Monday, May 4, 2015

New Book for Tweens: Gabby Duran and the Unsittables {Visa Gift Card Prize Pack Giveaway!}

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Thank you to Disney Publishing for providing samples and prizes for this post. All thoughts and opinions expressed are honest and my own.

Books have played a large role in my children's lives from the very beginning, as our home has always been filled with board books, picture books, easy readers, non-fiction books, and chapter books in just about every genre.

However, as children get older and their tastes in reading materials become more specific, where do you look for books that are going to be age-appropriate, captivating and entertaining?

To two award-winning authors that have come together to write a sci-fi hit that is sure to be adored by kids (approximately ages 9-12) everywhere! That's what you'll find in Gabby Duran and the Unsittables!


In stores and online May 12th, Gabby Duran and the Unsittables is written by Elise Allen and Daryle Conners, an Emmy-nominated writer and New York Times best-selling author and an award-winning writer, filmmaker and video game designer, respectively.

Elise Allen made a name for herself with her acclaimed young adult novel Populazzi, and the Jim Henson's Enchanted Sisters chapter books. In television, she has written for talent ranging from Bill Cosby to Kermit the Frog, and is currently writing for the new Disney Junior show The Lion Guard.

Daryle Conners writes joke and riddle books and has designed many game titles for the PC and iPhone/iPad including Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Scene It? Harry Potter, Hot Wheels Slot Car Racers, and Scene It? Twilight Saga. Her non-fiction books include Lunchtime LOLZ, Nintendo DS Hot Tips, ROFLs,Video Game Secrets and Monster High Jokes.

Gabby Duran authors

So what have these talented women collaborated together to produce? Just check out the summary for this interesting new book...
Case File: The First Unsittable

The Association Linking Intergalatics and Earthlings (hereby known as A.L.I.E.N.) has a new member. After months of investigation, Gabby Duran, Associate 4118-25125A, has proven herself to be a babysitter extraordinaire. Her celebrity clients fly her around the country to care for their rambunctious little humans. Our spy, Associate 4118-23432B, otherwise known as Edwina, believes Gabby can be trusted with the truth: aliens are living among humans on Earth. And here at A.L.I.E.N we believe that even extraterrestrials need a babysitter now and then. No one was up to the task...until now.

After accepting the top-secret position, Edwina has paired our new associate up with her first charge, a little girl from the planet Flarknartia. The timing for associate 4118-25125A is less than ideal. It's a school day on Planet Earth, Gabby's audition for the solo part in the band is tonight, and this tiny alien is a bit more than meets the eye.

Can Gabby Duran, Associate 4118-25125A, First Sitter to the Unsittables, keep her otherworldly charge safe in the unpredictable halls of middle-school and keep A.L.I.E.N hidden?
Gabby Duran and the Unsittables

Intrigued? Then head over and read an excerpt from Gabby Duran and the Unsittables to get in on the action even more!

Then learn more about this book at the Disney Publishing website, by following Disney-Hyperion on Twitter, Elise Allen on Twitter, Daryle Conners on Twitter, and connecting with all things Gabby Duran on social media at #GabbyDuran. Then, when you're ready to place your order, it's easy to find Gabby Duran and the Unsittables on Amazon!

Finally, thanks to the generosity of Disney Publishing, one person will get to celebrate the release of this creative book very soon, because...

One lucky person will win a Coolest Babysitter in the Galaxy Prize Pack*!

Gabby Duran prize pack
*Prize Pack includes (1) $25 Visa gift card, (1) copy of Gabby Duran and the Unsittables, and (1) branded Tumbler and UFO light-up flyer.

A big thank you to Disney Publishing for providing product for me as well as a prize pack for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.