Friday, April 16, 2010

Custom blog makeover from housenine designs. Update your look for spring! {Review & Giveaway} ARV $70

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

It's no secret that one of the quickest ways to a mom's heart is to compliment her on her children, right? No matter what kind of morning I'm having, a few words telling me how cute or intelligent or adorable my daughters are can make me beam for the rest of the day.

Along the same lines, if you happen to mention to a blogger that you love their layout or design - well, you can rest assured that it just makes them swell with pride over their keyboard.

Unfortunately, html isn't something that just anyone can learn, not to mention possessing the skills and creativity to put it together artistically in the form of an appealing blog. Most bloggers start out using a free template with the hopes of updating it at some point, but that isn't always possible. Cost aside, where do you look for a layout that expresses your individual style and theme? A designer that takes your opinions and personality into account to create a look that is all you?

Brazilian-born Thais took her love for art and design and began her blog, housenine, as a way to showcase the things that are beautiful and inspiring. From gorgeous handbags to handmade wallpaper to unique giveaways, you never know what enchanting post you might find next at housenine.

Her digital canvas, housenine designs, allows Thais to bring her love of graphic layouts to life in premade or custom blog designs, headers, Etsy banners, Twitter backgrounds and more. Whether you prefer clean and modern blog designs, photo blogs or scrapbook blogs, Thais will come up with a layout that will convey what matters in your blog - YOU.

Take a look at a couple of past housenine designs layouts and you'll see why the positive feedback just keeps coming:

Browsing through the housenine design portfolio, I am struck by how unique each new look is from the next. If you like minimalist, it's there. If you like frills, that's there as well. Bright pops of color? Right next to calm, cool hues.

If a custom blog design isn't what you are looking for, Thais also offers premade layouts for only $30. A quick and easy way to customize your look, after confirming your order the new template will be installed in just one day! I think the Seeds design is eye-catching and sweet while the three-column layout is uncluttered and stylish.

Or, for a la carte options to spruce up your portion of the blogosphere, house nine designs offers special extra features for blogs, Etsy shops or Twitter. Keep your layout but add a custom header to dazzle readers when they arrive at your blog or add a personalized blog button that matches your design for others to display.

I, on the other hand, have always enjoyed when I arrive on a Twitter page and find a background other than the standard options that are available to everyone. What a great introduction of yourself or your site to the friends, companies or complete strangers that you come in contact with on there. Before, my Twitter page looked like this:

Standard. Boring. The same as about 1 million other people out there that chose the same option.

If you haven't visited my Twitter page recently, it now looks wonderfully unique and professional and matches my blog perfectly:

Helloooo, coolness!

I couldn't be happier with not only the result (which is very important) but with how great it was to work with Thais. I am the first to point out that I am an extremely picky person and my focus on the smallest of details can often start to drive people over the edge. Even though I wrote a dozen emails starting with "Can we just change..." Thais had no problem accommodating my requests. And, as the result shows, she did a fantastic job!

Is it time for a new look for your blog? From small additions to a complete overhaul, the chic blog and website designs at housenine designs will make you proud to invite people to visit your site... and allow you to sit back while the compliments roll in. Plus, thanks to Thais' generosity, one person will have a stylish new look this season, because...

One lucky person will win a standard blog makeover to update their look for spring! ARV $70!

This makeover includes:
  • custom template (up to three columns layout)
  • custom header
  • custom sidebar titles
  • custom coloring
  • text & links recoloring to match the layout
  • coordinating wallpaper
  • signature at the end of each post
  • custom post divider
The winner will also have the option of purchasing a digital kit of their choice (these generally cost between $4 and $15) to add to the layout if they choose, however, it is not a necessity.

To enter to win: Follow housenine with Google Friend Connect.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you become Thais' friend on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN a CUSTOM BLOG MAKEOVER and update your look for spring @thxmailcarrier from housenine designs! #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and housenine designs. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on May 6th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open worldwide! If you're reading this, you can enter!

