Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame {Energizer Max Batteries Giveaway}

Energizer{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Tamara B!}

I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I turned into a sap.

Happy, sad, uplifting - it doesn't matter the topic, but when I hear stories in the news or on television about people who take a difficult situation and use their determination and energetic nature to push through it... well, I always have to hide the fact that I get all sniffly and teary from my husband because otherwise he'll just roll his eyes at me.

Fortunately for those inspirational people, Energizer has the perfect way to recognize them and their accomplishments (hopefully minus my pile of tissues) in their Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame.

Energizer Keep Going Created to provide a place where the positive stories of everyday people can inspire others to make a change, the Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame celebrates those that live with the unstoppable energy, enthusiasm and passion of the Energizer Bunny.

As the first member of the Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame six years ago, Cal Ripken, Jr. is helping lead the search for the next Inductee. Along with having a record 2,632 consecutive games under his belt, after retiring from the Major Leagues Cal has devoted the same boundless energy to doing good work in communities nationwide.

Cal Ripken, Jr.This year, as Energizer is continuing its search, Cal Ripken, Jr. and the Energizer Bunny are looking for stories of not only those with endless energy, but also those who have helped change the world for the better. It's a part of Energizer's Now That's Positivenergy campaign to help everyday citizens channel their power to make a positive impact, whether it be in their local community or around the world.

Looking at previous Inductees, it is easy to see why they were selected as embodying the unwavering determination, energetic spirit and the drive that Energizer is looking for.

Energizer BunnyLast year's Inductee, Jennifer Goodman Linn, is a six-time cancer survivor and founder of the Cycle for Survival team cycling relay event that is now one of the fastest-growing cancer research fundraisers in the country.

In 2009, Dee Mills, a Gold Star Mother who lost her son Lea in Iraq, was honored for her work with Lea's Prayers & Postage - founded in her son's honor to fund postage for care packages shipped to troops overseas.

And, in 2008, Ron Bachman proved that even after the amputation of both of his legs as a child, that it didn't hold him back from growing up to become a speaker and motivator to help educate children on how to overcome challenges and stay confident.

Am I the only one starting to get a little teary-eyed reading these amazing accomplishments?

So, how can you be a part of continuing the Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame's goal to have a place where the stories of these courageous, never-quit individuals can live on? By nominating yourself or someone you know!

From now through February 4, 2011, people are invited to enter their own personal stories or nominate someone they know who meets the criteria to be considered for the Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame.

Once the nomination period ends, a panel of judges will narrow the field to 100 Semifinalists who will be honored in their hometowns. The judges will then select nine Finalists and Energizer Bunny Facebook fans will vote for the 10th Finalist from March 17 - 25, 2011. Each Finalist will receive a $1,000 donation to his or her charity of choice!

Next, all 10 Finalists' names and stories will be posted to the Hall of Fame, at which point the public will be given the chance to select the 2011 Inductee through an online vote from April 4 through May 13. Each time you vote on a Finalist, a $1 donation from Energizer to the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation will be made, up to $10,000, so you'll be helping kids in distressed communities connect with mentors even just by voting for your favorite Finalist!

The winning nominee will attend a special induction ceremony with Cal Ripken, Jr. at the Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame (located in St. Louis) and will receive a $10,000 cash award and an additional $5,000 donated to the charity of his or her choice. Pretty amazing, right? To find out more and to see past Inductees and Finalists, visit the Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame or the Energizer Bunny on Facebook.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of Energizer, one person will be sure to have a toy, gadget or device that keeps going and going, because...

One lucky person will win two four-packs of Energizer Max AA batteries!

To enter to win: Tell me about the person in your life who displays the drive, energy and passion of the Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you Like the Energizer Bunny on Facebook and/or follow on Twitter.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

I want to WIN two four-packs of Energizer Max AA batteries, they keep going and going! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and the Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on February 11th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Energizer for providing two four-packs of AA batteries for me as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Christina & Rebecca said...

My 4 year old son is very outgoing, motivated and is like the bunny!

Cory said...

