Friday, November 1, 2013

Stay Connected on the VTech InnoTab 3S with VTech Kid Connect {VTech InnoTab 3S Giveaway!}

According to a new survey conducted on behalf of VTech by BabyCenter, the #1 pregnancy and parenting destination worldwide, nearly 90% of moms find it stressful to be away from their children because of work, business trips, chores or other commitments.

While we're all familiar with things like Skype or FaceTime, those aren't always viable options, considering that younger children don't have their own computer or smartphone to make for easy communication. But what if there was a kid-friendly way to help alleviate moms' anxiety and help them stay connected to their children while apart?

We're talking anytime, anywhere – whether our young offspring are at daycare, a neighbor's house or across the country visiting grandparents. Plus, add in that this innovative gadget was also safe, educational, entertaining, easy to use, and just for kids and you'd have the one-of-a-kind InnoTab 3S Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet.

VTech InnoTab 3S giveaway

As highlighted in my InnoTab 3S review last month, this new device helps your child take learning to entirely new places with its eBooks, educational games, creative activities, learning apps (there are hundreds available to download!), tools and more.

But not only does the InnoTab 3S come with a 5" color touch screen, a 2-megapixel 180° rotating camera, a tilt sensor for gameplay, an MP3 music player, an art studio, safe internet access and more, it also includes VTech's ground-breaking communication app, VTech Kid Connect.

InnoTab Kid Connect

This innovative addition (available only on the InnoTab 3S) is the fast and easy way to brings families together and help parents stay connected to their kids when apart – anytime, anywhere – through both tablet-to-mobile and tablet-to-tablet communication.

Kids can send text messages and animated stickers right to their parents' smartphones and, in return, parents can send text messages and stickers back to their child's InnoTab 3S, opening up an interactive dialogue.

Plus, kids can stay connected to their friends and siblings by sending messages safely between two InnoTab 3S tablets. And since all communication is approved by parents, they can rest assured their child is only communicating with people they know and trust.

VTech Kid Connect really is a breakthrough in kid-safe family networking!

But, wait. There's more!

The InnoTab 3S automatically comes with a one year subscription of Kid Connect, which allows kids and parents to send text messages and stickers. However, for the first two weeks after registration of the InnoTab 3S, a Deluxe Apps package with Premium Kid Connect is available for $14.99 (the package also includes Movie Maker, a $7.99 value, a fun and exciting stop-motion animation app that lets kids become movie directors). Once the two week promotional period is over, Premium Kid Connect can be purchased separately for $14.99.

In addition to all of the great options that Kid Connect offers, the Premium Kid Connect app offers enhanced features that allow kids and parents to send not only text messages and stickers, but voice messages, photos and drawings to each other.

And, after having the opportunity to try out Premium Kid Connect, I have to say that these extras are a whole lot of fun. I love seeing the funny pictures and drawings and listening to the cute messages that my girls have sent!

VTech InnoTab 3S Kid Connect
Princess B clarified that this is me petting the kitty, just in case you couldn't tell from her artwork.

Overall, this portable, multi-media tablet (available in blue or pink) is able to provide fun and education for 3- to 9-year-olds through the opportunity to learn basic skills including math, vocabulary, spelling, reading, logic, drawing and more. But adding in the bonus of helping parents and kids stay connected no matter when and where they are is really the icing on the technology cake.

Retailing for $99.99 from VTech or on Amazon, the VTech InnoTab 3S Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet really will help your child take learning to the next level. And, by utilizing VTech Kid Connect, it just might help better your overall family dynamic as well.

Find out more about this and all of VTech's innovative products by visiting VTech's website and connecting with them on Facebook and Twitter. Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will soon have a child-friendly piece of amazing technology for the child in their life as well, because...

One lucky person will win a 
VTech InnoTab 3S Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet!

VTech InnoTab giveaway

A big thank you to VTech for providing an InnoTab 3S game and a Premium Kid Connect subscription as well as an InnoTab 3S for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Jessica Allen said...

