and spade terminals). Total ARV ~$50.

A big thank you to State Farm for providing a prize pack for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. I have some shopping bags, a coat I never wear, and some other random stuff that could definitely be removed.

  2. There is a ton of fishing equipment and it's -2 outside right now so unless we're ice fishing.... kinda pointless.

  3. I need to take out the stroller that I no longer use for my kids.

  4. Mostly just loose papers need to be removed from my trunk.

  5. we have computer monitor,shopping bags,papers,omg you name it its probably in there lol

  6. i have a lot of shopping bags (way more than what I would normally use)... thanks kmassman gmail

  7. My trunk is empty but I guess I should have some emergency supplies in there.

  8. I have a car trunk carrier that is currently holding some yoga mats (two of them). It also has important items I need for Winter --just in case.

  9. I have a bag of recycling that needs to be turned in

  10. Actually, at the monument, our trunk is clean!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  11. ha ha, great question. How about an old aluminum 30-cup coffee pot waiting to go to the recycler? Yes, it's in my trunk.

  12. I have a tub of DVD movies for the player in my car but my kids just play on their phones. I think I can remove it!
    Beth H

  13. We have unnecessary plastic bags and close-to-empty car care products, like windshield fluid and oil.


  15. I have a bag of clothes that I need to drop off at a donation center and a stroller taking up my trunk!

  16. A box of promotional items I was dropping off, several reusable grocery bags and unfortunately a few items that fell out of the grocery bag and was left there.

  17. Tons of sweatshirts, kids books and sports equipment

  18. Oh my..what's nit in my trunk? Lol. changes of clothes, extra diapers, toys, blankets ect.

  19. I need to clean out some old newspapers and magazines that were put in there awhile ago.

  20. I have a mini-van, so technically no trunk, but rather than remove anything from my van, I need to restock and add some items. I drive rescue transports, so I have dog crates in my van most of the time. With those I need to keep things like a roll of paper towels, hand sanitizer, slip leads, collars, leashes, bags of treats, a small storage bag with some kibble, Lysol wipes, etc. I really need to restock and organize my dog items. I also keep a gallon of water (which I have to take out during cold weather and tend to forget to put in when I leave for a transport) and some dog bowls. For my safety items, I have my jumper cables (which I've used many a time to help others who were stranded - I don't think anyone should drive a car without having a set of cables AND without knowing how to use them), a first-aid kit (which needs to be refreshed and restocked), etc. I really need to get some reflective triangles for placing on the road to warn other drivers. I also really need to find a couple of nice lidded containers to keep all these items organized and in good shape.

  21. I need to remove a bunch of empty grocery bags.

  22. I could remove a couple cardboard boxes I keep in my trunk.

  23. I could remove a couple cardboard boxes I keep in my trunk.

  24. I still have our swimming bag in the trunk as well as a bag of clothes for my boys that I know is too small!

  25. hubby is a roofing salesman and seems to carry a full office AND garage in our car, LOL. Thanks :)

  26. Returnable soda cans are the only thing in mine. But it is to cold for me to bother with them. lol

  27. There might be some shopping bags and artwork that my kids made.

  28. Actually because our car is fairly new - there is no junk in the trunk right now, just a trunk organizer & a roll of paper towels.

  29. I have a coat I never wear, and some other random stuff that could definitely be removed.

  30. i've got two lawn charis I have got to get out of my trunk.

  31. umbrellas, kids jackets, ball, buckets, toys

  32. We have several odds and ends from some road trips that we still haven't gotten out of the car.

  33. Fishing poles, tackle box, and a plastic bait bucket.

  34. I need to remove all the bats, balls, and gloves yet. plus lawn chairs. It is winter here in ohio no point until spring

  35. I am a neat freak, so nothing is really dirty, ever. lol. The only thing in my trunk is my double stroller. That is all :)

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  36. My trunk is so small I usually keep it clutter free but right now I have three bags of dinosaurs I need to remove.