A big thank you to housenine designs for providing a custom Twitter background for me and a standard blog makeover for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Chacoy said...

i follow house nine;}

Chacoy said...

facebook friend-ChacoyAguayo;}

Chacoy said...

follow via twitter @Ma21cuteboy and tweeted:

Chacoy said...

+1 i follow via gfc;}

Chacoy said...

+2 i follow via gfc;}

Chacoy said...

+1 i subscribe via email;}

Chacoy said...

+2 i subscribe via email;}

Chacoy said...

+1 i subscribe via rss;}

Chacoy said...

+2 i subscribe via rss;}

Chacoy said...

+1 i have the thanks mail carrier button here:
{right side bar, alphabetical order}

Chacoy said...

+2 i have the thanks mail carrier button here:
{right sidebar, alphabetical order}

Chacoy said...

+3 i have the thanks mail carrier button here:
{right sidebar, alphabetical order}

Anonymous said...

I;m so sorry!! I didnt know where to post the Friday Follow!!!
But it would be great to win this as well. :)

We are your newest followers for The Friday Follow! :)
Have a Fantastic Weekend!!
The Team @ Inspired Gifts

Frugal Science Gal said...

I follow housenine on google friend connect.

I am new to Friday Follow and one of your newest Followers! I look forward to reading your blog and please check out my blog! :-)

Frugal Science Gal said...

I follow you on google friend connect #1.

frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com

Frugal Science Gal said...

I follow you on google friend connect #2

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

Following housenine for a chance to win!

I found my way here via Friday Follow. I am now following your blog, because I like what I've found!

ShellyH said...

following housenine via GFC.

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

entered pillow pet

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

entered Kor one

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

entered Plasmacar

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

entered measure up bowls

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

entered down east basics

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

entered Verilux

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

sent Thais friend request via FB

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

1. blog follower

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

Ravish30 at aol dot com

Marsha Cooper said...

I am now following housenine with google connect.

Marsha Cooper said...

I requested Thais Helena as a facebook friend

Marsha Cooper said...

I am now following you on twitter and have tweeted the contest...

and I finally figured out how to get the link to the status!!

Marsha Cooper said...

following your blog with google friend connent.

Marsha Cooper said...

entry 2 for following your blog

Marsha Cooper said...

I put your button on my blog

Marsha Cooper said...

2nd entry for putting your button on my blog

Marsha Cooper said...

3rd entry for putting your button on my blog

Marsha Cooper said...

I entered the FAB Beauty giveaway

kenziesmum said...

kenziesmum follows housenine via gfc

kenziesmum said...

jennifer m. added thais as a fb friend

kenziesmum said...

i entered your flirty aprons giveaway

kenziesmum said...

i entered your kor giveaway

kenziesmum said...

i entered your plasmacar giveaway

kenziesmum said...

i entered your verilux giveaway

kenziesmum said...

i follow you on twitter and tweeted

kenziesmum said...

i follow via gfc #1

kenziesmum said...

i follow via gfc #2

kenziesmum said...

i subscribe to your feed #1

kenziesmum said...

i subscribe to your feed #2

kenziesmum said...

i'm an email subscriber #1

kenziesmum said...

i'm an email subscriber #2

Rachel said...

Foloowing housenine!

Rachel said...

Following you on twitter pasted tweet

Rachel said...

Following you on google friend connect!

Rachel said...

Following you on google friend connect!

Rachel said...

Button on my blog!

Rachel said...

button on my blog!

kenziesmum said...

i have your button @


Mandii said...

Following housenine

Mandii said...

Britax giveaway!

Mandii said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandii said...

Measure Up bowl giveaway!

Mandii said...

PlasmaCar giveaway!

Mandii said...

KOR ONE giveaway!

Mandii said...

Twitter foloower! Tweeting!

Mandii said...

Google Friend connect!

Mandii said...

Button on my blog 2

Mandii said...

Button on my blog 3

Mandii said...

Google friend connect 2

Mandii said...

Email subscriber 2

LeeAnn said...

I am following housenine with GFC.

LeeAnn said...

