Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nutrisystem {Week 20} and Reviewer's Retreat Awaits!

I'm hopping on the scale a day early this week because I didn't want Nutrisystem to get pushed out of the limelight due to the fact that, after months of waiting, I'm boarding my plane and heading to...

review blog conference

That's right, Reviewer's Retreat is finally here. The first conference geared specifically for us review bloggers, I'm so excited to not only get to go chat about all things review blogging, but I get to hang out at the Great Wolf Lodge in Poconos, PA with amazing ladies like Nichol and Liz and Alison and about 80 more.

Will it be fun?


Will I learn a lot?

I hope so.

Is there going to be far too much tempting food there?


I did already tell Liz that it is her job to keep me from overeating, so I hope she can live up to the task.

In all seriousness, there's a whole meal plan that comes along with this conference, so Nutrisystem is staying home this trip. However, I still have faith that I can make it a few days of making responsible, healthy choices. If the Nutrisystem Nation has taught me anything, it's that it's clearly possible to eat on vacation and not come home having gained weight.

And while I'm there, I can't help but be excited that I get to be proud of being 20 pounds lighter than I otherwise would have been had I not started with Nutrisystem 20 weeks ago. This is the Great Wolf Lodge! With a massive water park! Where people wear swimsuits! There's definitely no better time to have lost weight.

Not only that, I had to go out shopping a few days ago to find regular clothes that actually fit! Back in Week 8 I showed the pile of jeans that I had that I was finally ready to try on after having been too small for so long... well, that pile has all been tried on and, by now, they're all too big. That's what 20 pounds can do!

So, I'm all prepared now with my new jeans and my plane ticket in hand. Reviewer's Retreat awaits and, with it, a true test for me and how much Nutrisystem has taught me. We'll see the results next week! For now...

Nutrisystem NationPrevious loss: 20.8 lbs

This week: -0.4 lbs

Total loss: 21.2 lbs

That's just about the smallest loss possible, but it's a loss. And hey, I'm too busy heading to the airport to wish it had been more. Even though it's a tiny step, it's still a step in the right direction and that's all that matters. Now... it's vacation time!

If you want to see how you can lose weight and get healthy with me, visit Nutrisystem today or call 888-853-4689!

Want to hear how other awesome bloggers are doing? Head over and visit Living on Love and Cents, "Deal"icious Mom, Our Kids Mom, Sippy Cup Mom, Mama Loves Her Bargains, Closer to Lucy, The Life of Rylie...& Bryce, too! and Shibley Smiles and cheer them on as well! I guarantee you'll be inspired!

As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me to review. However, all thoughts, opinions and results expressed are completely and honestly mine; your experience or feelings may differ.


Pinching Abe said...

I'm here from Relax and Surf. I was already following you, probably from a past contest :) Please stop by to see me sometime soon to say hi.

Liz Mays said...

I'm not sure I like the level of responsibility I've been charged with here. Wow. Wow.

Sippy Cup Mom said...

So proud of you! I hope you are having an awesome time and I wish I would have went! ;-)

Only 2 more months until we meet!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a new follower from the Sunday blog hop. Please check out my blog at:

Thanks and happy blogging!

LeeAnn said...

You're absolutely right, a loss is a loss! You're doing great! I wish you (and Liz) luck this week, but I also know that Nutrisystem is teaching us some great lessons in eating right, so I know you will keep it up while you're gone. Have a great time!

Jenny said...

I'm so excited for you! Have a great time at your retreat!

Shanae Branham said...

I hope you have a great time at your retreat! I look forward to hearing about it when you return!

Molly said...

Xenia! That is fabulous! You must feel wonderful!

Enjoy those new jeans, and have a great time!

xo : )

MIG said...

That's awesome to hear that the pile of jeans is too big now!!!

I wish I could have gone to Reviewers Retreat. Have a fabulous time for me!

Anonymous said...

So proud of you! Hope you have a blast at the conference!!!

Hugs :)

Alison said...

I love you Xenia! LOL! Your awesome... noooow did you eat bad food? Cause the food there was delicious! And a loss is a loss of course.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I met you! You are my friend forever I love you!