Along with changing long pants out for shorts and swapping in tank tops for sweaters, both girls have a designated space for those clothes that I deem as Outdoor Play. Because as much as I want to let them enjoy playing outside in the sun, eating popsicles and helping out in the yard, that means there will be the inevitable stains that remain afterward.
Fortunately, thanks to Shout, parents everywhere can embrace the stains and reach for their wide collection of high quality stain-fighting tools.
Launched last year to help educate parents on the benefits of play, Shout's Go Play initiative has been working to get families having fun outdoors without worrying about getting dirty. Messes happen, don't worry!
This year, Shout has continued on with their partnership with Jennie Finch, Olympic athlete and Mom, as their Shout stain expert. Between her years playing softball and caring for her two sons, Jennie has encountered her fair share of stains.
As well as standing behind Shout's great products, Jennie is also a part of Shout's newest venture – the Shout Unstructured Play photo contest!
As unstructured play gives children the freedom to create and play with their imaginations, Jennie and Shout want to see what your family can come up with to demonstrate it!
During the contest (which runs from June 4 through July 1, 2012) simply submit photos of your children creating a game with just with their imaginations, three objects (such as glitter, a fly swatter, and a water wing) and the permission to play. Fans can vote for their favorite photos every week Thursday through Sunday and once a photo is submitted, it will be re-entered to win each week, so there is no need to resubmit.
There have been plenty of very cute entries so far!
Five winners will be selected each week to win a prize pack including all the Shout products needed to treat stains whenever and wherever they happen:
- Shout Advanced Ultra Gel Brush
- Shout Wipes
- Shout Triple Acting Formula
- Shout Color Catcher
- $25 gift card
- A vintage Shout t-shirt
Thanks to the generosity of Shout, one person will be even more prepared for all of the messy fun that summer can bring, because...
One lucky person will win a Shout Prize Pack* of stain-fighting products!
*Prize pack includes a Shout Advanced Ultra Gel Brush, Shout Wipes, Shout Triple Acting Formula and Shout Color Catcher
(Enter with the Rafflecopter form below. If you have any questions or problems entering, there is a video tutorial found here that can help.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A big thank you to Shout for providing a prize pack for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
It is from cooking. It can be tomatoes or chocolate or even oil.
grass stains.
It's a tie between my dog tracking in mud from outside and the kids spilling food on the couch.
jennifer (at)
My husband is a sloppy eater and drops food on his shirt.
My 3 kids cause the most stains in my house. They seem to believe meal time isn't complete without each of them dropping food on themselves.
Long-haired cat- 7 month old boy- my husband- three way tie.
Definitely my 4 month old son!
My children, I have a pile of to get stains out of in my laundry room that is sometimes overwhelming
salsa is a very large stain contributor in my house!
grass stains
I would say grease, my husbands work clothes are always covered in it and I have a hard time getting them out.
Chocolate and popsicle stains are the worst I deal with at every wash.
Mostly food stains- ice pops and chocolate milk
spaghetti sauce. the boys like to use their shirts as napkins.
Grass and ketchup stains
Most of the stains caused in my house are from food! Mostly blueberries!
Worst stains in our house of adults would be tomato-based (like salsa, spaghetti sauce) or yellow mustard.
The cause of the most stains in my house is spagetti sauce and dirt
the most stains come from yard work :)
Leave a comment on this post telling me the cause of the most stains around your house
when Scotty cuts the grass he stains his jeans.
All kinds of spilled food.
Well right now we are potty training so use your imagination on that one.
The cause of the most stains around my house is my three month old son. Followed closely by the dog!
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com
I follow via RSS Feed - Google Reader - laura.a.love07 at gmail dot com
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com
The cause of the most stains in my home is my pets.
repose4jr at gmail dot com
My pets
grass stains from the kid and whatever dirtiness my husband picks up everyday, he's in construction,
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
Jennifer B
my kids and their spagetti and juice drinks
tcogbill at live dot com
My husband...he can just LOOK at food and it covers his clothes. He's messier than our 4 year old.