I follow you with GFC. (Comment 1)

LeeAnn said...

I follow you with GFC. (Comment 2)

LeeAnn said...

I have your button on my blog (sidebar). (Comment 1)

LeeAnn said...

I have your button on my blog (sidebar). (Comment 2)

LeeAnn said...

I have your button on my blog (sidebar). (Comment 3)

sustahl said...

I am following housenine on Google Friend Connect

sustahl said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted

sustahl said...

I entered your Oster Blender giveaway

sustahl said...

I entered your Verilux Wand giveaway

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

sustahl said...

I entered your Hallmark Card giveaway

sustahl said...

I follow on Google Friend Connect
Entry 1

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

sustahl said...

I follow on Google Friend Connect
Entry 2

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

sustahl said...

I am an email subscriber
Entry 1

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

sustahl said...

I am an email subscriber
Entry 2

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

sustahl said...

I have your button on my homepage (left sidebar)

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

Entry 1

sustahl said...

I have your button on my homepage (left sidebar)

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

Entry 2

sustahl said...

I have your button on my homepage (left sidebar)

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

Entry 3

Elizabeth said...

I follow her blog via Google Friend Connect!

Elizabeth said...

I follow your blog via Google Friend connect!

Elizabeth said...

I subscribe to your feed via RSS.

Joanna said...

I follow housenine!

Joanna said...

I follow you via GFC #1

Joanna said...

I follow you via GFC #2

Joanna said...

I entered the Britax giveaway!

Marisa said...

I'm a housenine follower!
makehappymama at gmail

Literary Winner said...

I'm following HouseNine publicly on Google Friend Connect as Tethered Mommy.

Maggie at tethered mommy dot com

Literary Winner said...

I’m following you on Twitter as tetheredmommy and I tweeted:

Maggie at tethered mommy dot com

Literary Winner said...

I'm following you publicly on Google Friend Connect as Tethered Mommy. #1

Maggie at tethered mommy dot com

the single mama said...

Follow house nine blog.

the single mama said...

Friends on Facebook.

the single mama said...

Follow you with google friend.

the single mama said...

Subscribe to you.

the single mama said...

Subscribe to RSS.

Chacoy said...


ShellyH said...

ravish30 at aol dot com

kenziesmum said...

daily tweet

mverno said...

I Follow housenine with Google Friend Connect (mverno)

Joann said...

Follow you!!

Melanie said...

i follow house nine

melanieinaz2003 at yahoo

Melanie said...

thais FB @melanie b

melanieinaz2003 at yahoo

Melanie said...

twitter @kaiasmommy

Melanie said...

button found on blog

Melanie said...

2 button found on blog

Melanie said...

3 button found on blog

sustahl said...

Daily tweet

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

Emily's Family said...

I am following housenine's blog via GFC
(I would love to win, I serioulsy need a makeover with the purchase of my new domain.)

Emily's Family said...

I requested to add Thai as a friend via Shannon Hubbel.

Emily's Family said...

I tweeted here:

Emily's Family said...

I already follow you #1

Emily's Family said...

I already follow you #2

Emily's Family said...

I subscribe to your RSS Feed #1

Emily's Family said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed #2

Emily's Family said...

I subscribe by email already #1

Emily's Family said...

I already subscribe my email #2
Can you tell I want to win this one

Emily's Family said...

I already have your cute button right here


Emily's Family said...

I already have your cute button right here


Emily's Family said...

I already have your cute button right here


ShellyH said...

ravish30 at aol dot com

kenziesmum said...

daily tweet

sustahl said...

Daily tweet

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

Unknown said...

i'm following housenine!

Unknown said...

and following you!

Unknown said...

following you #2

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of the new blog site. Thanks SW

Huckleberrygal said...

I follow housenine with Google Friend Connect under Huckleberrygal.

Huckleberrygal said...

I just requested to become Thais Helena friend on FB under Huckleberry House Diana.

Huckleberrygal said...

I follow you and I tweeted

Huckleberrygal said...

I follow you on google friend connect #1

Huckleberrygal said...