  37. I need to remove a lot of old grocery store ads!

  38. I actually have the trunk of our truck pretty cleaned out. There a few stray tennis balls my daughter picked up at the park laying around, but otherwise I went through everything in the fall & have kept it clean.

  39. my trunk I full of summer stuff lawn chairs, pool toys, volley ball and net. charcoal

  40. All of my husband's ice fishing gear is in my trunk right now, and it needs to go.

  41. I have a Nirvana concert poster in the back of mine.

  42. I have diapers, bags and kids clothes. It needs a cleaning.

  43. Too many shoes. Too many clothes (keep some for sure)
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  44. My trunk is empty. I should probably have some emergency supplies in it.

  45. I have nothing, taking some stiff like blanek and water in the morring.

  46. we actually don't really keep anything in there! I guess sometimes as I pack up stuff for the thrift store my husband will put the bags in the trunk until he thinks he has enough to make a trip worth while.

  47. Only thing in my trunk is the stroller, though we rarely use it, I could probably get rid of it.

  48. I don't have a trunk only a small space behind the seat.

  49. I have a cat carrier and a Christmas wreath that I gotta get out of the trunk.

  50. I have a bunch of stuff to take to the salvation army that hasn't made it there yet.

  51. i have a bag of things that i use to have to carry to work with me but since i dont work there anymore, it needs to come out. and i got a few shirts back there i need to grab as well.

  52. Scott leaves almost everything in the car trunk. I try not to look, so I'm blissfully unaware of what's actually in there.

  53. 3 bags of clothes that I was supposed to take to goodwill.
    brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)

  54. My trunk is empty. I should probably have some emergency supplies in it. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

  55. Right now in my trunk, I need to remove empty egg cartons. The ones that hold 24. I have a few stacks of them as I use them to start my woodstove and I also have 3 empty crates that hold kale. They are wooden and i also use those to help start my woodstove.

  56. I seem to be accumulating a lot of papers. They might be good for emergency insulation if caught in the cold, but otherwise, it is just clutter.

  57. I've got lots of junk in my trunk, especially things that need to be donated to Goodwill.

  58. I have some of my son's heavy clothes that I need to take to the laundrymat to wash, because they are too heavy to wash at home.

  59. We have a truck so nothing really.

  60. the trunk in my car is empty

    tiramisu392 (at)

  61. My trunk is actually them moment. I try to clean it out periodically.

  62. I need to get rid of jackets, books, and toys from the kids we have in our trunk.

  63. My truck bed is clean but the other trunk is just filled with jackets and blankets. lol

    Rafflecopter Beth W

  64. My trunk is junk-free! Right now, just a shovel.

  65. i have christmas paper,towels dont even remember why they are there

  66. plastic shopping bags (just in case... but really put there to recycle...) & a few things to go to storage...

  67. I have a blanket and a ice scraper in our trunk.

  68. I need to remove empty boxes and bags from my trunk.

    G+ and GFC id: abfantom fantom

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  69. Dead batteries, old blankets, some shopping bags that I'm afraid to look in, a flat spare...OMG! scain54(at)aol(dot)com

  70. I need to remove toys of my great grands from my trunk.

  71. I have a shovel & ice scraper.

  72. I need to remove old worn out jumper cables.

  73. I need to remove old worn out jumper cables.

  74. My trunk is empty, but I ought to have emergency supplies in there.
    lyndadawinda1074 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  75. I just have shopping bags in there!

  76. We have lots of kiddo stuff and empty boxes in ours! It's cluttered

  77. I drive a truck, no trunk. I keep truck orderly inside.

  78. We have too many reusable grocery bags so I would get rid of some of those in the trunk

  79. Everything in my trunk is car related and fairly new, so I don't need to clean it out.

  80. Preferably there should be no junk in my car's trunk, and I do keep a blanket and boots in there just in case. I have no stash tools or other emergency essentials, so this is a great idea to have everything all in one kit.

  81. I have a lot of books and old CDs that I've been meaning to take to Goodwill for a long time. It's on my To Do List - but, I always seem to forget "because it's in the trunk."

