Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Family and the "Stories from the Bright Side" {#hfbrightside}

Happy Family logo
Kids. They're curious creatures, aren't they?

From the moment they're born, we're amazed at their beauty, willpower and ability to turn our lives completely upside down. By the time they pass from infancy into toddlers, however, it has become more and more apparent that these tiny humans aren't just extraordinary and fantastic, they're also often a little... perplexing.

You won't leave the house in anything other than your Superman costume? You've fallen asleep while sitting on the potty? You're doing... what to the dog?

And when it comes to eating, we've all been there with the odd, outlandish feeding challenges. The babies that feel the need to wear the food more than eat it, the toddlers that complain about foods that absolutely cannot touch, the big kids that are certain that sandwiches must be cut in particular shapes and that some vegetables are a favorite one day... only to be shunned the next. We've all been there, right?

While I feel fortunate that both of my kids have grown into pretty good eaters, we easily had our fair share of instances where the food ended up... let's just say everywhere else rather than in their mouths.

babies eating

Well, now instead of stressing over kids and their eating habits, Happy Family is instead shining a humorous light on these issues by taking true stories about little ones and food and bringing them to life with their "Stories from the Bright Side" campaign.

Bright Side Happy Family

Every mom and dad has had food thrown at them, experienced temper-tantrums, or received flat-out refusal to eat something at some point in their parenting career. But now you can see some of these moments brought to life as Happy Family has partnered with seven bloggers (and their CEO, Shazi Visram) to bring eight of these tales to action…with the help of 12 improv comedians from the acting troupe, the Upright Citizen's Brigade.

Happy Family, known for lovingly devoting a mother's care to crafting premium, organic meals and snacks that nourish our families, truly believes that the ability to laugh, lift your mood, and share a bit of brightness with other parents is the true beauty of the "Stories from the Bright Side" campaign.

And really, it's just not possible to watch these cute videos and not find yourself laughing and nodding along! One of my favorites is that of Happy Family CEO, Shazi Visram:

Hide ice cream at mouth level hanging from string around your house? Where do they come up with these things!

But Happy Family is doing more than simply providing a few laughs for your day, they also want you to participate as well. Simply visit their Facebook page and upload your own funny feeding story for others to see and laugh about (and also to check out other shared tales).

Happy Family is even going to pick a funny feeding story to award $20K towards their child’s college education!

Facebook contest

There are some darn cute stories that have been shared already, so be sure to head over to Happy Family today to see if you can relate and then include your own mishaps, messes, tricks, tips and tales. Parenthood is a pretty crazy ride, so we might as well hop on with a grin, right?

Find out much more about Happy Family's full line of great products at and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter as well.

This post was brought to you by Happy Family, but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.


Unknown said...

This is an awesome opportunity. I would definitely enter if my son was eating solids.

Tiffany Schmidt said...

Wow how fun. Mine are a little past this stage, but I will definitely be passing this on!

Elizabeth said...

Aww how fun! Wish my little girl was here already and eating solids so I could participate!

Anonymous said...

What a cute video! Our little guy loves to eat, eat, eat! And he will pretty much eat whatever is on our plate. No complaints here!

Unknown said...

My boy does eat everything! Blessed to have a good eater on our hands :) Although that may not be so great, there was that one time I found half an earwig (pincher bug) laying on the ground next to him while he was happily chewing at something in his mouth... (YUCK!!!)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness these sound so funny! I'm sure they would give me a good laugh and I'm sure my hubby and I can relate to some of the stories, we'll have to watch them some time!!

Sean C said...

Plain and simple adorable. Cute videos!

slehan said...

I like the pictures of your girls doing strange things with their food (other than eating, of course)

slehan at juno dot com

Unknown said...

I can relate to CEO Shazi's child being too small per the doctor. My siblings have been on the skinny side and while taking care of them, there were too many tricks that I've tried to get them to eat. The clip was funny!

Anonymous said...

Such cute pictures! My daughter loves happy baby.

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com