My sister in law is amazing. 5 kids, carting her children all over the place, a work at home job, a work out of home job, a leadership role at church. it goes on and on.
mychancetowin at gmail dot com

wigget said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jackie said...

My mom! With 7 kids and 19 grandchildren, she still insists on hosting all the holidays at her house. She makes every one of us feel special. I wish I had half her energy!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

wigget said...

my mom because she keeps going in the face of obstacles

wigget said...


Jackie said...

I follow via google friend connect #1
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I follow via google friend connect #2
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I subscribe via email #1
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I subscribe via email #2
jackievillano at gmail dot com

debbie said...

My neighbor is in her 80's and still going strong. Sometimes I think she has more energy than I do.

debbie said...

I am a email subscriber.

debbie said...

I am a email subscriber.2

strawberry said...

My 17 year old daughter she has always had so much energy since she was a baby ans still does.

strawberry said...

I Like the Energizer Bunny on facebook. user name Sally Grubbs.

strawberry said...

I follow the Energizer Bunny on Twitter. User name strawberry_39.

MrsGsines said...

i think my husband because i have done alot to him and he has forgave and kepted on
comment o this giveaway

MrsGsines said...

liked on FB as Ginger Miller Sines

MrsGsines said...

follower on twitter @mrsgsines

strawberry said...

#1 I follow you Publicly Google friend connect.

MrsGsines said...

i entered in your $ 100 gift card giveaway

strawberry said...

#2 I follow you Publicly Google friend connect.

MrsGsines said...

i tweeted this giveaway @mrsgsines

strawberry said...

#1 I subscribe to you by email.

strawberry said...

#1 I like you on facebook. user name Sally Grubbs.

Yours Truly said...

My husband is amazing and has so much drive to keep being successful!

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Yours Truly said...

I entered the SMooth Away giveaway.

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Darcie K. said...

My mom definitely keeps going...she takes care of our whole family all of the time, often putting herself last.

Darcie K. said...

Like the Energizer Bunny on Facebook

Darcie K. said...

Follow the Energizer Bunny on twitter (@dmkayes1)

Darcie K. said...

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Darcie K. said...

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Judy Whatilivefor said...

My German teacher in high school is the epitome of the type of person the hall of fame looks for. He cared so much for each of his students and left such an impact on me because of his passion to teach that I still think of him almost daily...6 years later.

judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com

Darcie K. said...

Like you on fb

Judy Whatilivefor said...

I follow you via GFC

Entry 1

judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com

Judy Whatilivefor said...

I follow you via GFC

Entry 2

judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com

Judy Whatilivefor said...

I entered you Shenzhen Knives giveaway.

judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

My friend Deana Ramsey would deserve this honor. She is always much so that my head sometimes spins when she is around! :-)

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I subscribe!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I follow you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I follow you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I like you on facebook!
tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I have your button!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I have your button!

skgaff said...

My husband is incredibly passionate about his family and his job and he continues to excel at everything he does because he desires to do everything to the best of his ability. He is absolutely amazing!!!

skgaff said...

like energizer bunny on facebook (stephanie gaffney)

skgaff said...

follow energizer bunny on twitter @skgaff

skgaff said...

follow you publicly with GFC

skgaff said...

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skgaff said...

entered the inspired by finn giveaway

skgaff said...

entered the appreciation station giveaway

skgaff said...

entered the letter learning giveaway

skgaff said...

entered the giveaway

skgaff said...

entered the wrap-a-nap giveaway

skgaff said...

entered the pear tree greetings giveaway

skgaff said...

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skgaff said...

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Self Sagacity said...

Great post, very informative. You did well! I learned a lot today about Energizer.

Lisa J said...

I follow you on FB!
thank you!!

Lisa J said...

I am passionate for running.
I have my 7th half marathon coming up! thanks for the chance to win. :)
riishome at hotmail dot com

cassie said...

My kids :) they both have diffrent health challanges and they just keep going and going it takes alot to slow them down!

cassie said...

Like the Energizer Bunny on Facebook (cassie christensen stevens)

cassie said...

