Thursday, September 23, 2010

Frecklebox {Review & Giveaway} Personalized Gifts for Kids

{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Becky!}

With Big Sister E's fourth birthday drawing near, I can't help but reminisce on what a great time we had last year. Going with a Rock Star Party theme, we had invitations, cake, decorations, outfits and more that set the mood and just gave the festivities an extra boost of fun for everyone.

A personal favorite for me was being able to send Big Sister E's friends home with something special from the party as well. I always like goodie bags (what kid doesn't want to take home a little present of their own?) but last year I was able to do something more by sending home our party guests with their own personalized coloring books courtesy of the site that really is known for top quality, unique personalized gifts: Frecklebox.

When it comes time for a gift that is well-made, unique and has that personal touch that makes it special, Frecklebox has you covered. From items for home, school or just for fun, you won't find this level of stylish design and whimsy anywhere else - and the lucky young recipient of your gift will be able to enjoy it for years and years to come.

Which is exactly what I was counting on when Big Sister E's very good friend had a birthday party recently. After fretting over what the perfect gift would be for a day or two, it hit me. I wanted something beautifully constructed, one-of-a-kind and, ahem, available soon (procrastinate? Me?).

As soon as I saw the My Name Is Personalized Book in Frecklebox's collection of personalized books, I knew it was the one. With stunning nature pictures that work together to tell a story and include the child's name worked in, I couldn't wait to see it in person. After how great the coloring books from a year ago had turned out, would a Frecklebox storybook live up to the high standards that had been set?

Without a doubt.

First of all, creating and customizing this book was done in a matter of minutes and I was even able to see a full preview before I placed the order, which was great. Second of all, I completed my book late on a Thursday morning... and on Friday evening I received an email from Frecklebox confirming that it had been shipped. I love fast service!

When the book arrived a few days later, it was all I could do to not want to order another for myself. The 8" x 8" size is just right for kids to easily hold it and the bright, glossy pictures are clear and eye-catching. Best of all, Erin's name wasn't just dropped into the storyline here and there, it was the focus of the book and displayed prominently throughout the pages.

As with all of Frecklebox's great stories and artwork, the child's name isn't just included as an addition, it is the center of the piece and it is beautifully done.

The reaction from the birthday girl (as well as other children and adults that have seen it) has been overwhelmingly positive about this gift. This is truly something that will be a favorite for an incredibly long time and I couldn't be happier about having given a present with that much meaning that was unlike any other that Erin received.

From personalized placemats to celebrate eating like a big kid to personalized lunch boxes to carry proudly to school, Frecklebox has a gift for any occasion, big or small. For birthdays, holidays or just childhood (the personalized growth charts are really cute!) you will always end up with a unique, charming gift that is sure to please.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of Frecklebox, one person will get to surprise a lucky child in their life with a special customized surprise, because...

One lucky person will win their choice of item or items up to $40 at Frecklebox!*

*You are ineligible for this contest if you have won another Frecklebox giveaway within the past year.

To enter to win: Visit Frecklebox and tell me the specific name(s) of your favorite amazing personalized item(s).

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Frecklebox on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you fill in the blank and leave the following message on their wall: My favorite Frecklebox item is the _____! I just entered to win it (or any item or items up to $40) at Thanks, Mail Carrier!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN your choice of item at @Frecklebox, the best site for personalized gifts for kids! @thxmailcarrier #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Frecklebox. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on October 15th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Frecklebox as This Product Was a Free Giveaway for me and for one lucky giveaway winner that was sponsored by The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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like the personalized lunchboxes

Anonymous said...

Either the Monsters or Robotz lunchbox! How cute are those?!?!?

SueB said...

Hi Xenia!
From Erin's mom, you're right ... she loves it! The photos are gorgeous and the ways in which the child's name are used are really creative. We especially like the ladybugs. :) Erin's even "read" the book to her sister, pointing out all the letters. So cute. So appreciated ... thank you!

JM said...

