Monday, April 19, 2010

Get organized with a Simple Organized Sanity Custom Planner Sheet {Review & Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

It has gotten to the point around here where the clutter truly is starting to take over. I'm pretty sure that one day I'm going to come home and the locks will be changed and when I peer inside the window, the piles of stuff will be sitting there laughing at me.

The disorganization in our lives is definitely a source of stress and, directly or indirectly, the cause of a good portion of the arguments that occur between my husband and I. "Where did you put it?" "I don't know, go dig on the counter over there." "It's not there, did you move it?" "Maybe. I don't remember, but it shouldn't have been left sitting there in the first place..."


A major issue that I have is the fact that, up until recently, my brain has been my main source of keeping tracking of everything that is going on for myself and my family. Floating around in there are the appointments, play dates, phone calls I need to make, the emails I need to return, reviews I need to do, upcoming events... the list is pretty long. And my brain was feeling pretty stretched trying to remember it all.

Thankfully, in swooped Christie Love from Simple Organized Sanity to come up with a way to find the balance and organization that I so desperately needed and wanted in my life.

Simple Organized Sanity (SOS!) is a mom-owned business with a simple and clear mission: to help moms and families save time, money and energy by becoming more organized. Christie isn't looking to get moms to completely overhaul their lifestyle, she is instead helping them find the solutions that will make a difference for each individual's needs to ease the stress that goes on in our daily lives.

A mom herself, Christie is able to relate on a level that other professional organization services might not. Instead of traditional organizers who try to make all families fit into the same mold, Christie uses her expertise and experience to fuel her passion to help other moms enjoy life with less stress, a home with less clutter and a family with a little more time for each other.

One visit to Simple Organized Sanity and you'll be amazed at all of the options that are available. From checklists for planning the best birthday party to a babysitter information sheet to a household paint color chart (is the hallway "sand" or "stone"? I can never remember) to a one week menu sheet so there is never any wondering about what is going to be for dinner when 5 o'clock rolls around... Simple Organized Sanity has a way to clearly organize all the aspects that you need to run your family.

So what did Christie and SOS do to help the chaos in my home?

Simple Organized Sanity offers specialty planner sheets that are the perfect thing to order, download and print to allow people like me to view everything that needs to be done on paper instead of holding it in their mind. No matter if you are looking to keep track of specific items such as your weight loss goals, prayer list or homeschool lessons or life as a whole with The Ultimate Planner (shown at right), Christie has made an option for every mom's needs.

However, she also realizes that all moms have individual needs and might want to customize a planner for themselves, which describes me perfectly. I was able to browse through Christie's informational videos (image shown below) to get an idea of all that SOS truly offers. From there, I had a short phone call with Christie to discuss what I needed to organize my own life and, hardly any time later, the first draft of a planner sheet just for me showed up in my inbox.

Christie really had listened when I told her about my daily life and the areas that I struggled to keep organized as well as what I liked and disliked about her premade planner sheets. I simply emailed back the few things that I wanted changed and she immediately made the alterations and sent me a second draft.

Christie had so many great suggestions about how to use my planner sheet (for example, the various printing and binding options) and, although I have not yet printed enough copies to fill a binder, being able to write down my schedule, our meals, my blog posts, etc has been a welcome change to the disarray that had previously been my way of thinking. I love checking items off as they are completed and being able to look back to see my accomplishments or ahead to see what it to come.

I had been forgetting to call Big Sister E's preschool for weeks because each day I would think about it during a time that was inconvenient and then not remember until it was too late... however, the first day that I began using the planner sheet Christie designed for me, the call was made. Definite thumbs up!

Simple Organized Sanity has teamed up with The Product Review Place to bring you 12 reviews on many of the great features that SOS can offer, as well as a #GetOrganized Twitter Party (complete with prizes!) on May 5 from 8:30-9:30 pm EST (find out more and RSVP for the party here). To check out the other reviews, visit the sites below to see how much they have enjoyed working with Christie to organize their lives:
On top of all that, thanks to the generosity of Christie at Simple Organized Sanity, one person will get the chance to organize their life, because...

One lucky person will win a custom designed planner (including phone consultation to personalize it) of their own!