Follow Energizer Bunny on Twitter (utahmommy02)

cassie said...

entered Appreciation Station

Julie said...

My mom at age 72 she plays on a tennis league and a bowling league she takes care of my uncle which is her brother who was totally paralyzed 2 years ago in a diving accident. she also cooks for everyone skin cancer survivor and I can honestly tell you I have never ever heard her complain she is the most awesome mom and woman on earth so caring and putting herself last I love her more than anything and I never want to lose her!!!

Julie said...

like energizer bunny on facebook

cassie said...

entered letter learning

cassie said...

entered EyeBuyDirect

cassie said...


cassie said...

follow you on Twitter nad tweeted!/utahmommy02/status/28638703773552640

cassie said...

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cassie said...

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cassie said...

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cassie said...

Email subscriber #2

cassie said...

Facebook Fan #1 (cassie christensen stevens)

cassie said...

Facebook Fan #2 (cassie christensen stevens)


MT is a survvor

susan said...

That would be our very good family friend. A survivor in many ways!

susan said...

I follow Energizer Bunny on Twitter.

susan said...

I follow you and tweeted.!/susanlanai/status/28716430769782784

susan said...

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susan said...

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susan said...

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susan said...

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susan said...

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susan said...

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susan said...

I entered your Piggyback Bandz Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your June Cleaver Nirvana Giveaway.

cassie said...


Linda said...

I would have to say my daughter, she goes from morning till night.

Linda said...

I follow you on GFC(linda G)entry 1

Linda said...

I follow you on GFC(Linda G) entry 2

Anonymous said...

My mom definitely fits into this category
janddprichard @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow via GFC (Jeanette)
janddprichard @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow via GFC (Jeanette) #2
janddprichard @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email
janddprichard @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

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janddprichard @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like you on facebook (Jeanette Suzanne)
janddprichard @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like you on facebook (Jeanette Suzanne) #2
janddprichard @ yahoo dot com

Lloyd Family said...

A dear friend/mentor of mine who is the mom of 20. She is able to find the time to care for her family and do for others when they are in need. It is hard to find the words to truly describe the drive, energy and passion that she shows each and every day.

Lloyd Family said...

i like the energizer bunny on facebook (jenny lloyd)

Lloyd Family said...

i follow the energizer bunny on twitter (@jlloyd9105)

Lloyd Family said...

i entered the pear tree kids valentines day cards giveaway

Lloyd Family said...

i follow you on twitter (@jlloyd9105)
tweet -!/jlloyd9105/status/29296343075790848

Lloyd Family said...

google friend follower (lloyd family) #1

Lloyd Family said...

google friend follower (lloyd family) #2

Lloyd Family said...

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Lloyd Family said...

e-mail subscriber #2

Lloyd Family said...

facebook friend (jenny lloyd) #1

Lloyd Family said...

facebook friend (jenny lloyd) #2

Lloyd Family said...

button #1

Lloyd Family said...

button #2

Lloyd Family said...

button #3

skgaff said...

entered the rumbatime giveaway

Lloyd Family said...

i entered the rumbatime watch giveaway

Unknown said...

my mom
Awesome contest! Thanks! Janna Johnson

clynsg said...

My daughter--college student, wife, mother and grandmother!

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Entered the June Cleaver Nirvana giveaway.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Entered the JenLinn giveaway.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Entered the EyeBuyDirect giveaway.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Entered the Kaitlin & Kylie giveaway.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Follower via GFC #1

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Follower via GFC #2

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

cassie said...


Megan Earley said...

There's a teacher I work with who is always giving so much for her students, and her family, and the community. She never quits!
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

I like the Energizer Bunny on Fb
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered Jenlinn
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered Pear Tree Greetings
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered Kaitlyn and Kylies
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered June Cleaver Nirvana
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

gfc follower 1
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

email subscriber 1
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

email subscriber 2
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

FB fan 1
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

skgaff said...

entered the red envelope giveaway

cassie said...