I love Vtech & the educational products they offer! My daughter would love to have this for Christmas this year!

Candice said...

This looks so fun, and educational too. I would love to give this to my nephew.

NYmom40 said...

It sounds like a great idea! My son so badly wants to send text messages. Id love to have that additonal way to communicate with him when we are away.

latanya t said...

I like it because it keeps kids from veering to bad sites

peg42 said...

I think this is great. Love that it's educational and simular to my tablet.
Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

I think it is a great gaming for kids while they get the education they need. I wish they had more games like this.

channallocks said...

it looks educational but very fun

BrunoDogg2 said...

I love the age range 3-9 years! It looks like a lot of fun and educational too :)

a49erfangirl said...

I like that it's educational and I like that it connects to wifi

Secret Burkheiser said...

It looks like it would help my daughter with things she may be learning in school. I love that it goes up to age 9.

Wendy Rozema said...

I like that it has kid safe wifi & it's an e-reader!

d schmidt said...

I think it is great because the thought of Wifi and my child worries me.

Sue Ellison said...

I love the VTech Kid Connect™ app. It looks like an easy, safe way for my younger children to stay in touch with me and their Dad.

Unknown said...

I think this looks like a great Christmas present for my daughter. I'm sure it would give her hours of entertainment and education and the same time!!

slb3334 said...

this would make a great gift.

April G said...

I love that it teaches the kids how to use modern technology in a kid-safe, friendly environment! They get to text and take pictures just like parents do with their tablets/phones!

Unknown said...

I love it, and think my daughter will too. I love that it's an educational toy that is fun!

Bethany C. said...

It looks like a great way to make learning fun.

Pastor Chris said...

I think it looks awesome and my kids would LOVE it!!

mecarolks said...

I like that it has kid safe wifi & it's an e-reader.

Sarah Phillips said...

I think it is a wonderful and interactive way for kids to learn vital learning skills AND have fun and entertainment at the same time!

Unknown said...

I love the concept of Kid Connect! It allows parents and kids to communicate and it teaches children who are not quite ready for cell phones yet how to transmit messages electronically. Vtech makes great toys that make learning fun!

cman said...

It looks like something my kids would really enjoy.

ReggieMann said...

My favorite feature is the Vtech Kid Connect for texting with smartphones my niece would love it!!

Unknown said...

I love the VTech products and I have been wanting this tablet for my granddaughter. I think she would enjoy the tablet very much and the fact that she will learn while playing is great.

ivyvine1977 said...

I think it is awesome, my daughter would love this.

Becca Wilson said...

I love that it is both fun and educational with things to teach and the capability to let my son draw!

mel said...

this would be a great Christmas present for my daughter shes three and this would help her prepare further for preschool and kindergarten.

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

I think it is great. would love to see all the creative things they do.

JulieAnneByers said...

I bought the previous version of this product for my son's 2nd birthday. He loved it, but it didn't make it through his rough play. It was around for maybe a couple months before he had broken the screen. Then it was such a pain in the butt to get through to the customer service people, I just gave up on getting it replaced. I payed 100 dollars for the thing. Maybe my son was just too young for it.

Unknown said...

The kids connect features seems like something that would be fun for older kids. It would allow them to text their friends and parents. But my kids are too young to use it. It would be a feature they could use in a few years.

Unknown said...

I think it's a great and fun feature!

MELINA said...

I like the kid safe wifi connection feature. I know they will safely surf the web.

Unknown said...

I like the idea of it being kid safe and sturdy to withstand children's accidents.

Growl Tiger said...

I love that it has a way for kids to get used to grown up technologies in a safe way. I know my son will enjoy "texting" mom!

Jenny Q. said...

I love all of the apps for it, it looks like something my son and daughter would both love

goingnuts2 said...

I've used many of their products. love'em I love all the apps and access to apps.

polly said...

I love the kids are learning and having fun!

karen a. said...

I like that my children can keep in touch with cousins and friends safely through inno tab 3s.

john said...

