Monday, December 16, 2013

Hickory Farms Party Planner Gift Box {Review & Giveaway}

 Hickory Farms logo
When it comes to gift-buying for the holidays, it never fails that I struggle to come up with the universal ideas. After all, with a specific list to purchase from for my extended family, that makes life easier for everyone in knowing what to buy and that the item will be wanted and appreciated.

But... when it comes to the good friends, teachers, co-workers, etc, my mind goes blank and people end up with the same boring things that they always do. Gift card, anyone?

It would be nice to surprise someone with something unique though, wouldn't it? Just to see the look on their face or receive the happy phone call later from someone who had the pleasure of receiving something different — and bonus points if it happened to be extremely delicious as well.

This year, it's time that I look no further than the stylish, unique and very tasty options easily available from Hickory Farms.

Hickory Farms holiday

For more than 60 years, Hickory Farms has been committed to personalized service and brings the best of Midwest values and unwavering quality to consumers in North America and the U.S. Armed Forces all over the world.

And not only is Hickory Farms known for their amazing selection of sausages, cheeses and other specialty foods, but their commitment to the environment (their 100% recyclable packages are environmentally friendly in every way), their support of our troops, and their incredible work to help end hunger (they have a fantastic partnership with Share Our Strength) make ordering from Hickory Farms a no-brainer.

When the Hickory Farms Party Planner Gift Box arrived, that just made all of Hickory Farms' admirable qualities even more delicious.

Hickory Farms box

A perfect combination of the classics, the Party Planner Gift Box includes just about everything that a Hickory Farms fan could ask for.

Three varieties of sausage, four types of cheeses, two bags of mixed nuts and two tasty mustards? Is there any wonder that my husband was drooling before I even had the packaging fully removed?

Hickory Farms party planner gift box

The variety of snacks inside are just right so that there is something for everyone and there is no doubt that my entire family was thrilled to be a part of tasting each of these!

However, had we decided to not keep this for our own tummies, I love that the Party Planner Gift Box is easily suitable for an individual gift or for an office or family to share as the 11 items in this package are as appealing as they are tasty.

Hickory Farms review

As well as making a fabulous gift, I love the idea of this Gift Box (or another of Hickory Farms' delicious items) being a part of a family tradition around the holidays. Bring one to visit with relatives every year and suddenly your family will be part of a delicious tradition that everyone looks forward to!

In fact, as our family currently has a tradition of getting together for a late lunch/early dinner on Christmas Day, this would be the absolutely perfect addition to have out for snacking throughout the afternoon!

Hickory Farms sausage and cheese

What holidays traditions do you enjoy each year? Hickory Farms would love to see them on social media using the hashtag #HickoryTradition so that they can keep up with your family!

If you're looking for a way to surprise a lucky recipient in your life this year, just think of how pleased they'll be when they find that Hickory Farm's Signature Beef Summer Sausage pairs perfectly with their Farmhouse Cheddar Cheese and crackers. Top it all off with the deliciousness of Classical Mixed Nuts and Cranberry Mustard and they'll have a holiday they won't soon forget!

Retailing for $45.99, the Party Planner Gift Box would make a great gift or addition to your holiday traditions. And, thanks to the generosity of Hickory Farms, one person will be able to do just that, because...

One lucky person will win a Party Planner Gift Box from Hickory Farms!

Hickory Farms gift box

A big thank you to Hickory Farms for providing a Party Planner Gift Box for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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tilldawn said...

Love shopping after Christmas !!

Unknown said...

We love baking goodies every Christmas eve!

terrajunebug said...

we always order pizza the night before and watch a Christmas movie

Unknown said...

We open just one present on Christmas Eve.

Karen said...

going to church chrismas eve

E. Diane said...

We love the twelve days of Christmas - old school style. starting on Christmas and going to Epiphany (Jan 6th) we celebrate with little gifts along the way and keep it very quiet and mellow and family oriented.

me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

Yipperbear said...

We don't have many but, e do get together to put up our tree and hang our wreaths.

Michelle J said...

On Christmas Eve we allow the kids to open one gift under the tree.

Abbi said...