Lloyd Family said...

daily tweet!/jlloyd9105/status/29905073102397440

Lloyd Family said...

i entered the red envelope valentines gifts giveaway

skgaff said...

entered the lindt lindor truffles heart giveaway

Colette S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat Connors said...

My mother-in-law who makes it to her six grandchildren's many activities no matter the time, date, or location.

Jessyca said...

My Grandpa.. He is almost 80 years old. But he Just keeps going and going and going. hes always busy and has the drive to do whatever he puts his mind to.

Jessyca said...

I like the Energizer Bunny on facebook. Jessyca Foster

Jessyca said...

I follow the Energizer Bunny on twitter @jessyca81

Jessyca said...

I follow you on twitter @jessyca81 and tweeted:!/Jessyca81/status/30116950365446144

Jessyca said...

GFC follower. Jessyca Foster #1

Jessyca said...

GFC follower. Jessyca Foster #2

Jessyca said...

I subscribe via email. #1

Jessyca said...

I subscribe via email. #2

Jessyca said...

I like you on facebook. Jessyca Foster #1

Jessyca said...

I like you on facebook. #2 Jessyca Foster

Jessyca said...

I entered the Wrap-A-Nap giveaway.

cassie said...


Andrea said...

My sister! Married, two kids (both 4 and under) and almost done with her master's degree!
sunshine131 at gmail dot com

Lloyd Family said...

daily tweet!/jlloyd9105/status/30363955708829696

Lloyd Family said...

i entered the leapfrog dvds giveaway

Anonymous said...

I like to get Energizer batteries I can use them in my gadjets.

Tamara B. said...

My brother who never stops, he works from sun up to sun down and dealing with Krohn's disease too.

Tamara B. said...

I Like the Energizer Bunny on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)

Tamara B. said...

#1, Follower GFC.

Tamara B. said...

#2, Follower GFC.

Tamara B. said...

#1, RSS subscriber.

Tamara B. said...

#1, Like you on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)

Tamara B. said...

#2, Like you on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)

Jay said...

I think my hubby. He works a hard manual labor job then comes home to make dinner. He also watches the kids on the weekend when I work a 12 hr shift.

Ames said...

My two year old - she never stops going

Lloyd Family said...

daily tweet!/jlloyd9105/status/31013969246294016

cassie said...


Lloyd Family said...

daily tweet!/jlloyd9105/status/31355591997788160

cassie said...


Colette S said...

My sister in law is one that has this drive. I'm so proud of her because it makes it more delightful her drive because she is in a bad marriage.

Colette S said...


Colette S said...

follow blog

cassie said...


Colette S said...


Jen said...

My husband. He works full time, goes to school full time, is a great father and husband and so much more.

cassie said...


Anonymous said...

My mother raised her kids as a single mother working 3 jobs to support us and never complaining. She is truly amazing.

Kathryn said...

I have to pick my 13 month old - she is nonstop - she walked at 8 months and has never looked back!

hendy said...

My father shows the drive and passion everyday by raising his 3 children-whenever someone gets in trouble my dad is the first one to be there for all his children.
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Like the Energizer Bunny on FB as Hendy Martin
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Follow Energizer Bunny on twitter @HendyMartin
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Follow you on twitter and tweeted!/HendyMartin/status/32570550224158720
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Follow via GFC #1
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Follow via GFC #2
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Subscribe to feed via google reader #1
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Subscribe to feed via google reader #2
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Like you on FB as Hendy Martin #1
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Like you on FB as Hendy Martin #2
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Entered $100 GC giveaway
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said...

Entered Boots giveaway
hendymartin1 At yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

My daughter is married to a great guy and has a 3.5 yr old and a 1.5 yr old. She keep her household running and attends to the needs of her husband and kids. She would do more at church, exercise and everything else if the day were longer. She must have some Engergizer Bunny blood in her!

Lloyd Family said...

daily tweet!/jlloyd9105/status/32788251420925952

Judy Whatilivefor said...

I entered your Build-a-Bear giveaway.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com

Judy Whatilivefor said...

I entered your Kaitlin & Kyle giveaway.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com

cassie said...


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