  82. We have shopping bags, a cooler and some books that need to be taken out of the trunk.
    Rafflecopter: happi shopr

  83. a yoga mat and a bag of clothing for goodwill.

  84. Stuff that needs to be donated, and a Christmas tree bought for Christmas 2014

  85. I normally can say nothing, but I have some plastic containers in a bag.

  86. I have too many shopping bags in my trunk

  87. I don't keep junk in my vehicle. It's always kept cleaned out.

  88. I have no junk in my trunk! I drive a pickup!

  89. I have bags of stuff I need to go thru

  90. I have some old luggage back there that I need to drop off at the thrift store!

  91. my sons stroller. he's 5 years old! we haven't used it in almost a year! it's got to go!

  92. Mostly it's just shopping bags that need to be removed.

  93. I have shoes, tennis balls, and water bottles...

  94. I have a few boxes and some bags of cloths.

  95. I have a cooler,shopping bags, and other stuff that needs to come out.

  96. Miscellaneous tools, an old coat, a few Bible-based magazines, shopping bags, a cane, a bag of cat litter (for when I get stuck in the snow), and several pairs of(ratty)mittens & gloves. Yes, my trunk could definitely use a makeover, uh, I mean a clean out!

  97. Miscellaneous tools, an old coat, a few Bible-based magazines, shopping bags, a cane, a bag of cat litter (for when I get stuck in the snow), and several pairs of(ratty)mittens & gloves. Yes, my trunk could definitely use a makeover, uh, I mean a clean out!

  98. I usually have a couple tires in my trunk, as well as a couple air mattresses, and a lot of random junk!

  99. My trunk is the catch-all. I need to take out the iron and the luggage tags.

  100. My truck is actually pretty empty. My husband's truck is full of old papers and junk.
    Brittney House

  101. My trunk is full of crap , stuff for donation and a bag full of misc. alcohol confiscated from someone I knows house with a " problem"

  102. I think I have some old wrapping paper in there that could be thrown away.

  103. Right now, I have a back end full of stuff that needs to go to recycling but I have yet to make the stop!

  104. have some emergency supplies in there.

  105. My trunk has some odd things in ancient laptop that I'm not quite sure what to do with, one shoe, an old grocery ad, and a blanket. :-/

  106. I don't really have anything extra in my trunk, it is pretty clean and organized.

  107. I have so many reusable shopping bags, it is crazy.

  108. Oh geez, I have 2 toddlers, I'm too ashamed to say anything! lol!

  109. I have a 7 year old and a 2 month old. My trunk currently has a stroller, 2 soccer balls, bottles of powerade a spare tire and garbage! Blah bothers me thinking about it.

  110. I need to remove a bunch of baby junk from the trunk ..

  111. I need to take out all the old flashlights that don't work anymore.

  112. I have some items boxed up to donate that have been there for awhile along with Christmas gift wrap. :)

  113. I have a few coats that don't fit that are riding around back there, as well as sneakers that don't fit.

  114. I have to get rid of all the sports gear in my trunk: basketball footballs sneakers gym clothes soccer balls.

  115. Junk from fundraising activities.

  116. I don't have anything in my trunk, not even a safety kit :(

  117. The neighbors down the street actually hit my car not too long ago, so currently in my trunk is part of my back bumper.

  118. Lots of plastic bags that need to be recycled!

  119. I have reusable shopping bags and a Christmas antenna topper

  120. I guess I just need to pick up the trash and vacuum it.

  121. I have several bags of items for the thrift store in my trunk.

  122. Clothes, blankets, and old college books.

  123. I have a bag of tools and a few bags of clothes that need to be dropped at goodwill.

  124. I need to remove all of my recycling.

  125. I have an empty box and a hoodie in my trunk.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  126. My husband has tools in there takes up the whole trunk.

  127. I need to get rid of old rags, empty window cleaner bottles & useless tools.

  128. I have halloween decorations. Is that strange?

  129. I need to take out my old tennis rackets.
    gabbflabber at

  130. We have some dirty rags and empty bottles back there.

  131. I have an SUV so there is no trunk junk. I think the fact that I can see into the cargo space every time I drive motivates me to keep it fairly neat.