I take car of my little grandchildren every week so I would have to say they make the most stains. I love them anyway!
colljerr at comcast dot net
I hate to admit this... I am a closet MESS! I ruin great clothes because I spill coffee on them before work or cocktails on them at night...
Well if you combine the 5 kids & me Igo through ALOT of Shout!!Me I have a hole inmy mouth obviously,my shirts are dribbled with coffee,tea and whatever was for dinner! Then the kids;soccer/grass stains-softball/red dirt stains & last the lovely wrestling sweat stains...
My kids are very messy eaters - they are the cause of stains in our house.
I'd say spaghetti sauce....I can't make it without it splattering on me.
spaghetti sauce or soy sauce :(
jek9880 at gmail dot com
the dog causes the most stains
I think stains are equally dispersed among my husband, four year old and infant son.
my kids are the biggest cause of stains!
We're just sloppy eaters. Food always finds the shirt and not the mouth.
sflickinger at rocketmail dot com
My husband likes playing in his garage - oil & grease
my 9 month old daughter AND my boyfriend with their multiple food messes!
oil and grease from machinery debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
To be honest: my kids!! The stains they make are never ending! bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
My kids and my husband!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
food stains and oil stains!
Me- cooking stains mostly from oil
grandkids - grass and food stains
Dirt from my son's job
All the summer BBQ's hello BBQ sauce, ketchup, grease, and grass stains from playing!
Our dog causes the most stains around our house.
My puppy causes most of our stains!
Yard work!
And, ah, ice cream and coffee O_O
Plain old dirt from my garden.
Oh boy- where do you start? With the small kids, it's food stains! AND THE HUBSBAND too. OMG forgive me but he is a total slob- HE gets food stains down his shirts. (eats in front of TV and you can't break him of it)
The older kids- well, grease and oil stains. They are always working on something in the garage and I despair sometimes! For my washing machine!
My bf!!!!
rierie11booger (@)
my daughter says the cause of most stains in our house is my wash machine.
cooking tomato based foods
The stains are mostly caused around my house from food
The dog, the boy, and the husband all things male make the biggest stains....
Most stains are on my husbands collar and it's not lipstick!
Cooking causes most of my stains. I especially have Trouble with oil stains.
The most stains around the house are unfortunately from our dog, Anna. She sometimes pees on the rug. )-:
My 18 year old son, the soccer goalie who loves to dive after the ball.
grape juice
chocolate and tomato sauce!
Splattering cooking oil gives me the most problems.
Most of our stains come from the kids playing outside.
My daughter spilling food on her clothing causes the most stains in our house.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Most stains come from my dog's paws.
Grass and spahetti sauce!
Most of my stains come from cats.
From the kids playing outside
My husband's clothes get stains from working in the yard and on the car. I get grease stains on my clothes because I forget to wear aprons.
my husband when he works on the cars
Baking!!!! Sometimes the kitchen helpers forget their aprons:)
i spill more things on my clothes and the kitchen counter while cooking!
Grass stains from the guys playing football
Definitely food!!
Definitely food!!
My cat causes the most stains.
My husband. He always seems to get something on his shirt when eating.
My 5 cats and 3 dogs
twitted this, 23/6
We get all kinds of stains at our house like food stains (tomato sauce and salad oil are hard to get out), hubby gets oil and grease stains on his work clothes, and my little grandkids get mud from our big dog and from playing outside.
My son seems to wear as much food as he eats.
tea stains
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Food mostly, but grass stains are pretty common too and usually harder to get out.
Miz Vickik
my dog
spaghetti sauce
Baby formula
food stains, especially grease
april yedinak
Food stains on the kids clothes
my cat causes lots of stains!
My 8 year old son is the cause of most of the stains at my house. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
my little niece
Hate to admit it but Im a messy gardener. Clay dirt and grass stains are all mine!
the dog tracking in
Spilled food/drinks from the todder, and now we have new potty training stains. Ick, gross!
