Saturday, November 19, 2011

Aurorae Yoga Synergy Yoga Mat-Towel Combination {Review}

Aurorae Yoga logoWith the crazy rush, rush, rush lifestyle that so many of us have (particularly around this time of year), it's important to take time for ourselves once in a while. Whether that means you relax with a cup of coffee, go for a walk on your lunch hour or curl up with a good book, finding YOU is good for your health and wellness on multiple levels.

With that in mind, people all over the world have been practicing one exercise for more than 5,000 years that brings them that inner peace, as well as benefits such as flexibility, strength, less stress and more: yoga.

As there are no special skills or talents required, the only thing that you really need for a positive, balanced yoga experience is the right equipment. And no one knows that better than Aurorae Yoga.

Aurorae YogaHaving founded Aurorae Yoga from the passion he developed for yoga after being cancer in 2001, Dennis Ingui has always worked to ensure that his company is much more than simply another brand name.

Instead, when you shop with Aurorae, you'll always feel that you are amongst friends and that any question that you have will be answered. It's great to know that there are businesses out there that care about gaining their customers' trust and are willing to demonstrate their support time and time again.

After already having the top-rated yoga mats on Amazon, Aurorae Yoga took things one step further recently. After listening to their customers, friends and supporters for the past two years, they have taken the feedback and developed the most innovative yoga product on the market.

Yoga world, meet Synergy.

Aurorae Yoga SynergyThe most original yoga product around, Aurorae's Synergy Mat is the merging of their traditional eco-friendly yoga mat with their lush, ultra-absorbent slip-free microfiber towel... resulting in one product that provides multiple benefits. For anyone who has ever been bothered by sweat or slipping during their yoga practice, this product is the solution!

When the beautiful blue Synergy Mat arrived, I was looking forward to seeing just how unique and different it would be.

Aurorae Yoga Synergy reviewRight away I noticed that it was lightweight and easy to carry, making it so that users would have no problem pulling it out, putting it away, transporting it to class, and more.

But as I rolled out the 72" long mat (great for anyone of nearly any height), that's when the difference between the Synergy Mat and any other became readily apparent.

Synergy reviewThe extremely soft, slip-free, microfiber towel top surface is unlike any other yoga mat I've seen before and it's easy to see why once you've tried the Synergy, you'll never go back. While Big Sister E and I attempted our best poses...

yoga mat...we found that there weren't any instances of our feet moving at all. Instead, each time I stepped down I felt as though I had a stable grip on the floor and if I were to sweat at all, I wouldn't need to deal with any bunching or moving of a towel. Instead, the mat has a velvety terry cloth feel that simply makes you want to stay on it for an extended period of time.

Plus, without the traditional vinyl layer, we were able to put our faces right up next to the Synergy Mat and not smell any unpleasant plastic odors that wouldn't be all that relaxing. Instead, whether focusing our concentration on Aurorae's Golden Sun Focal Icon for help balancing...

yoga mat...or simply hanging out enjoying the cushioned softness (something both of my daughters have enjoyed doing and that I don't mind, as it is free from phthalates, latex and silicone)...

yoga...the Synergy just feels like a plush, durable carpet.

What more could yoga enthusiasts ask for? From traditional to Bikram to Hot Yoga and more, there's no need to worry about slipping or discomfort again. As well as keeping your balance and protecting your joints with the soft top, the Synergy Mat has a 5mm PER yoga mat bottom, meaning that it also isn't going to move at all on your studio floor.

non-slip yoga matFor the yoga fan on your holiday list this year, Aurorae Yoga's Synergy Mat is sure to not disappoint. It is easy to care for (machine washable!) and guaranteed, just like their previous high quality products. Beginners through experts are going to wonder why they ever used a regular yoga mat again!

The Aurorae Synergy Yoga Mat-Towel Combination will be in stock later this month and will retail for $59.95 on Amazon, so keep an eye there to put in your order. You can also connect with Aurorae Yoga on Facebook and Twitter, where you're sure to fall in love with their friendly customer service and extended knowledge of all things yoga.

(Other than the Synergy Mat that I was sent from Aurorae Yoga, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this great company and their innovative and high quality product.)