Technology is all around children...good for them to learn in a safe manner.

Kimberly M. said...

I think it's great that VTech came up with such a safe way for kids to connect and feel "big". VTech is one of the best companies for educating children in a safe, reliable, and age appropriate manner.

Anonymous said...

It's a great way to keep children busy. :)

BGF said...

I think its a great safe educational fun toy. I think they did a good job combining all of the above.

kroch said...

I think this a great product that allows kids to be creative. I also love that it comes in different colors.

Unknown said...

I would love to get messages from my son. I could just imagine what silly things he would send.

Unknown said...

It looks like a great gift for my child

Anonymous said...

I so Iove that I could send my child pictures and texts from my phone.

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

Dave said...

I like that its educational and that my kids would love it!

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

Love that it makes learning fun!

Unknown said...

I love they are fun and educational

Courtney B said...

i love the idea of an ipad for a child... its a great idea :) and super fun!

Unknown said...

I think that this is a perfect way to teach children how to use technology to communicate without giving them access to the dangers of the internet or the responsibility of a cell phone.

Cassie Eastman said...

I think it's a really neat way for parents and kids to send messages to each other, or so my kids can send me there drawings. They can also send them to the grandparents who would love that!

Sandra VanHoey said...

When it is an educational toy, I love it. The fat that it has many apps you can get and camera, etc. is wonderful

Julie Lynn Bickham said...

I think its a great learning device. My daughter wants an iPod but I think this is more age appropriate for her.

Colleen Maurina said...

This is a wonderful idea for all our tech savvy children! I like that Kid Connect allows children to sent texts and the premium version would work well for younger children who can't text yet to send voice messages.

Kathy K said...

I love Vtech products they are very educational.My grandkids would love to own one of these tablets.They would love sending messages to each other,and I would love not having to worry about their safty.

ellen b said...

I like it - this would be great for the grandkids said...

My favorite feature is the Vtech Kid Connect for texting with smartphones

Unknown said...

I love that it makes learning fun and my son has been wanting a tablet like toy for a long time!

Natalie U. said...

Vtech is a great brand....they are pretty inexpensive too for the quality you get

Unknown said...

i love it and i know my son would get so much out of it!!

aperry said...

Kid connect sounds great to teach choldren how to use electronics in an appropriate fashion.

Cserafini said...

I love that it is educational.

Tamar said...

I like that you can tie more than one child to it so that you can tailor experiences to each gender and age child.

Darlene said...

I like that they can send text messages and it is safe.

Christina said...

I love the idea of the kid connect. My daughter always wants to send text messages to her daddy while he's working, she'd love to be able to send them to him and my mom on her own device!

Holly S. said...

I think it's very cool and I can see my daughter blowing up my inbox with pictures, texts, and drawings. VERY cool.

Jennifer T. said...

I think it's a great idea. Perfect for when your kids might be away at grandma's house. I'm sure my daughter would be sending me pictures and stickers in no time.

Gina H said...

It looks like something a kid could use like an iPad without having to spend that kind of money. My daughter would love it!

Michelle Frame said...

It looks like it is educational but yet still fun.

steve weber said...

this would keep my niece and nephew busy for hours.

wigget said...

I like that you can send messages to each other

Anonymous said...

this is a great way to teach kids plus keep them entertained

Unknown said...

I just love the app. It's educational and perfect for any family.

Unknown said...

I think VTech Kid Connect sounds great. My kids would love it!


Julie said...

I lvoe the way you can text to the smartphones that is pretty neat..

hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

BeeBubbaBella said...

I think it is amazing. Kids nowadays are so tech savvy it is great to have a toy they can easily play with.

Shayna said...

I think it is great !! I love the kid-safe web browser :)

Patricia said...

I like that parents can approve who the children can talk to. This would be great when my daughter and son in law work and the kids start missing them

kdrae said...

I love this! I think this would hep my daughter with her learning!

sdavis said...

i really like the kid connect. love the fact that your kids can send messages and stickers to our phones.