To enter to win: Visit Simple Organized Sanity and tell me which item(s) would most help with organization in your life.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Simple Organized Sanity on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook and/or follow with SOS Organize blog with Google Friend Connect.
1 Extra Entry if you RSVP to attend the #GetOrganized Twitter Party on May 5th from 8:30 - 9:30 pm EST.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

#GetOrganized! WIN a consultation & custom planner from Simple Organized Sanity @thxmailcarrier! #win #giveaway

1 Extra Entry if you tweet about the upcoming #GetOrganized Twitter Party by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Join @ThePRPlace and @simpleorganized at the #GetOrganized Twitter Party on May 5th 8:30-9:30 pm EST! Prizes!

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Simple Organized Sanity. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on May 13th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open worldwide! If you're reading this you can enter!

A big thank you to Christie at Simple Organized Sanity for providing a custom planner sheet for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. This review was made possible due to my membership at The Product Review Place. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


chrissycrue100 said...

The Around the House To Do Tracker planning page looks like it would be helpful for my hectic days at home.

Jeanine said...

i love the check lists! in particular, the yearly check list would be very helpful.

Jeanine said...

following them on twitter @neenee_is_me

Jeanine said...

SOS fb fan jeanine feldkamp

Jeanine said...

following SOS via google friend

Jeanine said...

GFC follower of you (1)

Jeanine said...

GFC follower of you (2)

Jeanine said...

email subscriber (1)

Jeanine said...

email subscriber (2)

Domestic Diva said...

The menu planning goodies look helpful, especially the 14 Day Menu Sheet.

mverno said...

the Grocery Planning Sheet would be a big help to me

ellemenopii said...

I could definitely use the 14 day meal planner. I usually try to figure out what's for dinner at around 5pm....and whatever I need for dinner is always frozen and needs to be then I move onto plan B....calling hubby to pick something up on his way home. LOL


ellemenopii said...

I'm a fan of SOS on facebook!


ellemenopii said...

I follow the SOS blog through google friend connect.


ellemenopii said...

I am entered in the Britax Blink give-a-way.


ellemenopii said...

I'm entered in the KOR ONE give-a-way.


ellemenopii said...

I grabbed your button for my blog!


ellemenopii said...

I grabbed your button for my blog!


ellemenopii said...

Grabbed your button for my blog.

ellemenopii said...

Grabbed your button for my blog.

ellemenopii said...

I subscribe through RSS Feed.


ellemenopii said...

I subscribe through RSS Feed.


ellemenopii said...

I'm an email subscriber!

ellemenopii said...

I'm an email subscriber!

Anonymous said...

I really like the Weekly Organizing Challenge and would love to give that a try.

Elizabeth said...

would love the kids points tracker (we currently have a chore chart system where kids get tickets and can use tickets for rewards but it usually takes forever for them to get those things done- so the point tracker would be awesome because it gives kids points for every minute left on the timer when they are finished with the chore- and I would definitely need a way to keep track of it)

Elizabeth said...

google friend

Elizabeth said...

entered Flirty Aprons giveaway

Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elizabeth said...

following on twitter and tweeted

Elizabeth said...

tweeted about upcoming Twitter party

Elizabeth said...

simply organized twitter follower

Elizabeth said...

Google Friend - 2

Elizabeth said...

email subscriber

Elizabeth said...

email subscriber- 2

Elizabeth said...

button on my blog

Ellisen said...

Oooh. I like the Business To Do Tracker Form. This would be great.

Thanks, great blog!

itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

Hi, I follow your blog #1! I'd love to have the Mileage Tracker.
Thanks so much,

itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

Hello, I follow your blog #2!
Hmmm, as I'm always forgetting my passwords, I think the Password Keeper is great.

itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

Wow! These are great. I could really use the Fitness/Food Diary sheets.


itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

As unorganized as I am, I need the Household Inventory Sheet.


itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

Hi, I'm an email subscriber #2. Household Project Sheet would really help me get things done.

itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

Oops, sorry. I forgot to say that I'm an email subscriber #1 on one of the previous comments.

itrigonis at gmail dot com

miller lawn service said...

The Yearly House Checklist sounds great, and I love that they offer an Organizing for Moms Phone Session too!

Mandee said...

I like the kids chore lists!

Mandee said...

Following Simple Organized Sanity on Twitter!

Mandee said...

Following SOS with Google Friend Connect

Mandee said...

