Thursday, May 16, 2013

ZooSnap Memory Game App for Apple and Android {Review}

ZooSnap logo
When I was younger, I had a fairly incredibly memory. Names, dates, locations, it was all right up here and I don't recall ever missing appointments or having to struggle to remember someone's name 10 seconds after they introduced themselves to me.

Whether it's "Mom Brain," older age or simply trying to fit too many things into my mind at once, these days I need all the help I can get when it comes to getting a mental a workout so that I can remember what happened a week ago (or 30 minutes ago, for that matter).

Fortunately, I was recently introduced to a modern way for not only me but for my entire family to "train my brain" in the form of the entertaining and fun ZooSnap app.

ZooSnap app

Originally inspired by the creator's son's learning difficulties, ZooSnap takes the classic game of memory and turns it into a creative and unique way to entertain and educate the whole family... without them realizing that they're doing it!

This easy, interactive and creative way to test your memory not only includes fun zoo animation (the goal is to find two that match), but also brings in audio for an added level of enjoyment. What kid wouldn't think it's awesome and hilarious to hear the animals make sounds as they are revealed?

iPad games for kids

As we began to play ZooSnap, I immediately appreciated that my kids were thrilled by the colorful, whimsical illustrations of the wide variety of animals that show up throughout playing multiple rounds of this game.

They quickly understood that the timer was showing how long it took them to finish the board, so they were able to play as a single player (beat your own score!) or with multiple participants (the fastest person to unveil and identify the characters wins!) for variation on the traditional memory game.

Considering how easy it is to navigate through the interface and play level after level without adult intervention, I'm happy knowing that my girls can pull this up for some educational entertainment during free time at home, while traveling, waiting for appointments, and more.

ZooSnap game

As an added incentive, once a game of ZooSnap is completed, players are rewarded with a cute background wallpaper as a prize. Who doesn't like to a special bonus like that?

ZooSnap prize

For an age-appropriate, educational, entertaining app for young kids, ZooSnap can help further develop communication, recognition, categorizing and concentration skills, provide fun bonding for the whole family, give an easy opportunity for kids to learn about different animals and their sounds, and more.

As the more you play, the better you will become, you'll find yourself returning to visit your virtual zoo time and time again... now I'm just hoping that all of my practice will help my memory in other areas of my life as well!

Available now for 99¢ from the App Store and Google Play, ZooSnap can be played on a phone or tablet (we have found that it is much easier on a tablet, as the smaller screen of the phone makes it more difficult to see and select each of the individual cards) and more information can be found by connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter.

This post was brought to you by ZooSnap but all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.


Liz Mays said...

You have no idea how much I loved playing Memory as a kid. I loved it, loved it, loved it! Naturally I passed that love onto my kids as well. What a fun app!

Anissa said...

Mykids love playing Memory, thanks!

Paula V said...

Our brain definitely needs to be exercised just like the rest of the body. Use it or lose it. :-)

Courtney B said...

99 cents is good but free is better :) my daughter would love it..

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

this looks so adorable and fun!

Amy Orvin said...

This is an awesome looking app. I'd love to try it and I am an adult. LOL.

Unknown said...

This is such a wonderful post, I love FREE. My grand kids are going to enjoy playing

Robin Wilson said...

I love free, pre-tested, user approved apps. I notice there are more and more apps/ shows / etc. about brain training. I need to start on this level with the kids! Thanks!

atabanana29 said...

My girls would love this! I'm going to have to get this!

Sandy Cain said...

I hear my grandkids love this! It's you said and more! Great review. (iwish I had this when my daughter was little).

slehan said...

Your girls look like they're having a lot of fun with this. We used to play Memory with playing cards.

slehan at juno dot com

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun app for the kids.

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com