I follow you on google friend connect #2

Huckleberrygal said...

I subscribe by google reader. #1

Huckleberrygal said...

I subscribe by google reader. #2

Huckleberrygal said...

I subscribe by email #1

Huckleberrygal said...

I subscribe by email #2

LeeAnn said...

I entered the Britax Blink stroller giveaway.

Huckleberrygal said...

#1 I already have your cute button :). It is at
Far right column Under "Blog Buttons"

Huckleberrygal said...

#2 I already have your cute button :). It is at
Far right column Under "Blog Buttons"

Huckleberrygal said...

#3 I already have your cute button :). It is at
Far right column Under "Blog Buttons"

Huckleberrygal said...

#1 I blogged :)! Here is the address

Huckleberrygal said...

#2 I blogged :)! Here is the address

Huckleberrygal said...

#3 I blogged :)! Here is the address

Maya said...

i follow her on GFC (maya zimerman)

marfmom at gmail dot com

Maya said...

i follow you on GFC (maya zimmerman)

Maya said...

i entered the flirty aprons giveaway

Carrie said...

I follow housenine!

makinglemonadeblog at gmail dot com

Carrie said...

I also entered the Smelly Washer giveaway.

makinglemonadeblog at gmail dot com

Carrie said...

I'm a brand new follower of your fabulous blog!

Carrie said...

new follower, comment #2...

Maya said...

follower on GFC (comment #2)

marfmom at gmail dot com

Shay said...

I am following housenine on google connect.

Shay said...

I made a friend request to Thais'on Facebook
FB name: Sherrie Seruntine

ShellyH said...


ravish30 at aol dot com

kenziesmum said...

daily tweet

sustahl said...

Daily Tweet

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

Mommytothreeboys said...

I am following

The Baby Store Plus said...

I would love to have a blog makeover. I now follow Housenine with google friend connect.

The Baby Store Plus said...

I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted!

The Baby Store Plus said...

I follow your blog too! I have @rsmstahley to thank for learning about this giveaway because she told me about this makeover giveaway after I was talking about needing one.

Entry #1

The Baby Store Plus said...

I follow your blog. Entry #2

The Baby Store Plus said...

I have your cute button on my website already...see it at

entry #1

The Baby Store Plus said...

I have your button on my website, see it at

entry #2

The Baby Store Plus said...

I have your button on my website, see it at

entry #3

The Baby Store Plus said...

I subscribe via email. Entry #1

The Baby Store Plus said...

I subscribe via email. Entry #2

mrs.notouching said...

Following Housenine with google friend connect.

mrs.notouching said...

Friends on Facebook too!

Chacoy said...


ShellyH said...

ravish30 at aol dot com

LeeAnn said...

I entered the PlaSmart giveaway.

LeeAnn said...

I entered the My Pillow Pets giveaway.

Sugar said...

I follow House Nine. Love her designs.

sustahl said...

Daily tweet

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

The Baby Store Plus said...


The Baby Store Plus said...

I also entered your Smelly Washer giveaway!

Huckleberrygal said...

Retweet for 4/20

CaroleM said...

I am following housenine on GFC

CaroleM said...

I follow you on GFC (1)

CaroleM said...

I follow you on GFC (2)

kenziesmum said...

daily tweet

ShellyH said...

ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said...

entered Nourish Giveaway (spa)

Ravish30 at aol dot com

sustahl said...

Daily tweet

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

Huckleberrygal said...


Chacoy said...


kenziesmum said...

daily tweet

ShellyH said...


ravish30 at aol dot com

Barbara Palermo said...

I follow housenine with google friend connect!
ricettebarbare at gmail dot com

Barbara Palermo said...

Facebook friend (ricette barbare)
ricettebarbare at gmail dot com

Barbara Palermo said...

I subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email (#1)
ricettebarbare at gmail dot com

Barbara Palermo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbara Palermo said...

I subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email (#2)
ricettebarbare at gmail dot com

Barbara Palermo said...

I've your button on my blog (#1):
ricettebarbare at gmail dot com

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