When I think of the brands of the items that my children play and interact with, LeapFrog definitely comes to mind... as the creator of educational toys and fun handheld electronic games.
So, when I heard that they teamed up with Lionsgate Home Entertainment to release two new DVDs for 2011, it took my brain a little while to get used to the concept before realizing that I was sure both of my kids would be extremely interested in seeing them. Combine the fun of discovery and learning that LeapFrog is known for with a cute way to bring their beloved characters to life and what was there not to love?
And, as soon as LeapFrog: The Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park and LeapFrog: Numbers Ahoy arrived and we saw the bright colors and smiling faces on the boxes, we were all ready to sit down to take a look.

As soon as the colorful images and jazzy music came on the screen, Big Sister E and Little Sister B were sold. They sat riveted to the screen watching Edison, a firefly friend of Tad, Lily and Scout, bring them to the place of his

When Edison gets stuck atop the Fantastical Ferris Wheel, they discover that in order to turn on the rides in the park they have to use the magic of the alphabet. By learning all of the upper and lowercase letters through word and song, Tad, Lily and Scout work together to save their friend and, of course, save the day!
As this movie went on, I noticed that not only was it extremely mesmerizing, but that

All in all, the 39 minute running time was just enough that the storyline was completed and there were enough fun and cute songs to keep things moving. I was impressed with how LeapFrog managed to incorporate educational and learning aspects while somehow not making a movie that felt overly stuffy or like kids were directly being taught something.

This time Edison is bringing the group on a journey to help

About halfway through the 35 minute running time of this DVD, Big Sister E turned to me and said, "I like this show. Do you know why? I like the pirates." Whatever works, I guess! Both she and Little Sister B watched Numbers Ahoy with just as much