Our food traditions for Christmas are: Hamburgers on Christmas eve, hot chocolate stirred with candy canes and whipped cream on top for breakfast Christmas morning along with warm from the oven Vanacka Braid Bread and sausages. For our big meal on Christmas we do a variety of pasta including at least one that is a homemade pasta (this year it was ravioli). My husband requested a new food tradition to start this year and that was carrot cake for dessert.

dawn keenan (newnameford) said...

we drink hot cocoa and watch the grinch.

dheath3 said...

hot chocolate and doughnuts on Christmas mornin

Unknown said...

I am starting a new family and we are starting all new traditions :)

GraceA said...

we have a christmas eve party with family and friends each year

Rebecca W. said...

We attend our Christmas eve service in the evening.

Miss Sarah said...

The year my brother got married we started a tradition of having him, his wife, and his in-laws (very good friends of ours) over the weekend after Thanksgiving to have a big Decorating Day to get all of our Christmas decorations up. We have a lot of fun doing it and have several kinds of soup, crackers, cheese, and summer sausage for supper! :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

mecarolks said...

We drive around looking at Christmas lights on Christmas eve

Anonymous said...

Our family likes to gather together for Christmas now that we are all over the country

Unknown said...

Our son gets a package from Mrs Claus and the elves and gets to open gifts from us on Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning he opens gifts from Santa and we have a themed breakfast.

Priscilla Benavides said...

On Christmas day we go to my parent's house and we eat a Holiday lunch and then we gather around the tree and open the presents!
priscillabenavides at yahoo dotcom

Unknown said...

Our holiday tradition is to play a gift swap game called Mrs. Right.

Anonymous said...

Flu for Christmas this year. But still thankful for family and so many blessings.

Unknown said...

Every year we have a potluck style dinner and then have a White Elephant gift exchange.

Unknown said...

we make cookies on Christmas


Jessica Cox said...

We always let my daughters pick out a new ornament every year,This year they picked out a dinosaur a doggie wearing a tutu and a ice cream cone
Jessica Cox

Jaclynn S. said...

I would love to start the tradition of going caroling in neighborhoods with friends and family.

Tara said...

We make sugar cookies every year.

AndreaH said...

One tradition, that we use to do when we were younger and that I would love to start again with my family now, is that my dad use to take us to the mall during the holiday season and Hickory Farms would have a cart out in the middle of the walkways. He would always let us each get a stick of their smoked cheese and it tasted so good! I looked forward to doing that every year.

Anonymous said...

We all go to mass on Christmas eve then go out for dinner.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

We open presents Christmas eve and then on Christmas our families get together and play games and eat.
Brittney House

Sndrdee said...

Our new favorite holiday tradition is the whole elf on the shelf thing, and trying to find her (Rebecca Sweet Pea) Every morning. It has become a lot of fun.

mscoffee77 said...

family cookie decorating party :)

The Screenwriter's Wife said...

We have a special Christmas morning breakfast we always make.

ccmonty said...

My mother always puts up a lovely model Winter Village in the living room, complete with ballroom, snow covered trees and quaint cottages.

jcwega27 said...

chili for cmas eve

Barbara Montag said...

Blog Lovin

CEB said...

Apparently our family tradition is arguing.

Angel Ro said...

I would like our future tradition to be together. We're all spaced out in different states. I'm hoping we can all find a way to get together next year.

Trudy said...

We read a special holiday book every christmas eve

Susan said...

The whole family had dinner out at a nice place before Christmas and we pay for it as a act of love. This way if the children have not been able to enjoy something like this in the past year they can now. Thank for this awesome and Happy New Year :)

Robin T said...

We decorate the Christmas Tree together.

Steph said...

We go out to an Italian restaurant for dinner on Christmas eve. Our favorite place closed for business earlier this year though, so we had to get buffalo wings this year instead!

Christy said...

I like that we open gifts Christmas morning instead of Christmas Eve like I did when I was a kid. Christmas morning just seems more special to us.

Treesa said...

We get our own tree and decorate it together


Jen at A Heart Full of Love said...

On Christmas Eve, the kids all are given a new ornament that represents something from the past year. Then we make hot cocoa and drink it while we watch The Nativity Story.

susan1215 said...