Entered Your Varilux Giveaway!

Mandee said...

Following you on Twitter and tweeted! :)

Mandee said...

Tweeted about the twitter party

Mandee said...

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Mandee said...

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Mandee said...

Your button is on my blog (2)

Mandee said...

Your button is on my blog (3)

Nadia said...

Email subber #1

Nadia said...

Emali subber #2

Nadia said...

The around the house to do is nice!

Unknown said...

I really could use help with organizing school! I am a college student and normal daily planners just don't work for me.

rebecca said...

I'm an email subscriber!

rebecca said...

I entered the Pillow Pet giveaway!

Kristie said...

following the SOS Organize Blog...

Kristie said...

following your blog ...
needcoffeeplease at gmail dot com

Kristie said...

would love to try out some of the kids organizing areas ... and the 14 day meal planner and grocery list ... and ... and ... :0-) I really love this site!

Ellisen said...

I entered the beso giveaway!


itrigonis at gmail dot comn

Ellisen said...

I entered the DownEast Basics giveaway.


itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

I entered the MeasureUp Bowls giveaway.


itrigonis at gmail dot com

christigpa said...

The Around the House To Do Tracker

christigpa said...


christigpa said...

SOS Google Friends (christigpa)

Surfer Dude said...

I would love to win this prize.

Ellisen said...

I entered the Kinesys giveaway.


itrigonis at gmail dot com

chantal said...

the menu planners will help me the most. I call my hubby everyday to see what he wants would be so much easier to ahev a menu set up.

chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

Schlebach said...

These are all new to me... I would love to get started

Barbie said...

It would be great to have a customized planner.

Ellisen said...

I entered the Verilux giveaway.


itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

I entered the Princess Couture giveaway
itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

I entered the Sophisticated Baby Gifts giveaway
itrigonis at gmail dot com

Ellisen said...

I entered the ZooShoo giveaway
itrigonis at gmail dot com

lovelyritaann said...

We could use some meal planning organization in our lives.

lovelyritaann at sbcglobal dot net

Huguette En said...

The Client Information Forms would help us.

Peach Rainbow said...

I NEED the Around the House To Do Tracker!

Peach Rainbow said...

i follow simple organized on twitter @thepeachrainbow

Peach Rainbow said...

follow SOS blog

Peach Rainbow said...

i follow u on twitter @thepeachrainbow

Peach Rainbow said...


Peach Rainbow said...


Peach Rainbow said...

i follow u via GFC 1

Peach Rainbow said...

i follow u via GFC 2

Ellisen said...

I entered the By Baby giveaway.
itrigonis at gmail dot com

Elizabeth said...


Ellisen said...

I entered the CSN giveaway. Thanks,
itrigonis at gmail dot com

polly said...

i like the grocery planning sheets.

polly said...

email subscriber #1

polly said...

email subscriber #2

polly said...

gfc #1

polly said...

gfc #2

polly said...

entered eleven collection

polly said...

entered princess coture

polly said...

entered kinseys

polly said...

entered live green

polly said...

entered digital keychain

polly said...

entered sophisticated baby

polly said...

entered double print ceramic

polly said...

entered csn store

polly said...

entered soda moby flats

Unknown said...

Menu planning would be the most needed for my fam!

Huguette En said...

daily tweet

Ellisen said...

I entered the Aurorae giveaway.
Thanks, itrigonis at gmail dot com

Huguette En said...

Huguette En said...

daily tweet

madpay said...

cool things for friends

Ellisen said...

I entered the Stella & Dot giveaway
Thanks, itrigonis at gmail dot com

Elizabeth said...

daily tweet

Huguette En said...

daily tweet

Elizabeth said...

daily tweet

Huguette En said...

daily tweet

concretemom said...

I need the weekly challenge so I don't quit.

concretemom said...

I subscribe to your blog.

Huguette En said...

daily tweet

chrissycrue100 said...

daily tweet:

lilyk said...

The Custom planner sheets would most help with organization in my life.

lilyk said...

I became a fan of Simple Organized Sanity on Facebook.

lilyk said...

I subscribed by email. #1

lilyk said...

I subscribed by email. #2

lilyk said...

I entered the EatSmart contest.

lilyk said...

I entered the Yoplait contest.

cman said...

The Around the House To Do Tracker.