A name that parents already know and trust, LeapFrog has managed to incorporate education with fun in both of these great DVDs (ARV $14.98 each). What a great way to keep children engaged with letters and numbers in a unique and outstanding way! There are even bonus features on both DVDs that include "curriculum commentary" from child experts about ways to help your child learn the basics of language and math.
And, thanks to the generosity of LeapFrog, one person will get to bring the joy of learning to the child in their life as well, because...
One lucky person will win The Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park AND Numbers Ahoy from LeapFrog!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow LeapFrog on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
I want to WIN LeapFrog's 2 new DVDs (ARV $30), Amazing Alphabet and Numbers Ahoy! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/fJ8uYd #giveaway #win
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and LeapFrog's DVD website. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on February 18th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.
A big thank you to LeapFrog for providing their new DVDs for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
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jberrec at gmail dot com
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This would be for my 3 yr. old son. We're in the middle of learning letters!
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I entered your Guidecraft giveaway. beccaboomeister83@gmail.com
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The DVD's would be for my 2.5 year old son who loves his letters
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I entered the BAB giveaway
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This is for my daughters (7, 4, 2) who love Leap Frog!
jennifer at quiverfullfamily dot com
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jennifer at quiverfullfamily dot com
i entered the happy me skin care giveaway
i entered the gummy lump art giveaway
i entered the guidecraft nesting cubes giveaway
i entered the comfy sacks giveaway
I will love them for my kids who enjoy LeapFrog products.
I subscribe to thanks mail carrier via email using jamcfarland at comcast dot net. These would be great for my 6 month old neice! I am pretty much her daily nanny and she loves to learn already!
daily tweet
I rented the alphabet one from Blockbuster and my 3-yr-old didn't want me to return it ! So these would definitely be loved.
These would be for my son who really learned a lot from Letter Factory and Word Factory and I think he would learn a lot from these too. cwitehrstine at zoominternet dot net
gfc follower cwitherstine at zoomintnernet dot net
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I'd like to win these for my cousins - they love frogs (I know, weird!)
Would love these for my kids because they are fun and educational!!
xjanelle at hotmail dot com
They would be for my daughter. I'd Love to win them because they would help her learn her ABC's!! mommy2rylie@ymail.com
I follow LeapFrog on Twitter. (@Mom2Rylie) mommy2rylie@ymail.com
I Liked LeapFrog on Facebook. (Shawna Elkins) mommy2rylie@ymail.com
Entered $50 Sterling Silver Jewelry Gallery Gift Certificate. mommy2rylie@ymail.com
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I became a fan on Facebook. (Shawna Elkins) mommy2rylie@ymail.com (2)
Today's tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
It would be great for my grandsons to have this learning apparatus on hand it would improve everything they have learned till now.
Entered Crafts for Kids
candice126 at gmail dot com
I would like this for DDylan. His birthdy is coming and he needs extra encouragement with his letters and numbers.
I want to WIN LeapFrog's 2 new DVDs (ARV $30), Amazing Alphabet and Numbers Ahoy! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/fJ8uYd #giveaway #win
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gladys p
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com
Follow on twitter and tweeted
I want to WIN LeapFrog's 2 new DVDs (ARV $30), Amazing Alphabet and Numbers Ahoy! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/fJ8uYd #giveaway #win
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com
Entered Gummy Lumps 300 crafts
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com
If I were the lucky winner, these fun DVDs would be for my two sons. Thanks for the contest! codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
I follow leapfrog on twitter. un:codisweepstakes codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
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Daily tweet
I'd love to win these for my 3 year old son. I swear he knows all of his letters and sounds from the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD!
xjanelle at hotmail dot com
If I am the lucky LeapFrog winner it will be for my two and a half year old. We are working on numbers now!!
I follow Leapfrog on Twitter.
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I entered the Sterling Silver J.G. giveaway
I entered the Build a Bear giveaway
I entered the Dinosaur Train giveaway.
I entered Gummy Lump giveaway also
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I subscribe to rss feeds 2shawnandkim@suddenlink.net
Entered Chili's GC giveaway
My grandsons will benefit by owning this incredible DVD because it will help them in school and other places.
For my niece Hannah: she enjoys LeapFrog!
These would be for my 3 kids!
Entered the Big G & Hot Wheels giveaway.
Entered the PJ Greetings stamp giveway.
Entered the Dinosaur Train match game giveaway.
Entered the Infantino Savvy clutch giveaway.
I also entered the Chili's Restaurant Are You Wild or Mild Giveaway. Thank you!
Aliya D.
Today's tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Entered Chili's
candice126 at gmail dot com
daily tweet
I would like this for my 2 year old and 5 year they both can work on their numbers and letters.
It would be for my son who is 3. He's really starting to show an interest in letters and reading.
I follow LeapFrog on Twitter- ksh123
I follow on Twitter and Tweeted- http://twitter.com/ksh123/status/38459581185138688
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These would be for my daughter who is currently working on her alphabet and numbers. We have 1-10 mastered except for that pesky 7.
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I would use these with the 2 little girls that I am a nanny for. They love leap frog movies! They would also be used with my god daughters and nephews. Thanks for the opportunity! thehelpfulhousewife at inbox dot com
My 2 year old granddaughter and her 4 month old brother would love these videos.
they are for my two grandsons to share and I'd like to win it for them because I love them dearly.
These DVDs would be for my 3-year-old son - he would LOVE them!!!
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
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jdeemarie @ gmail.com
I would like to win the alphabet and i think that leap frog will be able to help
I entered the Big G and Hot Wheels giveaway.
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
I entered the Guildcraft giveaway.
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
Daily Tweet:
xjanelle at hotmail dot com
Today's tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
These would be for my 3 year old daughter. She loves the Leapfrog videos and is so anxious to see these new releases.
valblaisdell at yahoo dot com
"Like" Leapfrog on Facebook.
valblaisdell at yahoo dot com
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We have the word factory and letter factory videos and these would be a great addition! I really recommend them and they are fun! Thanks!
Entered FakeBake
candice126 at gmail dot com
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