Unknown said...

I love VTECH period. I used to have a vtech computer and a laptop when I was younger and I took that laptop everywhere. I would love to get one of these for my niece!

ann said...

I like most that it is educational for kids. They like it because it is fun and they can do so much on it - like text therir parents when

618mom said...

My kids would love this! They would really like the camera!

Yona Williams said...

I think this would make a really cool gift for my god daughter...I think its good enough to keep her entertained without seeming too kiddie for her age.

Nikki Elkins said...

I love that it gives the kids something thats educational and fun for them.

Anonymous said...

I think the Vtech is a great learning tool and that kids will enjoying learning from.
kathyluman at gmail dot com

deallieb said...

I think this is awesome it is on my Christmas shopping list. I like that it has kid friendly games, it's safe, it has a camera and you can text message between your child and the parent.

Kelly Skibbe said...

This is an awesome gift. It is so kid friendly and safe and so perfect for my preschooler.

ide2678 said...

I like that they can explore in a kid-safe environment.

Linda said...

I like that it is a good learning tool but yet fun.

Mijal Photography said...

My son would love this... education yet fun!

Unknown said...

I think it's a great idea!

Unknown said...

I think its great,,exactly ehat I expect from the company,,up to date yet still helping the kids

Unknown said...

I love that it is educational and fun for the kids instead of the typical boring appps

Anonymous said...

My son loves vtech products. I love them to because he thinks he is just playing a game, but I know he is actually learning.

Carrie Phelps said...

VTech is a brand I trusted with my children and now my grandchildren. My son inlaw is a computer programmer so my grandson so badly wants to be like his Dad and be able to be on a tablet. This is the perfect gift for him as he would get what he desires and we would know he's using a child safe product.

ReviewsSheRote said...

I think it's a good first tablet for kids...We love vTech products in this house!

Unknown said...

I think it is such a fun idea! My son wants to be just like me, so I know he would enjoy texting me pics and things.

Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

Maria Malaveci said...

My kids would be thrilled to own a Vtech. We don't have a learning tab for them, and it would be the perfect gift to tuck away for Christmas.

April said...

My twins would love how fun this toy is! They have never had a learning tab before.

Anonymous said...

I love all the different apps it features. My niece would really love this!

walk9 said...

It makes the kids feel so grown up that they have a tablet like mommy's.

Unknown said...

I love that it will let my daughter browse safely.

Debra said...

i like it what a great learning tool

Laurie J. said...

I like the idea of sending text messages and stickers with Kid Connect!

john said...

Its good that a child can experience the modern computer world of sorts...and parents can feel secure about the content.

john said...

I will donate to a childrens charity

Heavensangel2387 said...

I think it is great that parents and kids can stay in touch through sending messages back and forth between smart phones and the Vtech Innotab!


I think it is so NEAT!!!! I love that you can text back and forth! That is so awesome!

Unknown said...

this is a neat item

Jeanna said...

I think this is a great educational toy! I LOVE that it allows kids and parents to send text messages and stickers!

tlcfromtn said...

I like that it is educational and fun. Kids will love being able to text and send pics their parents.

Unknown said...

I love vtech. They have wonderful educational toys. I would love this for my grandson.

Victoria Nyquist said...

I think it is a fantastic way for kids to be able to stay connected with family and friends without having to use other devices that are complicated or inefficient for them to use!

Joanne said...

I think this is a great learning tool for young people.

Melanie said...

My daughter would think the texting would be fun. She likes doing things like her older siblings do.

Betty Roberts said...

I think it sounds great my son would love to take a ton of pictures and send me messages from the tablet angelgenius27(at)yahoo(dot)com

Mama V said...

I love how they take educational tools and make them enjoyable for our children.

Rafflecopter Name: Nicole Vosburgh

Barker's Momma said...

I think it's a good way to connect with your kid throughout the day with random txts.

renee walters said...