On Christmas Eve we drive around looking at Christmas lights and then come home and drink eggnog and open up one present.

Karen said...

We make Christmas cookies for all of our neighbors every year :)

ktgonyea at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Happy 2014

Unknown said...

I would love to start a tradition of holding hands and dancing around the Christmas tree after a big turkey/ham dinner.


We celebrate the traditional European Christmas of Advent, St. Nicholas Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and the 12 Days of Christmas ending on January 6, the Day of Epiphany.

Unknown said...

we go to gramas house on chirtmas

PAIGE said...

Our family strings popcorn on the tree on Christmas eve

Julie Fulmer said...

We spend Christmas Eve with my husband's family and Christmas Day with my mom.

chickie717 said...

THat everyone in yhe family volunteers.

ladcraig said...

new pjs on Christmas Eve

Tim said...

Always go to Christmas eve service at our church.

Jennifer said...

We have a tradition of playing Dirty Santa every Christmas Eve.

Bo said...

We go to church on Christmas Eve and then drive around looking at Christmas lights!

Unknown said...

We always bake cookies

Melinda said...

We watch the Peanuts Christmas specials every Christmas.

Hotsnotty2 said...

we open a one gift on xmas eve

Anastasia said...

I'd like to start the tradition of all of the family actually seeing each other during the holidays! We all live far apart and can't afford to visit, so it would be great if we could, somehow, find a way :0

Melissa Shirley said...

We always open one gift on Christmas Eve.and make cookies for Santa

Diane W said...

We have a family dinner and go to a movie.

Unknown said...

we always go to the woods and cut our tree with our son

jbmthill said...

Our tradition has always been 4pm Christmas Eve mass, then home for a big dinner with my family.
Beth H

Debra Guillen said...

We always have a big Christmas breakfast together.

Katie Rose said...

We always make a dozen varieties of Cookies (the kinds vary year to year) and have returned to having Thanksgiving dinner Part 2 as our Christmas feast. It just wasn't the same without the turkey for the past few years. The kids are the only ones who get presents which makes for a much more relaxed holiday season.

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

we make and decorate a ton of sugar cookies and treats for family while listening to christmas music

annemarie562000 said...

We love to decorate the tree together!


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

On Christmas Eve we fix hot chocolate and cookies, curl up together and read "The Night Before Christmas" before going to bed.


Karen D said...

Baking Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas until we do.

theolotto said...

On Christmas eve, we'd drive around and look at the decorated homes.

Unknown said...

We used to have a traditional dinner on Christmas Eve in my mom's house & open 1 gift each at midnight but since my mom died on Christmas Eve a few years back I now go to the cemetery before dinner at my home

Synaptrix777 said...

Sometimes in my family Christmas can be really chaotic and becomes a ritual of opening presents and then stuffing our faces! I want to start something where everyone brings a story, poem, joke, etc, and shares with everyone.
Alona Y

MELINA said...

We watch Christmas movies like A Christmas Story, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, and The Nightmare Before Christmas. We watch these movies on Christmas eve.

Unknown said...

Our favorite holiday tradition is giving cake to my parents friends during christmas day - like santa claus

Stefany said...

Always celebrate with our friends doing a singalong!

kelley roach said...

midnight mass and an advent wreath are mine!

Gates family said...

We do the advent book on the story of baby Jesus

Anonymous said...

we bake, decorate, and then eat cookies!!!

Danielle said...

Getting together for dinner!

blew415 said...

We trim the tree on Thanksgiving

tina reynolds said...

we bake special treats for santa on christmas eve day

Anonymous said...

We attend church on Christmas Eve and then we get together with friends and family for drinks and munchies.

Unknown said...

My husband and I watch the midnight mass from St Peters Basilica every Christmas

Karrie said...

WE come together on Christmas Day and have a huge dinner. It is one of the greatest days of the year

Sylvia said...

we put up the tree and all the decorations the day after thanksgiving

MissKate126 said...

We open our gifts on Christmas eve after dinner, then we have dessert!

Denise M said...

we have breakfast burritos on christmas morning

amos122902 said...