I so have my eye on this one

wigget said...

i like the Snakes personalized placemat

wigget said...


wigget said...

entered keurig giveaway

wigget said...

entered i play giveaway

wigget said...

entered play-doh giveaway

wigget said...

entered pear tree giveaway

wigget said...

entered sock grams gvieaway

wigget said...

entered k'nex giveaway

JM said...

follow freclebox on twitter (sabrijoa)

JM said...

like freclebox on facebook (johanna martinez)

JM said...

wrote on their facebook wall!/frecklebox?v=wall&story_fbid=431823986023&ref=mf (johanna martinez)

JM said...

entered k'nex giveaway

Jenn S. said...

I love the Alphabet Soup
Personalized Placemat. Would love to get one for each family member. :)

jas8929 at gmail dot com

Elaine said...

I like the spring smiles puzzle

Elaine said...

I follow Frecklebox on Twitter

Elaine said...

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Elaine said...

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JM said...

entered keurig giveaway

Elaine said...


Elaine said...


Elaine said...

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Elaine said...

I'm a Facebook Fan #2

JM said...

entered pear tree giveaways

Rebecca W said...

I'd like to win the Pirouette lunchbox
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

Rebecca W said...

following you on twitter and tweeted
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

Rebecca W said...

Email subscriber to your blog
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

Rebecca W said...

Email subscriber to your blog
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

Rebecca W said...

I follow via google friend-rebecca williams
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

JM said...

twitted (sabrijoa)

Monica said...

I like the Cute Kitty Lunch Pail.


JM said...

GFC subscriber # 1

JM said...

GFC subscriber # 2

Samantha said...

My dudes would love the monster lunchboxes

Samantha said...

i like Dinos lunchbox


Samantha said...

get your emails

Anonymous said...

I would get the Tutu Cute placemat. JD

JM said...

RSS subscriber # 1

JM said...

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JM said...

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JM said...

email subscriber ( # 2

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

I like the Personalized Princess Growth Chart.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

1. I'm an email subscriber.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

2. I'm an email subscriber.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

entered the Play Doh Creations

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

entered the Magneatos

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

entered the GiftZip $25 GC to Amazon

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

entered the Wind & Weather Station

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

entered the Halo Sleep Sack giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

entered the Sock Gram

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

entered the Spinning SeeSaw

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

entered the Keurig Special Edition Brewer

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

entered the K'Nex giveaway

Yours Truly said...

I like the Fireflies lunchbox.

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Yours Truly said...

I entered the Play-Dog Creations giveaway.

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Cory said...

i like the scream for ice cream puzzle
mychancetowin at gmail dot com

jagel888 said...

I like the Sight Word Pad, Kindergarten 1

jagel888 said...

Im an email subscriber

jagel888 said...

Im an email subscriber

jagel888 said...

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jagel888 said...

Im a google friend

jagel888 said...

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jagel888 said...

Im a FB fan

jagel888 said...

I entered the Knex giveaway

KellyMistry said...

I would love any of these items
Sassy Safari placemat
Zoo Animals puzzle
Cheerful friends stickers
Princess coloring book

KellyMistry said...

I follow Frecklebox on twitter (@kellymistry333) and facebook (kelly gilbert mistry)

mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

I posted the message on the frecklebox facebook page.!/frecklebox?v=wall&story_fbid=431905506023&ref=mf

mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

I tweeted:!/KellyMistry333/status/25361727422

mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

I follow you on facebook (kelly gilbert mistry)

mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

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mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

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mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

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mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

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mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

annies home said...

butterfly growth chart

KellyMistry said...

I follow you via GFC (mistry.kelly)

mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

My daughter is a huge mermaid fan!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I follow you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

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tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I like you on facebook!
tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I have your button!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I have your button!

Rachel C said...

I've been wanting the firetruck lunchbox forever! I so want to win it :)
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

email subscriber
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

email subscriber 2
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

gfc follower
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

gfc follower 2
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Magic Cabin
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered crib sheet giveaway
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Play doh
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered citizenpip
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Amo said...

I like the Big Heart book and the Fireflies placemat!

Amo said...

I like Frecklebox on Facebook!

Amo said...

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Amo said...

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Amo said...

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Amo said...

I am your facebook fan

Amo said...

I entered the Guidecraft giveaway

Amo said...