  132. Its not to bad right now. My husband has some work stuff in there but thats about it.

  133. We don't have too much junk in our trunk but I do need to bring the stroller in.

  134. OH MY GOSH! I have so much random STUFF in my trunk. I couldn't even honestly tell you, it's no mans land! lol

  135. Gym bag, re-usable grocery bags, stuff to be dropped at Goodwill.

  136. In reality we just did this yesterday one would be surprised by what all gets in a trunk it had clothes, toys, and even some papers that needed to be tossed

  137. We have a lot of random stuff from 4H, the library as well as toys, coloring books, tools, emergency kit...A ton of stuff!

  138. Actually there really is nothing in my trunk except a tire and re usable grocery bags.

  139. All of my husband's work stuff needs to be cleaned out of my trunk.

  140. Our trunk is empty except for a couple of necessities.

  141. Some dry-cleaned clothes! ugh, I need to get those out!

  142. I have a pile of clothes and a pile of old newspapers!

  143. Boxes of clothes my husband is taking to Goodwill. Someday.

  144. I have a crap ton of clothes and DVDs that I need to get out of there!

  145. We don't really have anything in the trunk of our car except a First Aid kit.

  146. i don't have much in the back of the minivan, but up where the kids and i sit you'd find junk mail, papers from school, and the like.
    sarah hirsch

  147. I actually don't have anything in my trunk except some spilled kitty litter from a grocery trip where they ripped the bag while checking me out.

  148. I have a few bags of empty bottles that need to be turned in.

  149. I have a grocery insulated bag for cold foods

  150. I have a grocery insulated bag for cold foods

  151. I need to remove bags of clothes and camping supplies I have in there. The camping stuff is from when we go camping and the clothes need to be dropped off to charity but I haven't done it yet. Thanks.

  152. I hve some bags pf clothes that i keep meaning to take to Good Will! (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  153. I need to clean out the camping supplies. I think it's a little cold to camp.

  154. I need to keep my empty grocery bags out of my trunk, my husband always complains, maybe that's why they are still there!

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. There are still some soccer balls that need to come out.

  157. To be honest my trunk doesn't have much in it. I do however have no safety supplies if ever I did get stuck

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  158. my trunk is pretty clean. i don't have to remove anything.

  159. My husband cleans my back out weekly! I accumulate so much! Probably baby toys and pretzels the most!!!

  160. Nothing, it's absolutely empty right now.

  161. I have lots of shopping bags and boxes.

  162. I have a trunk everything I have in my vehicle I use.

  163. My trunk just has a bunch of reusable shopping bags in it.

  164. Mostly misc junk in my truck. We have a minivan, so kids throw everything into the back when their done with, books, fast food wrappers.

  165. There is too much trash in my trunk!

  166. DONE!!!! all that's left is a roll of tools;fold down storage bin

  167. I dont really have much that I need to take out of my trunk! Ive got the essentials- a tire iron, tool box, sleeping bag, and of course a can of fix-a-flat for emergencies!

  168. I have some files from work that need to be removed
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com


  170. A bunch of stuff I need to donate.
    Thanks for the chance.

  171. I have old Happy Meal toys, DVD cases with no DVD's in them, gloves with no match, and empty tissue boxes!

  172. I don't have much in there. A pair of shoes, ice scraper and some replacement floor mats.

  173. Kid's sport equipment, Bags of nothing, Clothes and news papers

  174. Wow, I hope my husband never sees this post...
    I have flower pots, boots, pillows, blankets, bags, magazines, deck brackets, OMG....
    Ann B.

  175. We need to clean up our soccer gear and kids toys.

  176. I have my cloth bags in the trunk and extra shoes & a blanket

  177. We need to remove all the things that get thrown back there. Gear, boxes, etc..

  178. I've got a bag of shoes I keep meaning to drop off at Goodwill.

  179. Actually I don't have anything in my trunk.
