Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Importance of Kidde's Holiday Recipe for Fire Safety {Kitchen Fire Extinguisher Giveaway}

With the holiday season here, the most important thing is that we show our gratitude, love and devotion to our families while simultaneously doing good deeds, helping others and displaying goodwill towards our fellow man.


It's okay to admit it. You're also excited that this is the season of FOOD!
Whether it's the turkey, potatoes, casseroles, cookies, rolls, vegetables, ham, stuffing, eggnog or pies, pies, pies, I don't know too many people that are unhappy about all of the cooking, baking and eating that comes along with the holidays.

But... did you know that cooking is the number one cause of home fires and injuries, and that the winter months are the deadliest season for home fires? Don't put your house or family in danger, it's time to focus on the importance of fire safety with Kidde!

Kidde logo

As the world's largest manufacturer of fire safety products, Kidde is on a mission to provide solutions that protect people and property from the effects of fire and its related hazards each and every day.

This season, Kidde is working tirelessly to stress the importance of fire and carbon monoxide safety for the holidays – in the kitchen as well as throughout home. The sad truth is that most fatal home fires happen in homes with no smoke alarm or no working alarm.

Even worse? A recent Kidde survey revealed some pretty startling statistics, including that nearly five times as many Americans know the shelf life of a Twinkie than know the recommended operating life of a smoke alarm.

People, this is NOT ok.

Kidde Twinkie survey

It's time to change things! With so much cooking going on this month, there is no excuse to skimp on safety.

First, be sure that your home is fully equipped. Kidde designs and develops smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers, escape ladders and more in order to best protect people and property from the effects of fire and its related hazards. There is just no reason to be without any of the products that were specifically designed to increase your family's chances of staying safe!

I love Kidde's line of Worry-Free Smoke Alarms, which offer a variety of benefits to the millions of Americans who rely on continuous battery-powered smoke and fire detection in their homes. The new alarms are powered by sealed-in, long-life lithium batteries for 10 years (the life of the alarm).

Even better, they also offer a Worry-Free Carbon Monoxide Alarm, the first and only UL-listed CO alarm proven to provide up to 10 years of protection – up to twice the lifespan of other available alarms. This CO alarm also contains a sealed-in lithium battery that powers the alarm for a decade, so it is a snap to eliminate any annoying low-battery chirps while helping to keep your loved ones safe.

kidde safety products

Second, don't let another day go by without printing out the following Kidde Recipe for Safety so that you can have it handy in the event that you need it for reference. These are definitely tips that all of us need to know!

Kidde #RecipeforSafety Card

But while you're hopefully already turning pot handles to the back, not putting metal in the microwave, and are keeping flammable items away from the stove, do you have a kitchen fire extinguisher handy in case of a grease fire? Or if a small, self-contained fire occurs?

The simple act of having one handy just might make the difference between a small situation that can be efficiently handled and a large, drastic, life-changing event.

kitchen cabinet fire extinguisher

This holiday season (and beyond) give yourself the gift of peace of mind knowing that you have protected your family and your home as best as possible. For 90 years, industry leaders, the military, airlines, and firefighters have relied on Kidde to deliver superior fire protection and the same advanced technology can be found in all of their consumer products. Make your home and family safe today!

Find out much more about all of the ways that Kidde can help you follow a "Recipe for Safety" every day of the year by visiting them at and by connecting with them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will start off the new year safely as well, because...

One lucky person will win a kitchen fire extinguisher from Kidde!

kitchen fire extinguisher

A big thank you to Kidde for providing compensation and a kitchen fire extinguisher for me as well as a kitchen fire extinguisher for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


  1. G+ & GFC ids: abfantom fantom

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  2. I think I put this in another giveawsy You may remove it