I entered the Kodak giveaway

Amo said...

I entered the Chic Monkey Boutique giveaway

Amo said...

I entered the Play doh Creations Caddy giveaway

Amo said...

I entered the Kid K'nex giveaway

A Little Bit of Everything! said...

I would choose 2 of the "My Name Is" in a hardcover so both of my kids could have one.

Shannon said...

I love anything with a name on adorable! And the name of the company is too cute too!

Stephanie said...

when I grow up storybook
tvollowitz at aol dot com

chelsei said...

I love the Early Bird Personalized Lunch

chelsei said...

I like Frecklebox on FB
Chelsei Ryan

chelsei said...

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chelsei said...

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chelsei said...

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chelsei said...

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chelsei said...

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Chelsei Ryan

chelsei said...

2-Like you on FB
Chelsei Ryan

chelsei said...

I entered the Magic Cabin Giveaway

chelsei said...

I entered the Amazonn GC from Giftzip Giveaway

sweepmom said...

My favorite is the "My Name Is..." book.

stracey2010 said...

i love the happy birthday hardcover book

stracey2010 said...

i am a fan of frecklebox on facebook

JM said...

facebook fan (johanna martinez) # 1

JM said...

facebook fan (johanna martinez) # 2

Nicole C. said...

My favorite is the Flower Power
Personalized Poster.


Tiffany said...

I love the flower growth chart!

Tiffany said...

Follow Frecklebox via Twitter.

Tiffany said...

Follow you & tweet:

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Tiffany said...

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Tiffany said...

Your button's on my sidebar.
mtdudleyfamily dot blogspot dot com

Tiffany said...

Your button's on my sidebar.
mtdudleyfamily dot blogspot dot com

Tiffany said...

Entered Keurig Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered GiftZip Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered iplay Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Guidecraft Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Jiffy Lube Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Kodak/Energizer Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered HALO Innovations Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Chic Monkey Boutique Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Citizenpip Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Play-Doh Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Clouds & Stars Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Magic Cabin Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Wind & Weather Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Pear Tree Greetings Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered SwimTown Pools Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered K'NEX Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered SanLori Giveaway.

Jesika said...

I would love to have the zebra notebook. All of the personalized notebooks are so cute. This site has much classier stuff than most of the personalized websites out there. Love it!

Jen and Andy said...

I'd love a Monkeys on pink growth chart

Jen and Andy said...

I like frecklebox on facebook

Jen and Andy said...

I follow frecklebox on twitter @JenLee3838

Jen and Andy said...

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Jen and Andy said...

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Jen and Andy said...

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Laura @ The Things I Said I'd Never Do said...

I love the rock band placemat.

Laura @ The Things I Said I'd Never Do said...

I entered the keurig giveaway.

Laura @ The Things I Said I'd Never Do said...

I like you on Facebook #1

Laura @ The Things I Said I'd Never Do said...

I like you on facebook #2

Jennifer H said...

My son has the zoo book and loves it! I also like the airplanes placemat-Jenprincess88 at yahoo dot com

Jennifer H said...


Jennifer H said...

gfc 2

Jennifer H said...

google reader

Jennifer H said...

reader 2

Jennifer H said...

your fb fan (J Cochrane)

Jennifer H said...

fb fan 2

Jennifer H said...

Ent pillsbury

Jennifer H said...

ent keurig

Jennifer H said...

ent kodak

Jennifer H said...

ent playdoh

Jennifer H said...

ent clouds & stars

Jennifer H said...

ent weather direct

Jennifer H said...

ent seesaw

Jennifer H said...

ent sportbrella

Jennifer H said...

ent knex

Anonymous said...

the sight words that they offer is such a great idea!! I think that would be awesome for kids learning to read!

AmandaC said...

My favorite item is definitely the Damask Personalized Canvas Wal Art, my kid would go WILD over it :)


AmandaC said...

I also follow this blog publicly with Google Friend Connect


Megan Earley said...

I like the Spring Smiles personalized puzzle
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

I like Frecklebox on FB
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

left a message on the FB wall
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered Playdoh
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered Sock Grams
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered KNEX
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

GFC follower 1
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

gFC follower 2
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

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