On Christmas Eve, the kids and I bake cookies for Santa, open one present each from under the tree, track Santa's progress on Norad, then get in bed and I read "Twas the Night Before Christmas".

Lisa said...

we open half our gifts on xmas eve and the other half on christmas day

Unknown said...

My family gets together for a huge Christmas breakfast on Christmas day each year!

Unknown said...

My family gets together for a huge Christmas breakfast on Christmas day each year!

Unknown said...

We always make some sort of decoration every year. This year, we did Danish Hearts, last year it was salt dough ornaments.

Michaela R said...

Our family is from Germany, which is where this whole tradition started for us. On New Years eve, our parents tend to lock the door to the living room and make jingling noises for the kids, random ho ho ho's and also leave little glittery foot prints. It's the best memory i have of my childhood on christmas. I can't wait to start this tradition with my own <3

LaCindaB said...

baking cookies with my daughter

Jo said...

A big family Christmas dinner is our tradition.
jofo120 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

we hide a pickle ornament on our tree & whom ever finds it gets a special present

Wendy Rozema said...

Every year we frost and decorate sugar cookies together!

Candie L said...

We play dirty santa at my mother in laws on Christmas Eve. Thank you


Unknown said...

we go and get our tree together every year!!!

kimbly said...

We make turkey gumbo the day after Christmas

Unknown said...

My favorite holiday tradition is we all get together on Christmas Eve and watch movies and drink hot chocolate.

firstinlinetobuyyourbook said...

we read a silly kids story together

samf36 said...

WE have a quiet low key Christmas.

Unknown said...

We always bake a ton on Christmas Eve.

laurie nykaza said...

We bake and give the cookies and pumpkin rolls to family and friends

Melanie Montgomery said...

We cut the tree down as a family

txpepperqueen said...

The kids get new Pjs to help them have Christmas wishes on Christmas Eve

Unknown said...

We always have Christmas dinner with both sides of the family over at out place.

kat said...

We love decorating the tree and putting up the huge Christmas village under the tree.

Francine Anchondo said...

Christmas eve pizza

Teresa Thompson said...

My favorite is decorating the tree with my granddaughters.

michellec3 said...

We all get together at my Aunt's house on Christmas Eve. She's been hosting for 20 years and it's always a great time!

Vikki Billings said...

On Christmas Day we all get a new Christmas ornament from my mom. I look forward to this every year.

buzzd said...

we bake cookies and give them to neighbors

lisagee1234 said...

Phone calls to relatives in other states. We are all spread out pretty good.

dlhaley said...

We all meet at my mother in law's house for dinner.

Jenny Q. said...

I like decorating the tree with my kids and baking cookies together

susansmoaks said...

i like going to church on Christmas Eve

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Kathy P said...

we always bake a lot of sweets on christmas eve and make baskets for family andfriends

kdrae said...

We always go to my Moms for Christmas Ever & out to my Dad's on Christmas Day!

Unknown said...

we open pjs on Christmas eve

Unknown said...

we open pjs on Christmas eve

Unknown said...

Our family tradition is to eat copious amounts of delicious food :)

Breanne said...

Baking cookies

Allison said...

I love to go around the house each evening with my daughter to turn on all of the candles in the windows.

Unknown said...

We make a big holiday feast with too much food of a lot of family favors and binge eat.

Anonymous said...

Watching kids open presents.

Anonymous said...

we have a nice evening visiting and open a present:)

Denise Daley said...

Baking cookies for our Christmas party and watching movies.

Trisha McKee said...

We play card games Christmas Eve and then stay up late watching movies.

tridingermckee at gmail dot com

HedgeHogi said...

Bake cookies, listen to music, drink hot cocoa, decorate the tree. at gmail dot com

Buddy Garrett said...

We select a tree and cut it down. We decorate it. This is the start of our Christmas. Christmas Eve we make fudge ad watch a Christmas movie. Christmas day we have dinner with family.

cman said...

Making Christmas cookies together.

*Dusty* said...

One of our traditions is that we will set up the Christmas tree and let our kids decorate it any way they want.

lilyk said...

decorating the Christmas tree

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