Friday, May 15, 2015

6 Summer Shape Up Tips from Balance Bar {Prize Pack Giveaway!}

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Remember last month when I introduced you to The Balance Project and told you that 98% of Americans believe achieving and maintaining balance in their life is important, yet only 14% report that they always feel balanced?

Well, guess what? According to that recent survey by Balance Bar, the time of year that most Americans do feel balanced is during the summer! So, as we're approaching June 21st and the official start of the season, it's the perfect time to get outside, enjoy the beautiful weather and start feeling more balanced!


Wondering how to best achieve balance? Here are some awesome tips from Gabby Reece, a worldwide celebrity fitness icon and wellness role model, entrepreneur, wife, and mother of three. Who else would know better about smart eating and staying active to help feel more balanced? Try some of them at home to feel good inside and out as we get ready for summer!

• Make it your own: There is not one right way to get it done. There is the right way that works for you. When it comes to eating healthy, find the foods you like and implement those into your daily diet. The same goes for exercise. If you hate the gym then find something outside that is manageable for you. This is not about torture; this is about creating a lifestyle that you can do week after week.

Gabby Reece• Watch the calendar: Use summer for motivation to shape up but don’t wait for June 21st. If you wait until summer actually starts, you’ll feel rushed and end up crash dieting or doing a crazy workout schedule. I personally like to keep a calendar in my kitchen and cross off the days as I countdown to bikini weather. The visual reminder – right where you eat – is helpful in keeping you on track.

• Sign up a friend: We tend to be more successful at accomplishing some type of exercise if we have an accountability partner. Solicit a friend and maybe use this as your time to connect. You can train for a 5k together or join an outdoor boot camp; there are a lot more options now that the weather is improving.

• Plan to snack: Take snacks (like fruit, nuts or a Balance Bar) wherever you go to prevent mindless eating. If I have an afternoon or early evening workout planned, I make sure to have one of these handy an hour or so before so that I have plenty of energy to get in a good workout.

• Variety is key: Make as many meals as you can at home so you can control your nutrition. These are some of my favorite recipes – fresh and full of veggies for springtime! To keep things interesting and fresh at my house, I try to rotate foods. One night I may go for something heavier with veggies and grains, and then the next night focus on proteins. I really try to change up the food and create a great deal of variety.

• Each day is a new chance and it's never too late: If you fall out of your summer shape up routine one day, don’t sweat it. Forgive yourself and move on – and just keep moving!

Be sure to also check out some of Gabby's favorite fitness moves as well as more of her great tips for balancing fitness and a busy schedule. You can even chat with Gabby herself when she joins @BalanceBar for a #SummerShapeUp Twitter Chat on Tuesday, May 19th at 4pm EST!

ways to improve health

Head over to visit (and connect with Balance Bar on Facebook and Twitter) to find out more about the huge variety of flavors of these power-packed bars and see how they can help keep you feeling balanced and healthy this summer. As well as at your local grocery store and health food store, you can also find Balance Bars at and on Amazon.

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon be on their way to getting their life more balanced as well, because...

One lucky person will win a prize pack including a selection of Balance Bar bare bars and a Balance Bar headband!

balance bar giveaway

A big thank you to Balance Bar for providing product for me as well as a prize pack for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.

1 comment:

  1. Google+ and GFC ids: abfantom fantom

    abfantom at yahoo dot com