I like that it's educational and that it connects to wifi! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Reneewalters3 at yahoo dot com

hhkaufman78 said...

I love it & think it will help greatly with my kindergarteners education.

Harvey Ever After said...

Honestly, I'm on the fence. Sometimes I think products like this would help my son learn, but other times I'd prefer more unstructured play.

Unknown said...

very educational and safe

price21100 said...

I think it is really neat!

Unknown said...

I love it. My daughter would have a blast with it.

Terra Heck said...

It looks fun and educational. I like that it has parental controls and free apps. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I Want my Grand Babies to grow up with VTech

sherylssg said...

I love Vtech. They know how to make learning new things fun.

sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

I love that it can send/recieve texts from my smart phone! Very cool!

Unknown said...

What a smart, cool device. My son would LOVE it and I love that he could interact with us on our smartphones. I love that the apps are learning apps and could help improve his grades too.

Ryan said...

I like that it is educational and safe!

Chantelle Knick said...

You know, as much as I'm torn about adding yet another option for screen time for kids - it's really the age of technology and it seems kids will actually fall behind if they don't have things like this....that being said, I think these are a great, fun, educational, and safe alternative to regular tablets.

Tiffany Schmidt said...

I like that it's a safe way for them to connect!

Mysharona said...

fun and educational.

Unknown said...

I love this! I love that it has wifi and that kids in the household can play with or against each other. That's so cool!

Anonymous said...

I know the grandkids would love the video and camera and all of the apps it comes loaded with and Id love to get back my ipad.

Ms Penny Pincher said...

I like that it is something a pre-reader could enjoy.

Unknown said...

I think my youngest daughter would LOVE to get this for Christmas! Wink Wink

Thanks for the opportunity to try to win this!

kim burnett said...

I like that it's educational

Colleen Maurina said...

I like that the VTech Kid Connect enables children to text or send voice messages to communicate with us.

Cinderella10383 said...

I find this to be a such a great thing. I love that it teaches children while keeping things G Rated. My son loves sending pics and videos to his dad and with this he can (without almost giving me a heart attack using my iPhone(

Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

Stevie said...

I love how you can send photos & drawings back & forth between your phone & the Vtech - what a safe & fun way to teach them to interact with others on the phone

mahnrafjtb said...

I love kid connect. I love the camera. I love the safety of it. I love you can teach them proper ways to use todays technology.

Carolyn said...

Love that it has so many great apps and a camera, my sons would love it!

Treesa said...

I think this could be a helpful learning tool


Beth said...

I'm torn with Kid Connect really. I think it's a great thing for kids with parent's that travel a lot like military families and things.

On the other hand it might be disastrous with kids texting or sending things while parents are in meetings or things like that.

Unknown said...

I love that it gives younger kids their own gadget. Thanks!

mkjmc said...

This sound great Great tool to begin teaching kids the world of cyperspace

LaceyMomma said...

I love that it allows you to stay connected with your child when you are away from them. You can send pictures & text to eachother. So cool! It also gives you more peace at mind, and would be great for a child having separation anxiety.

Unknown said...

I think it is a great idea for staying connected with my daughter but think the cost for the premium version is too high.

abfantom said...

My favorite feature of the Vtech InnoTab 3S is the integrated 2.0 megapixel, 180° rotating camera. My daughter would have a lot of fun with it.

G+ & GFC id: abfantom fantom

abfantom at yahoo dot com

CarrieAnn13 said...

This seems like a great next step from my son. He has a learning pad, but one that is a little more advanced would be perfect!

kyl neusch said...

it's educational and simular to my tablet

one frugal lady said...

I think this is genius and my kids would love this for Christmas!

Lauren said...

I love that it's safe for kids to use technology without parents worrying what their child is getting into.

Unknown said...

As a special education teacher, I LOVE to see this type of educational item, that not only captivates student's attention, but engages their minds as well! thank you!

Heather B said...

I love the way it mixes the newest technology with learning. They feel grown up getting to do the things we do and get to have fun and learn at the same time its a win all around if you ask me!

