Monday, July 27, 2009

Mail Delivery: YoBaby

I started feeding Little Sister B solids when she turned 6 months old, per my pediatrician's instructions. Part of me really wanted to get it going earlier, in a let's-just-get-on-with-this sort of way, but I still waited. As it turned out, Little Sister B didn't really GET IT like Big Sister E had done when she was a baby. Instead, the rice cereal just ran down out of her mouth and she would just sit there, letting me catch the same spoonful off of her chin and shoveling it back in, only to swiftly catch it again moments later.

An entire month went on like that, no matter what I tried to feed her. About two weeks ago, the light went on. Or, in her case, the taste buds and the tongue action magically began to work. Rice cereal and oatmeal suddenly weren't so bad and she was willing to try most any vegetable or fruit that was offered. Some are definitely better than others, but she'll usually oblige me by eating most of what is put in front of her, even if it isn't all that thrilling.

And then, over at This Side of Eternity, I won a YoBaby gift pack and now, when I pull out yogurt for Little Sister B, it's like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. She loves it and can't get enough. It's the jelly to her peanut butter, the ketchup to her french fries, the ranch dressing for dipping her pizza into (hey, don't knock it until you've tried it).

I try to have both of my kids eat at least somewhat healthy and I love that "YoBaby yogurt is rich with nutrients, purely organic, and made with whole milk recommended for proper nutrition." It's 100% natural and has nothing artificial in it, so I don't feel guilty at all about letting her enjoy it. In fact, I'm really happy that she likes it so much - and that I still have four more coupons for free yogurt!

So, thanks This Side of Eternity and Stonyfield Farm, Little Sister B is not only boosting her brain development and immune system and growing strong, but she's really loving doing it with YoBaby yogurt. And, for having to bring that large envelope all the way up to my front door, thanks, Mail Carrier.

(Other than the coupons, bib and bowl that I was lucky enough to win, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way but instead just really thought this is too great of a product to not share my opinion)


Stephanie said...

And she looks cute eating it too! ;)

P.S. I totally like dipping pizza in ranch dressing.

Bundle 2 Baby said...

Following you back from MBC. My girl was a Yo Baby too! :)

Anonymous said...

so cute. love the bib

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com