3 kids ages 6 and under, the stains are endless
my 8 year old son is the cause of most of our stains
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
I would say foods spilled on my four year old daughters clothes and paint from art projects!
dropcqueen at yahoo dot com
My three year old. He lives to play outside, in the sand or mud. And also, a messy eater.
dirt from my 3 & 5 year old playing out back!
Holly Miller
Mostly dirt from the kids playing outside. And now dirt from my husbands new job working outdoors.
the dogs and kids tearing stuff up
baby poop or ketcup!
Most of the stains in our house are grass stains. Thank you
Spaghetti sauce. Definitely.
mrsnespy at hotmail
Various types of grease stains. (Corey Olomon)(coreyolomon at gmail dot com)
food stains are most common in my house, especially tomato sauce
Spaghettti Sauce - oh my goodness!
chocolate pudding, need I say more!?
Stains on my husband? One word: coffee
The Rafflecopter calls me 'Margot' since it is accessing my facebook where I am 'Margot Core'; the Rafflecopter connects to this email: annazed10 (at) yahoo (dot) com
usually it's me, i'm a klutz - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
My stains are cause mostly by cooking.
drink spill stains are everywhere!
My hubby is a Land Surveyor and brings home dirt, mud, and grass stains daily!
Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com
My kids play a lot of sports, football makes the most stains. thanks
Food, cats, dogs, fiance...they all stain somewhere in my house.
4 kids, a husband, two dogs, and 20 chickens, I don't go a day without stains, sigh
Food stains
joyerast at hotmail dot com
Lovely cat throw up
Diane Baum
Mustard causes the biggest issue
In our house its Kool Ade stains!!!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
My husband! He can sit in chair all day and not move at all, not eat, do nothing, and somehow he ends up with at least 2 stains on his shirt and 1 on his pants!
Stains in my house are from greasy food!
tie between the cats and my nephew. he is 7. nuff said?
dani marie
juice + young child= juice colored carpet
food and juice!
my children :)
Grease stains and Red Chili stains
Grease and food stains.
With my kids, spaghetti sauce is the biggest stain maker in my house
juice spills
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
My kids outside playing
My cat and dog.
Food is our biggest source of stains!
rawrms at gmail dot com
My granddaughters create all the stains.
Grease and grass stains.
Damian J
My dog and cats..
ltlbit1@hotmail dot com
Food on my 2 year old's clothes!
My daughter spilling food on her clothing causes the most stains in our house
Spaghetti is the biggest culprit for stains
the cause of most stains are the kids playing outside!!!
I'd have to say spaghetti causes the most!
Dirt and grass stains rkmarsh at aol dot com
My grandson's work clothes--he does NOT work in a clean environment!
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
I am lol !
my four kids are the cause of most stains in our house because they like playing outside as much as they can they bring in everything from mud to grass stains - Paul Tran ..... emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
Followed on RSS…Google reader subscriber …( Paul Tran …pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me)
Anything red and tomato based!
I am such a slob when it comes to cooking. Almost daily, I either get oil splatters or butter splatters on my shirts. I could really use this. Thank you for the chance to win!
kdones (at) optonline (dot) net
hubby does lawn care so we have a lot of grass stains
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
tomato sauce is the most common cause of our stains around here.
Cooking and grass stains are our biggest stains. trinitygsd at yahoo dot ocm
Kids leaving chapstick in their pockets. Even when I thought I checked them I still find them after the load has gone through.
it would be food splatters from cooking
Dirt/mud stains from camping and or grass/dirt stains from sons football practice.
machine oil
Grass stains are the biggest problem in our house.
my son plays lots of sports so grass stains are our worst
Food stains are what causes the most problems in our house.
The cause of the most stains around my home is spilled food.
Meal times cause the most stains in my house!
PDWinner523 at
Definitely grass stains!
tridingermckee at gmail dot com
Hello, how are you? Thank you for this opportunity. I cause the mess.
The cause of most stains around my house is letting my husband roam loose.
fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
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