Beanybopp said...

I think the Kid Connect app is awesome because you can stay connected with your child through your smartphone. Share texts and pictures is a great way to connect with out child so that you don't "lose" them to the tablet.

Unknown said...

I like this for my kids! I like the app you can use with it.

jo n said...

I wish these were around when my children were young.

crystal45614 said...

I like that you can send drawings and pictures to each other

Amanda Leach said...

Camera and MP3 player! Just what my three year old needs...:)

Unknown said...

I love the camera feature on this!

Unknown said...

my kids would love this! seems like it has lots of safety features to make it a worry-free toy!

Unknown said...

Love that it looks rugged and the camera feature since my girls LOVE to take photos!

Unknown said...

I love anything that will help my son to learn, he might be a little young for this yet but it would only be a matter of a few months and he'd get it.

mogrill said...

I like the kidizoom camera.
Thanks for the chance.

yyeres said...

love that its educational!

Unknown said...

my son is having speech trouble and he loves to play with my tablet I think this would be great for him i love how educational it is

andrea d

drea8685 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I have seen many expensive electronic games for children. With the VTech InnoTab 3S covering ages 3-9 it will last a long time and is a good investment.

April Yedinak said...

My daughter would love to be able to use a tablet to communicate and text with her friends and family with the app.

dawn keenan (newnameford) said...

This would be awesome for my autistic grandson. Sturdy, free apps and kid friendly. Wonderful.

Susan Johnson said...

This looks like a terrific device that gives a child a head start on technology and the ability to learn in a fun way. I love that if my nephew had this, he could call me anytime and talk to me, and even show me what he's doing. Thanks for the review and giveaway.

Jessica Schank Snow said...

I think this is a wonderful learning tool.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)

jtedd said...

I love the educational opportunities it brings for my granddaughter. This would be a great learning tool in our household for her.

Wanda McHenry said...

I like how it is so "kid friendly". There are so many apps that that they can explore and gives them challenges to reach the realms of possibilities!

Unknown said...

My kids have always loved the toys that they had that were vtech. My youngest would love this one!

Sarah said...

I love all the kid friendly apps on there, no worrying about clicking on something when I'm not looking and ending up somewhere completely inappropriate! The camera is also pretty awesome!

NomieRae said...

My 6 year old niece would love this!

Rusti Michael said...

I think this is great. My boys could text me if they needed to.

Katy said...

I like the messaging feature. I think my children would have a blast with this.

Bo said...

I love how it allows kids to text their parents!

Colleen said...

Sounds like a great idea!

Kimberly said...

I love that kids & parents can stay connected, but I also love that it is educational!!

Allison Downes said...

I like how it is fun, educational, and safe

Thank you for the great giveaway!

Rebecca W. said...

I like the kid safe wifi feature.

The Fischer Family said...

I love the idea of this product! My kids love to play on my Kindle Fire or my moms iPad but even though they have kid apps they aren't exactly kid friendly! A product designed just for's wonderful!

Unknown said...

Love this product. Would be a great gift for my son for the holidays. Very educational.

NewlyCrunchyMamaOf3 said...

I love that it's got wifi!

K.Pugh said...

I like it's versatility. Wonderful children's tablet.
Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

It's a great way to introduce kids to tech safely!

Unknown said...

I like it because it's educational!

crankyyanky1 said...

I think vtech kid connect is pretty neat is because you can keep up with your child without having to get them a cell phone

Heyscotttt said...

This is a great device i've been looking to win or pick one up for my two step kids... they'd love this. My favorite feature is the long battery life and ability to connect wirelessly

lisagee1234 said...

The headphones that come with it for the long car trips to gramma's house.

Robyn said...

I love that it is interactive and gives the kids a little bit of independence, but is still safe because it is parent protected!

AMY said...

I like being able to connect with my children, but worry that kids don't really learn to interact face to face with all this technology.

Unknown said...

I love the safety features of this.

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